5 resultados para recruit
em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland
This project arises from the need for an enhanced focus on workforce planning having regard, in particular, to the availability of sufficient nurses now and in the future. For a country which historically has had an abundance of nurses, the recruitment difficulties now being experienced by the health services are unprecedented. Up to the mid 1990s, there was a surplus of registered nurses here and other countries sent recruitment teams to Ireland in order to address their own shortages. As will be seen in this report, the concern of the professional interest groups at the time was the high levels of unemployment among nurses. The conventional wisdom was that the health services were training too many nurses for the jobs available. However, there has been a sea change in the situation over the past five years and the stage has now been reached where Irish health care agencies, particularly the major acute Dublin hospitals, are actively seeking to recruit nurses from abroad. Download the Report here
NHS Warwickshire (NHSW), Warwickshire County Council (WCC) and partners aim to reduce childhood obesity in various ways including through the provision of evidence based structured nine week family based treatment programmes. These programmes will support families with overweight and/or obese children to maintain a healthy weight using a holistic approach. Two types of programmes will run across the county: the first programme will be aimed at families with overweight and/or obese children aged 4-7 and the second programme will be aimed at families with overweight and/or obese children aged 8-13.The target group for participating in this programme is children who are overweight (as defined by > 91st percentile) or obese (as defined by > 98th percentile). Programmes will established and delivered in a variety of venues and times. Objectives: - To deliver evidence based structured family based weight management programmes across Nuneaton, Bedworth and North Warwickshire. - To recruit families with overweight and/or obese children on to programmes, targeting the areas of highest need. - To promote sustained BMI maintenance and reduction amongst overweight (as defined by > 91st percentile) and obese (as defined by < 98th percentile) children and young people aged 4-7 and 8-13. - To support positive changes in behaviour (i.e. healthy eating, physical activity, positive mental well-being) by children and family members in order to achieve and maintain healthy weight over the course of the nine week programme. - To provide families with the information, skills and confidence to maintain healthy lifestyles in the longer term, including personalised exit strategies/sustainability plans for each participant. - To signpost families to community based and leisure services activities which contribute to maintaining a healthy weight. - To evaluate all programmes using the National Obesity Observatory Standard Evaluation Framework (SEF) and to produce a written evaluation report of the programme with recommendations on how to sustain healthy weight among children and families. - To evaluate the programme using validated diet and physical activity tools as recommended by the recent Worcester University (www.ifh.westmidlands.nhs.uk for the Worcester University Report) evaluation. Deliver eight programmes across Nuneaton and Bedworth and eight programmes across North Warwickshire for children aged 4 7 years by December 2012. Deliver eight programmes across Nuneaton and Bedworth and eight programmes across North Warwickshire for children aged 8 - 13 years by December 2012. Deliver a minimum of 32 taster sessions, with at least one prior to each programme start date. Reduce childhood obesity in primary aged children and their families. Improve healthy lifestyles in primary aged children and their families through healthy eating, physical activity and positive mental well-being.
The aims of the REACH programme were to: - Provide a quality whole-family healthy lifestyle programme that is accessible and equitable to support children aged 4-7 and 8-11years who are above the healthy weight range in maintaining or achieving a healthy weight; - Target areas of poor health and high prevalence of childhood obesity; Contribute towards the prevention and reduction of obesity prevalence in South Gloucestershire; - Be a resource for other health professionals and services in South Gloucestershire. As this was a pilot of a child weight management programme being developed from scratch the objectives of REACH were to: Provide a high quality service which meets the needs of the local health community; - Improve childrens diet and nutritional intake and promote a healthy weight; Encourage exercise and physical activity participation; - Develop a range of skills with participants in order to increase their confidence and self esteem; - Be participant centred but also use a whole family approach to deliver healthy lifestyle messages; - Develop appropriate referral protocols, resources and course plans; - Advertise and promote the programme locally liaising with communications and the Public Health Team in NHS South Gloucestershire, GPs and staff working in the community such as School Health Nurses (SHNs); - Successfully recruit families on to the programme; Enable eligible new participants referred to the service to take part; - Encourage participants to complete the programme; - Deliver a service that helps to address health inequalities; - Monitor participants weight and lifestyle changes as part of a follow up programme; - Provide continuous professional development of service staff; - Ensure individuals and families are signposted and supported to access other services such as after school clubs, local sports clubs and leisure centres; - Provide equitable access to the service and ensure equitable outcomes are achieved by the service; Ensure continuous quality improvement;
This service Aims: To provide a multi-component weight management service that supports sustainable behaviour change and weight loss in adults 16 years and over with a BMI 28. To enable patients to develop the necessary personal attributes for their own long term weight management and to understand the impact of their weight on their health and co-morbidities. Objectives: To provide an evidence based, multi-component tier 2 weight management service that improves patients knowledge and skills for effective and sustainable weight loss helps patients identify their own facilitators for positive behaviour change and to address underlying barriers to long-term behaviour changeincreases patients self-efficacy and confidence in their ability to address their weight To be an integral part of the tiered approach to weight management services for the population of Stockton. To ensure equitable service provision across Stockton-on-Tees. To provide intensive group based service, one-to-one support and maintenance support. To support the service user to develop and review a personalised goal setting plan phase 2 and at discharge after phase 2. To ensure a smooth transition from the service (tier2) to tier 1 services to ensure continuity of care for service users.Recruit referrals using a variety of and appropriate methods. To establish a single point of contact for referrals into the service.Continually promote the service across a range of mediums and liaise and work in partnership with key interdependencies (refer to 2.4) To establish a robust database and data collection system in line with information governance. To ensure the access criteria, care pathway and referral process is clearly understood by all health care professionals and those who may refer into the service. To establish close links with, and signpost and/or enable service users to access suitable services where patient needs indicate this. This may include access to Tees Time to Talk (IAPT) for psychological therapies; Specialist Weight Management Service; physical activity programmes; Tier 1 services; and primary care. To provide the necessary venues, equipment and assets needed to deliver the programme, ensuring due regard is given to the quality and safety of all materials used. To collect and provide data in quarterly reports to the Commissioner to allow for continued monitoring and evaluation of the service in line with the Standard Evaluation Framework (available at www.noo.org.uk/core/SEF) and as specified by the Commissioner.
Cloughmills Incredible Edibles Project aims to reconnect people with each other, their community and the natural world by developing a sustainable, fair and healthy food system in Cloughmills. They aim to teach people where food comes from, appreciate seasonal diversity and environmental impacts of food, be confident in cooking and celebrate the role of food in our lives. They will improve diet related health, reduce impacts of food poverty, make their community more resilient, increase choices available to and skills within their community, maximise the impacts of every pound spent locally and develop a shared food vision. Â Food growing skills, communal and domestic using containers and permaculture/organic techniques; Foodscape the community – grow food in public spaces; Recruit ‘Fruit and Veg’ champions to support growing at home; ‘Share the Surplus’ – encourage and connect people with surplus produce to share. Cookery classes for all ages; Shared learning events on food skills & techniques; ‘Bake Your Lawn’ in schools – growing, harvesting, milling and baking breads; Develop mushroom growing project as a social enterprise for young people; Teaching lost skills related to food; Host pizza & movie nights where all ages make their own pizzas; promote a lovefoodhatewaste campaign with community and businesses. Totally Local campaign promoting local/seasonal produce; mystery market stall every month showcasing local produce, cooking tips; facilitate development of more food businesses; establish food hub. Part of theCFI Programme 2013-2015 Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Antrim Partner Agencies safefood