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BACKGROUND It has been identified differences of medical care practice in primary care related to physician's sex. Simultaneously, there are gender inequalities in the assignment of health resources. Both aspects give rise to an increasing growing interest in the management and provision of health services. OBJECTIVES To examine the differences in the referral practice made by female and male primary care physicians working in health centers in Andalusia, to consider whether there are disparities in referrals received by men and women, and to examine the interaction between patient's sex and physician's sex. METHODS Observational, cross-sectional, and multicenter study. POPULATION 4 health districts in Andalucía and their physicians. SAMPLE 382 physicians. MEASUREMENTS referral rate per visit (RV), referral rate per patient quota (RQ), patient's sex, physician: sex, age, postgraduate family medicine specialty, size of the patient quota by sex, mean number of patients/day by sex, mean age of the patient quota by sex, and proportion of men in the quota. Health center: urban / rural, size of the team, enrolled population, and postgraduate family medicine specialty's accreditation. SOURCES databases of health districts. PERIOD OF STUDY 2010. ANALYSIS Bivariate and multivariate multilevel analysis of the referral rate per visit with mixed Poisson model. RESULTS In 2010 382 physicians made 129,161 referrals to specialized care. The RQ was 23.47 and the RV was 4.92. The RQ in women and men was 27.23 and 19.78 for women physicians, being 27.37 and 19.51 for male physicians. The RV in women and men was 4.92 and 5.48 for women physicians, being 4.54 and 4.93 for male physicians. CONCLUSION There are no differences in referral according to physician's sex. However, there are signs that might indicate the existence of gender inequality, and women patient received less referrals. There are no physician-patient's sex interaction.


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BACKGROUND Job satisfaction of nurses is a determinant factor in the quality and organizational adaptation of clinical management models in the current socio-economic context. The aim of this study was to construct and validate a questionnaire to measure job satisfaction of nurses in the Clinical Management Units in the Andalusian Public Health System. METHODS Clinimetric and cross-sectional study with a sample of 314 nurses of two university hospitals from Seville. Nurses were surveyed in 2011, from March to June. We used the Font Roja questionnaire adapted to our study variables. We performed analyses of correlations, reliability and construct validity, using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to test the a priori model. RESULTS The end questionnaire consists of 10 items, whose internal consistency was 0.75, with a percentage of variance explaining of 63.67%. CFA confirmed 4 dimensions (work environment, work relationships, motivation, and recognition): significant χ2 (p < .001); χ2/gl = 2.013; GFI= 0.958, RMR = 0.055 y RMSEA = 0.057; AGFI = 0.927, NFI = 0.878, TLI = 0.902, CFI =0.933 e IFI = 0.935; AIC = 132.486 y ECVI = 0.423. CONCLUSION This new questionnaire (G_Clinic) improves clinimetric values of the Font Roja questionnaire, because it reduces the number of items, improves the reliability of the dimensions, increases the value of variance explained, and allows knowing job satisfaction of nurses in clinical managementt.


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INTRODUCTION: Physical training programmes are based on provoking transitory states of fatigue in order to induce super compensation by the biological systems involved in the activity, in order to improve the athlete's medium-long term performance. The administration of nutritional supplements with antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties, such as Phlebodium decumanum and coenzyme Q10, can be a very advantageous means of achieving recovery from the inflammation and tissue damage caused by the stress of prolonged, intense exercise. METHODOLOGY: An experimental, longitudinal, double- blind experiment was conducted, with three randomised groups obtained from a sample of 30 male volleyball players (aged 22-32 years) at the University of Granada, with a high level of training (17 hours a week during the 6 months preceding the study). The effects were then evaluated of a month-long physical training programme, common to all the study groups, associated with the simultaneous administration of the following nutritional supplements: Phlebodium decumanum (4 capsules of 400 mg/capsule, daily), Experimental Group 1; Phlebodium decumanum (same dose andchedule as Group 1) plus coenzyme Q10 (4 capsules of 30 mg/ capsule, daily), Experimental Group 2; a placebo substance, Control Group. The following dependent blood variables were examined to assess the effects of the intervention on the basal immune and endocrine-metabolic profile: cortisol and interleukin-6, both related to the axis of exercise-induced stress; and lactic acid and ammonium, related essentially to the anaerobic metabolism of energy. RESULTS: All the study groups presented favourable adaptive changes with respect to the endocrine-metabolic and immune profile, as reflected by a significant decrease in the post-test concentrations of cortisol, interleukin 6, lactic acid and ammonium, compared to the values recorded before the physical activity with/without nutritional supplement, per protocol. The groups that achieved the most favourable profile were those which had received nutritional supplementation, rather than the placebo, and among the former, those which had received the double- strength supplement with Phlebodium decumanum plus coenzyme Q10. CONCLUSIONS: The intake of Phlebodium decumanum plus coenzyme Q10 for 4 weeks produced protective effects on the endocrine-metabolic and immune profile, which we attribute to the immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties of these substances, which are highly beneficial not only in terms of delaying fatigue and improving athletic performance, but also in reducing the risk of injuries associated with high intensity exercise.


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Objective: To identify the underlying interests of the Living Will Declaration (LWD) process and to determine the consensus, using a questionnaire, of the knowledge and attitudes of health professionals. Design: A study was performed in two phases using a Delphi technique with a Rand method. 1. Dimensions proposed: generation of ideas and their subsequent prioritizing; 2. Proposal andprioritizing of items grouped into blocks of Knowledge and Attitudes, developed between August 2012 and January 2013.Setting: The work was carried out by initial telephone contact with panellists, and then later by the panellists belonged to the Andalusia Public Health System.Participants: The criteria for selecting the eight components of the panel were knowledge andexperience in the field of the freedom of the patient in Andalusia. Results: The Knowledge identified included: 1 A) Legal and general aspects; 2 A) A conceptual definition; 3 A) Standardised LWD documents: 4 A) Practical experience; 5 A) Procedure and registering of the LWDs. The second block included Attitudes: 1 B) Attitudes of the professional in the application of LWDs in clinical practice, and 2 B) Attitudes of the professional in «complex» ethical scenarios The 7 panellists who finally took part proposed 165 items. After applying the prioritizing criteria, scores, and scenario selection, 58 (35.2%) items were identified as suitable scenarios. Conclusions: The proposed questionnaire included wide parcels of concepts and contents that, once validated, will help to measure the training interventions carried out on health professionals in order to improve knowledge and attitudes on the subject of LWDs.