33 resultados para Enfermedades infecciosas-Tratamiento-València


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Severe forms of intestinal failure represent one of the most complex pathologies to manage, in both children and adults. In adults, the most common causes are chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction and severe short bowel syndrome following large intestinal resections, particularly due to massive mesenteric ischemic, within the context of cardiopathies occurring with atrial fibrillation. The essential management after stabilizing the patient consists in nutritional support, either by parenteral or enteral routes, with tolerance to oral diet being the final goal of intestinal adaptation in these pathologies. Surgery may be indicated in some cases to increase the absorptive surface area. Parenteral nutrition is an essential support measure that sometimes has to be maintained for long time, even forever, except for technique-related complications or unfavorable clinical course that would lead to extreme surgical alternatives such as intestinal transplantation. Hormonal therapy with trophism-stimulating factors opens new alternatives that are already being tried in humans.


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The prevalence of anemia across studies on patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is high (30%). Both iron deficiency (ID) and anemia of chronic disease contribute most to the development of anemia in IBD. The prevalence of ID is even higher (45%). Anemia and ID negatively impact the patient's quality of life. Therefore, together with an adequate control of disease activity, iron replacement therapy should start as soon as anemia or ID is detected to attain a normal hemoglobin (Hb) and iron status. Many patients will respond to oral iron, but compliance may be poor, whereas intravenous (i.v.) compounds are safe, provide a faster Hb increase and iron store repletion, and presents a lower rate of treatment discontinuation. Absolute indications for i.v. iron treatment should include severe anemia, intolerance or inappropriate response to oral iron, severe intestinal disease activity, or use of an erythropoietic stimulating agent. Four different products are principally used in clinical practice, which differ in their pharmacokinetic properties and safety profiles: iron gluconate and iron sucrose (lower single doses), and iron dextran and ferric carboxymaltose (higher single doses). After the initial resolution of anemia and the repletion of iron stores, the patient's hematological and iron parameters should be carefully and periodically monitored, and maintenance iron treatment should be provided as required. New i.v. preparations that allow for giving 1000-1500 mg in a single session, thus facilitating patient management, provide an excellent tool to prevent or treat anemia and ID in this patient population, which in turn avoids allogeneic blood transfusion and improves their quality of life.


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The aim of this study was to determine the benefits of a psy-chological treatment in women victims of mistreatments in psychological health and in the immune system. The participants in this study were 60 women users of the Equality Area of the City Council of Malaga. We set two groups of women up in relation of whether the women attended or not to the given therapy. Psychological variables (self-esteem, depression and anxiety) and levels of Inmunoglobulin A were evaluated before and after the treatment. The results showed differences between all the vari-ables before and after the treatment, with better valuation after the treat-ment. These differences were not shown in women that did not assist to the therapeutic sessions, and even, the values of depression and immu-noglobulin A levels were worse. We found also differences in the values of these variables when the two groups were compared. Women that re-ceived the treatment showed fewer indicators of psychological alterations and higher levels of immunoglobulin A than the women that did not assist to the sessions; in the pre-treatment these differences were not shown. This study enhances the significance of the psychological treatment for psychological and physic health in women victims of


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Initial care has been associated with improved survival of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). We aimed to investigate patient comorbidities and health status measured by the Charlson index and clinical signs at diagnosis associated with adherence to recommended processes of care in CAP. We studied 3844 patients hospitalized with CAP. The evaluated recommendations were antibiotic adherence to Spanish guidelines, first antibiotic dose <6 hours and oxygen assessment. Antibiotic adherence was 72.6%, first dose <6 h was 73.4% and oxygen assessment was 90.2%. Antibiotic adherence was negatively associated with a high Charlson score (Odds ratio [OR], 0.91), confusion (OR, 0.66) and tachycardia ≥100 bpm (OR, 0.77). Delayed first dose was significantly lower in those with tachycardia (OR, 0.75). Initial oxygen assessment was negatively associated with fever (OR, 0.61), whereas tachypnea ≥30 (OR, 1.58), tachycardia (OR, 1.39), age >65 (OR, 1.51) and COPD (OR, 1.80) were protective factors. The combination of antibiotic adherence and timing <6 hours was negatively associated with confusion (OR, 0.69) and a high Charlson score (OR, 0.92) adjusting for severity and hospital effect, whereas age was not an independent factor. Deficient health status and confusion, rather than age, are associated with lower compliance with antibiotic therapy recommendations and timing, thus identifying a subpopulation more prone to receiving lower quality care.


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Vigencia del plan 2012-2016. Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social / Ciudadanía / Quiénes somos / Planes y Estrategias)


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Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social / Profesionales / Nuestro Compromiso por la Calidad / Estrategia de cuidados de Andalucía / Estrategia de cuidados de Andalucía


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Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social / Profesionales / Nuestro Compromiso por la Calidad / Estrategia de cuidados de Andalucía / Estrategia de cuidados de Andalucía


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Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social / Profesionales / Nuestro Compromiso por la Calidad / Estrategia de cuidados de Andalucía / Estrategia de cuidados de Andalucía


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Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud


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Sección: "Buenas prácticas en gestión clínica"


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Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Calidad, Innovación y Salud Pública de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales


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Vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent worldwide and in our country estimated un 60% in the adult population and closer to 80% in the elderly population and the fractured hip.


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Objective: To outline the treatment by patches of microcurrent at home of patients with disabling knee osteoarthritis to perform their activities of daily life and work. Material and methods: We selected 80 patients in the surgical waiting list for total knee arthroplasty. 40 of whom received active patch and 40 inactive. All were given exercise protocol knee. The variables analyzed were: pain (VAS), joint balance, muscular balance and quality of life (SF-12). Patients were reviewed after two months of treatment. Variables were analyzed with SPSS 17.0 statistical program. Results: Statistically significant results were obtained (p <0.05) for decrease in mean pain according to VAS scale. No significant differences for other variables were found. Conclusions: Microcurrent therapy could be an alternative in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis pain, with no differences with the traditional treatment.