11 resultados para retirement time
em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland
The research provides for the first time a national representative quantitative review of the experiences and preferences of older people in relation to employment and retirement. The research allows a wide range of men andwomen, between the ages of 55 and 69 years from a variety of backgrounds and employment status, to offer their perspectives on work and retirement and their preferences for participation and non-participation in the labour force Download the Report here
The Conference provided the opportunity for delegates to focus attention on issues of employment and retirement among older Irish people, issues such as preferences for work or retirement and barriers to staying in or returning to the workplace. It also afforded the opportunity to look at initiatives at the European level as well as recent developments in Ireland in relation to age discrimination, pension provision and lifelong learning initiatives Download the Report here
Interim Report on Progress of European Working Time Directive Pilot Projects The establishment of the National Implementation Group EWTD and the subsequent commencement of a number of EWTD pilot projects marks a significant stage in the implementation of the European Working Time Directive in Ireland. Click here to download PDF 780kb
Review Of The CircumstancesSurrounding The Elapse Of TimeIn Bringing To CompletionThe Western Health Board Inquiry IntoAllegations Of Abuse In The BrothersOf Charity Services, Galway Click here to download PDF 104kb
National Implementation Group (NIG) - European Working Time Directive & Non Consultant Hospital Doctors - Final Report December 2008 Â
19.6.2011 I am pleased to present the Report of the Working Group on Congregated Settings, which is the outcome and culmination of a very significant piece of data capture, research and analysis. The Report was initiated by the Primary, Community and Community Care Directorate in 2007 to develop a national plan and associated change programme for moving people from congregated settings to the community in line with Government policy. Click here to download the document
Christmas is the season for friends, family, food and good times. Here at safefood we want to make sure you have a safe and tasty, festive turkey. This handy guide gives you advice on buying, storing, defrosting and cooking your turkey.
Dementia and the ageing prison population: treatment challenges and examples of good practice.The aims of this report are to scope existing research on treating and managing male offenders with cognitive impairment to identify and share examples of good practice employed by a handful of prisons around the globe.Read full report here (pdf).��
This poster highlights the bowel cancer screening programme is being introduced for all 60 to 74 year olds. If you are in this age group a kit will be sent by post so you can do the test at home. You are encouraged to look out for the kit as it could save your life.