6 resultados para screening and isolation

em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland


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The newborn blood spot pre-screening information leaflet for parents has been revised to include information about sickle cell disorders (SCD) and medium chain�acyl coA dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD) family history. The revised pre-screening leaflet should be given to all pregnant women by 30 weeks gestation and reissued to parents following delivery, before day five.Further information about screening and the care of children with SCD is available at:


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Although prevention is the primary aim of cancer control, early diagnosis and effective treatment are also central to reducing disability and death from cancer. Research in Ireland and internationally has shown major differences between women in the stage (extent) of their cancer when first diagnosed, in access to screening, and in the type of treatment received. These factors have also been shown to determine the rate of cure of cancers and the length of survival for those not cured. Many countries, including Ireland, have developed cancer policies in the past decade, with the aim of improving access, and ensuring that all cancer patients have appropriate, and evidence-based, treatment. These changes have major implications for women in Ireland, for example in the provision of breast and cervical screening programmes and in the expansion of specialist treatment centres for breast cancer. This is a publication of the Women’s Health Council. Read the report (PDF, 1.37mb) Read the Summary (PDF, 120kb)


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Diabetes is a common condition affecting around 69,000 people in Northern Ireland. One of the possible complications of diabetes is a condition called diabetic retinopathy, which can cause sight loss and blindness. Retinopathy causes damage to the tiny blood vessels (capillaries) that nourish the retina, the tissues in the back of the eye that deal with light. This can seriously affect vision.Research shows that if retinopathy is identified early, for example through retinal screening, and treated appropriately, blindness can be prevented in the majority of people with diabetes, both type 1 and type 2.Screening programmeIn Northern Ireland, a diabetic retinopathy screening programme (DRSP), run by the Public Health Agency, has been put in place to screen all eligible people with diabetes aged 12 years and over. Dr Bernadette Cullen, Consultant in Public Health Medicine, PHA, said: "Screening detects problems early and allows appropriate treatment to be offered. It is vital that everyone with diabetes attends diabetic retinopathy screening when it is offered. Early detection of potential problems offers a very real opportunity to intervene and, with appropriate treatment, can prevent blindness in the majority of those at risk."The screening testThe screening test involves photographs being taken of the back of each eye, using a special camera. The test is painless and takes about 15 minutes. If the person is over 50 years of age, they will need to have drops put in their eyes about 15 minutes before the test to dilate their pupils.The photographs are sent to the regional screening centre for analysis by trained graders. Results will show whether patients require further referral for assessment or treatment by hospital eye services (HES). If this is not required, screening will be offered again the following year.GPs are informed of all results and if the patient is under the care of a diabetologist, they too will be informed. Patients are informed of results by their GP and if they need an urgent referral, protocols are in place to ensure this happens.Many people with diabetes attend their optometrist (optician) on a regular basis to have a sight test for glasses. It is important they continue to do this - this test is free to people with diabetes. It is also vital that people with diabetes attend for diabetic retinopathy screening when invited, regardless of how or where their diabetes is treated, or whether they visit a hospital consultant/GP for their diabetic care.Patients are invited to screening via their GP practice. An information leaflet to help patients make an informed decision to attend for screening is also sent. This can be accessed via the PHA website: www.publichealth.hscni.net.


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Mission statement: åÊ To save lives of those at risk of developing cancer and enhance the quality of life of those living with cancer in Northern Ireland. åÊ Services include: - Women’s early detection service åÊ – mammography, cervical screening and breast awareness (including a mobile clinic) åÊ - Awareness campaigns on breast, cervical, prostate and testicular cancer åÊ - Counselling and complementary therapy for cancer patients and their families åÊ - Health promotion in schools, workplaces and communities åÊ - Funding for cancer research and the Regional Cancer Genetics Servic åÊ


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As Minister for Children, I am pleased to publish this paper on young parents and education disadvantage, which has been commissioned as part of the evaluation of the Teenage Parents Support Initiative (TPSI). The aim of this paper is to identify and discuss key aspects of the policy landscape in relation to young parentsâ?T participation in education and to inform the work of the TPSI pilot projects. For all young people, education and training offers a possible route out of poverty, social exclusion and isolation. Research suggests that teenage parents represent a particularly vulnerable group within the education system and that difficulties in continuing formal education and in accessing relevant training opportunities are significant issues for young parents and their children. Download document here


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This TIP, Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons With Co-Occurring Disorders, revises TIP 9, Assessment and Treatment of Patients With Coexisting Mental Illness and Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse. The revised TIP provides information about new developments in the rapidly growing field of co-occurring substance use and mental disorders and captures the state-of-the-art in the treatment of people with co-occurring disorders. The TIP focuses on what the substance abuse treatment clinician needs to know and provides that information in an accessible manner. The TIP synthesizes knowledge and grounds it in the practical realities of clinical cases and real situations so the reader will come away with increased knowledge, encouragement, and resourcefulness in working with clients with co-occurring disorders. Contents: Executive Summary â?¢ 1 Introduction  2 Definitions, Terms, and Classification Systems for Co-Occurring Disorders  3 Keys to Successful Programming  4 Assessment  5 Strategies for Working With Clients With Co-Occurring Disorders  6 Traditional Settings and Models  7 Special Settings and Specific Populations  8 A Brief Overview of Specific Mental Disorders and Cross-Cutting Issues 9 Substance-Induced Disorders Appendix A: Bibliography Appendix B: Acronyms  Appendix C: Glossary of Terms Appendix D: Specific Mental Disorders: Additional Guidance for the Counselor  Appendix E: Emerging Models â?¢ Appendix F: Common Medications for Disorders  Appendix G: Screening and Assessment Instruments  Appendix H: Screening Instruments  Appendix I: Selected Sources of Training  Appendix J: Dual Recovery Mutual Self-Help Programs and Other Resources for Consumers and Providers  Appendix K: Confidentiality  Appendix L: Resource Panel  Appendix M: Cultural Competency and Diversity Network Participants Appendix N: Field ReviewersThis resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.