46 resultados para Cement plants -- Equipment and supplies -- Mathematical models
Remarkable developments can be seen in the field of optical fibre biosensors in the last decade. More sensors for specific analytes have been reported, novel sensing chemistries or transduction principles have been introduced, and applications in various analytical fields have been realised. This review consists of papers mainly reported in the last decade and presents about applications of optical fiber biosensors. Discussions on the trends in optical fiber biosensor applications in real samples are enumerated.
Obesity is considered a chronic and epidemic illness, hece difficult to treat. As conservative treatment has a high rate of failure, and considering morbimortality and sequels of surgery, less invasive techniques appeared to contribute to the treatment of this illness. The most implanted technique nowadays is the Intragastric Balloon, considered more efficient as conservative treatments and with less risks tan surgery, but having today a lack of consensus on indications and few information on his limitations, while its apparition in medias promote an important expansion in the 4 last years. In this publication, we do a critical revision, and describe limitations of this treatment, based on the evidences given by literature. We conclude this revision with some recommendations concerning the technique and indications, material and human requiring, need of a Multidisciplinary Team, as well as an adequate control and following.
The management of patients scheduled for surgery with a coronary stent, and receiving 1 or more antiplatelet drugs, has many controversies. The premature discontinuation of antiplatelet drugs substantially increases the risk of stent thrombosis (ST), myocardial infarction, and cardiac death, and surgery under an altered platelet function could also lead to an increased risk of bleeding in the perioperative period. Because of the conflict in the recommendations, this article reviews the current antiplatelet protocols after positioning a coronary stent, the evidence of increased risk of ST associated with the withdrawal of antiplatelet drugs and increased bleeding risk associated with its maintenance, the different perioperative antiplatelet protocols when patients are scheduled for surgery or need an urgent operation, and the therapeutic options if excessive bleeding occurs.
BACKGROUND Transcatheter aortic valve-in-valve implantation is an emerging therapeutic alternative for patients with a failed surgical bioprosthesis and may obviate the need for reoperation. We evaluated the clinical results of this technique using a large, worldwide registry. METHODS AND RESULTS The Global Valve-in-Valve Registry included 202 patients with degenerated bioprosthetic valves (aged 77.7±10.4 years; 52.5% men) from 38 cardiac centers. Bioprosthesis mode of failure was stenosis (n=85; 42%), regurgitation (n=68; 34%), or combined stenosis and regurgitation (n=49; 24%). Implanted devices included CoreValve (n=124) and Edwards SAPIEN (n=78). Procedural success was achieved in 93.1% of cases. Adverse procedural outcomes included initial device malposition in 15.3% of cases and ostial coronary obstruction in 3.5%. After the procedure, valve maximum/mean gradients were 28.4±14.1/15.9±8.6 mm Hg, and 95% of patients had ≤+1 degree of aortic regurgitation. At 30-day follow-up, all-cause mortality was 8.4%, and 84.1% of patients were at New York Heart Association functional class I/II. One-year follow-up was obtained in 87 patients, with 85.8% survival of treated patients. CONCLUSIONS The valve-in-valve procedure is clinically effective in the vast majority of patients with degenerated bioprosthetic valves. Safety and efficacy concerns include device malposition, ostial coronary obstruction, and high gradients after the procedure.
Nepal has a long history of medical radiology since1923 but unfortunately, we still do not have any Radiation Protection Infrastructure to control the use of ionizing radiations in the various fields. The objective of this study was an assessment of the radiation protection in medical uses of ionizing radiation. Twenty-eight hospitals with diagnostic radiology facility were chosen for this study according to patient loads, equipment and working staffs. Radiation surveys were also done at five different radiotherapy centers. Questionnaire for radiation workers were used; radiation dose levels were measured and an inventory of availability of radiation equipment made. A corollary objective of the study was to create awareness in among workers on possible radiation health hazard and risk. It was also deemed important to know the level of understanding of the radiation workers in order to initiate steps towards the establishment of Nepalese laws, regulation and code of radiological practice in this field. Altogether, 203 Radiation workers entertained the questionnaire, out of which 41 are from the Radiotherapy and 162 are from diagnostic radiology. The radiation workers who have participated in the questionnaire represent more than 50% of the radiation workers working in this field in Nepal. Almost all X-ray, CT and Mammogram installations were built according to protection criteria and hence found safe. Radiation dose level at the reference points for all the five Radiotherapy centers are within safe limit. Around 65% of the radiation workers have never been monitored for radiation. There is no quality control program in any of the surveyed hospitals except radiotherapy facilities.
The Spanish Society of Nursing Emergency (SEEUE) has several lines documentaries that can be consulted on its web page and that have been spread through various publications: Statutes, scientific recommendations, professional recommendations, statements and allegations, grounds for nursing emergency, guarantees and rules, documents of interest and legislation. Set this that composed the regulatory environment, legal and recommendations which society poses to the collective nurse from the area of the emergency, as well as the rest of actors associated with urgent assistance (institutional and administratively) and through what has been the work of conceptualization and definition in our area the past few years. Part of this documentation offer possibilities for scientific endorsement and professional and invites to continue building knowledge and evidence. It is in this sense in which this work can and should be defined from a literature review approach and under the scheme of "review article". The working Group in Primary Care (PC) of the SEEUE, decided to build a Professional Recommendation (PR) in one of the areas of "uncertainty/variability" in the employment context and historical demand of nurses and other emergency care team on security issues: "The uniform and personal protective equipment for professional teams on prehospital emergency areas”.
There are exceptional situations where emergency services are required Primary Care in the application of material used by drug-dependent patients, being the response to this demand is something that many of the cases, to individual discretion and the randomness and variability every situation leads to an answer. It calls for a response commensurate to public services and preventive health philosophy in most cases will be carried out by the nurse to perform assistance Devices Critical Care (DCCU), often this first contact these patients and slots at the supply of resources diminishes the possibilities of acquisition of such material to them. That is why, and in the absence in this area of patient safety and professional, a workflow model and according to the prevailing philosophy of working in primary care in terms of prevention policies and recruitment of patients concerned, this project raises guidance for the development of a needle exchange program from the triage consultations DCCU.
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública, Inclusión y Calidad de Vida de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud
BACKGROUND Drugs for inhalation are the cornerstone of therapy in obstructive lung disease. We have observed that up to 75 % of patients do not perform a correct inhalation technique. The inability of patients to correctly use their inhaler device may be a direct consequence of insufficient or poor inhaler technique instruction. The objective of this study is to test the efficacy of two educational interventions to improve the inhalation techniques in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). METHODS This study uses both a multicenter patients´ preference trial and a comprehensive cohort design with 495 COPD-diagnosed patients selected by a non-probabilistic method of sampling from seven Primary Care Centers. The participants will be divided into two groups and five arms. The two groups are: 1) the patients´ preference group with two arms and 2) the randomized group with three arms. In the preference group, the two arms correspond to the two educational interventions (Intervention A and Intervention B) designed for this study. In the randomized group the three arms comprise: intervention A, intervention B and a control arm. Intervention A is written information (a leaflet describing the correct inhalation techniques). Intervention B is written information about inhalation techniques plus training by an instructor. Every patient in each group will be visited six times during the year of the study at health care center. DISCUSSION Our hypothesis is that the application of two educational interventions in patients with COPD who are treated with inhaled therapy will increase the number of patients who perform a correct inhalation technique by at least 25 %. We will evaluate the effectiveness of these interventions on patient inhalation technique improvement, considering that it will be adequate and feasible within the context of clinical practice.
Sección "Buenas prácticas en gestión clínica"
A 2-kilogram child had a pacemaker implanted by a subxyphoid approach with the generator located under the rectus sheath. Days later, the battery eroded the abdominal wall and the peritoneum. The whole system was removed and a new one was implanted inside the pericardium on an emergent basis.
INTRODUCTION: The femoral periprosthetic fracture of the knee is one of the most feared complications because of its repercussions. Incidence are more and more likely due to the increase of total implanted arthroplasty of the knee, due to the increasing lifespan among the general population. The objective of this study is to analyze some of the perioperative aspects of the treatment of these fractures, comparing the use of osteosynthesis with plates and the retrograde nailing in those patients with femoral periprosthetic knee fractures with a stable implant. MATERIAL AND METODS: The study retrospectively examines 18 cases treated consecutively in our hospital (3 men and 15 women, average age of 72.7 years) between the years of 2000 and 2009. All fractures were located in the distal femur and on a stable implant. Eight were treated through retrograde nailing (Group I) and ten with plates (Group II). The cases are analyzed through the tests of the University of Mann-Withney and the exact Fischer test, with significant values of p≤0.05, the variables of median hospital stay, necessity of transfusion indicated with values of hemoglobin less than 8 mg/ml, preoperative radiological alignment and postoperative alignment of the total knee prosthesis (TKR), measured following the anatomical tibiofemoral axis, time of consolidation and incidence of localized complications in both groups. RESULTS: We did not find any statistically significant differences between the two groups in any of the variables analyzed. Localized complications are more frequent in Group I (62.5 percent of patients) than in Group II (10 percent of patients). The need for transfusion is greater in Group II (40 percent) than in Group I (12.5 percent). CONCLUSIONS: The type of implant used in treatment of femoral periprosthetic knee fracture does not significantly influence perioperative factors. The treatment for this type of fractures should be individually chosen in relation to the type of fracture, characteristics of the patient and stability and prosthesis model of the primary knee.
Coordinación Autonómica de Trasplantes. Dirección General de Asistencia Sanitaria. Servicio Andaluz de Salud
OBJECTIVE: Assess the degree of satisfaction in a series of patients between 50 and 60 years of age who underwent surgery in our unicompartmental prosthesis unit (UPU) for monocompartmental gonarthrosis. Likewise, the definition based on current literature is assessed, as well as our experience in the indications, inconveniences and results of the internal knee unicompartmental arthroplasty discussed with supra-tuberosity tibial osteotomy, which was the common surgical option in these cases.MATERIAL AND METHOD: This study included 19 patients between 50 and 60 years of age (average age 56.7 years) (Interval of 51-60 years) intervened between 7/2007 and 11/2011 by the same surgeon (GDFB). Functional assessment used the Oxford Knee Score (OKS) questionnaire. A bibliographic search was performed in the MEDLINE, COCHRANE and EMBASE databases from 1988 to 2012. RESULTS: With an average follow-up of 29.4 months, 16 of 19 patients stated that they were satisfied with the results obtained and would repeat the intervention. One patient sufered a prosthetic infection and was reviewed for total knee replacement with good results. CONCLUSIONS: the medial, unicompartmental arthroplasty of the knee is a valid surgical option and reproducible in the medium term treatment of monocompartmental gonarthrosis in patients between 50 and 60 years of age.