12 resultados para medication counseling
em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland
CARDI recently launched a new report (Friday 6 July 2012) which finds considerable uncertainty and variation in the medicines doctors say they would prescribe for patients with dementia at the end of life when presented with clinical scenarios. The all-Ireland research, led by a team at QUB, finds evidence that GPs and hospital physicians indicate they would continue with dementia medications and statins and actively prescribe antibiotics when there is limited evidence of benefits to patients with dementia at end of life.Links to presentations are below:Assessment of factors which influence decision-making regarding medication use in patients with dementia at the end of life: Prof Carmel HughesMedication use in patients with end of life dementia: Dr Shaun O'Keefe
��Palliative care and medication use are important issues in dealing with end-of-life stage dementia. As research into palliative care for patients with advanced dementia has been limited to date, CARDI funded a project, led by Dr. Carole Parsons of Queen’s University Belfast, as part of its grants programme. This project aimed to evaluate the extent to which patient-related factors influenced clinical decision-making with regard to medication use in patients with endstagedementia. This research brief presents a summary of the findings from the full report, Assessment of factors which influence physician decisionmaking regarding medication use in patients with dementia at the end of life (Parsons, et al., 2012).Read the research brief here: Medication use in patients with dementia at the end of lifeRead the press release here
Safe drug prescribing and administration are essential elements within undergraduate healthcare curricula, but medication errors, especially in paediatric practice, continue to compromise patient safety. In this area of clinical care, collective responsibility, team working and communication between health professionals have been identified as key elements in safe clinical practice. To date, there is limited research evidence as to how best to deliver teaching and learning of these competencies to practitioners of the future.An interprofessional workshop to facilitate learning of knowledge, core competencies, communication and team working skills in paediatric drug prescribing and administration at undergraduate level was developed and evaluated. The practical, ward-based workshop was delivered to 4th year medical and 3rd year nursing students and evaluated using a pre and post workshop questionnaire with open-ended response questions.Following the workshop, students reported an increase in their knowledge and awareness of paediatric medication safety and the causes of medication errors (p < 0.001), with the greatest increase noted among medical students. Highly significant changes in students' attitudes to shared learning were observed, indicating that safe medication practice is learnt more effectively with students from other healthcare disciplines. Qualitative data revealed that students' participation in the workshop improved communication and teamworking skills, and led to greater awareness of the role of other healthcare professionals.This study has helped bridge the knowledge-skills gap, demonstrating how an interprofessional approach to drug prescribing and administration has the potential to improve quality and safety within healthcare.
IPH has estimated and forecast clinical diagnosis rates of diabetes among adults for the years 2010, 2015 and 2020. In the Republic of Ireland, the data are based on the Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition (SLÁN) 2007. The data describe the number of people who report that they have experienced doctor-diagnosed diabetes in the previous 12 months (annual clinical diagnosis). Data are available by age and sex for each Local Health Office of the Health Service Executive (HSE) in the Republic of Ireland. Note that an adjustment was made for diabetes medication use recorded in the SLÁN physical examination sub-group of 45+ year olds. In Northern Ireland, the data is based on the Health and Social Wellbeing Survey 2005/06 . The data describe the number of people who report that they have experienced doctor-diagnosed diabetes at any time in the past (lifetime clinical diagnosis). Data are available by age and sex for each Local Government District in Northern Ireland.Clinical diagnosis rates in the Republic of Ireland relate to the previous 12 months and are not directly comparable with clinical diagnosis rates in Northern Ireland which relate to anytime in the past. Differences between IPH estimates and reference study estimates: The IPH estimated prevalence per cents may be marginally different to estimated prevalence per cents taken directly from the reference study. There are two reasons for this: 1) The IPH prevalence estimates relate to 2010 while the reference studies relate to earlier years (Northern Ireland Health and Social Wellbeing Survey 2005/06, Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition 2007, Understanding Society 2009). Although we assume that the risk of the condition in the risk groups do not change over time, the distribution of the number of people in the risk groups in the population changes over time (eg the population ages). This new distribution of the risk groups in the population means that the risk of the condition is weighted differently to the reference study and this results in a different overall prevalence estimate. 2) The IPH prevalence estimates are based on a statistical model of the reference study. The model includes a number of explanatory variables to predict the risk of the condition. Therefore the model does not include records from the reference study that are missing data on these explanatory variables. A prevalence estimate for a condition taken directly from the reference study would include these records.
Executive Summary
Economies in Drug Usage in the Irish Healthcare Setting Click here to download PDF 237kb
This strategic document sets policy direction for the enhancement of nursing and midwifery roles. It builds on the achievements of the past ten years for nursing and midwifery and is set within the context of clinical and regulatory standards. The Programme for Government 2011 and policy initiatives such as legislative changes for the introduction of nurse and midwife medication prescribing create significant opportunities toexpand the role of nurses and midwives in a proactive manner.  Click here to download  PDF 1.12MB
The organisation helps those with mental ill health and those suffering addiction. This is their second community-pharmacy project. The first focussed on men and this project will move on to work with women. Women who have been referred to Cloona Oasis have been through hardship. The Pharmacist will work with them to develop their confidence, explain their medication and break down barriers so that they can access other services.
What is TB (tuberculosis)? TB is a serious but curable infectious disease. It usually affects the lungs but it can affect other parts of the body. What are the symptoms? Any of the following symptoms may occur: . Cough . Phlegm . High temperature . Sweating at night . Weight loss . Fatigue / general tiredness . Swollen glands If you are concerned that you might have TB, or develop any of these symptoms, please visit your family doctor for advice. How do you catch TB? It is usually spread through the air from someone with the infectious type of TB. The germ gets into the air when that person coughs, sneezes or spits. Who can get TB? Anyone can get TB but it is difficult to catch. It mainly depends on the amount of time that is spent in contact with someone with infectious TB. What if I have been in close contact with someone with infectious TB? If you are identified as a contact at risk from TB then you will be invited for screening. Initial screening consists of a skin test to determine if your immune system recognises TB. The skin test is called the Mantoux test, the result of which needs to be read 48 hours later. People who have a positive skin test and / or evidence of TB infection found on chest X-ray, or who are unwell will be investigated further by a specialist doctor and may be treated with a course of anti-TB medication. How is TB treated? TB is curable. Treatment consists of a long course of different types of specialist antibiotics. What happens next? If you have been identified as a close contact of the case, you will be invited for screening by the accompanying letter. Otherwise, you will have received a general information letter, and have not been identified as requiring screening at this time.
On World Heart Day, 29 September 2011, the Public Health Agency is urging all smokers to stop smoking and reduce their risk of developing heart disease (cardiovascular disease - CVD) or suffering a stroke or a heart attack.Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death and illness in the UK. Research shows that smoking is one of the main contributors of the disease, causing around 25,000 deaths a year in the UK. Cigarette smokers are two times more likely than non-smokers to suffer a heart attack.The majority of people who suffer a heart attack before the age of 50 are smokers. Cigarette smoke causes heart disease by:· reducing oxygen to the heart;· increasing blood pressure and heart rate;· increasing blood clotting;· damaging cells that line coronary arteries and other blood vessels, causing narrowing of the arteries.From the moment smoke reaches your lungs, your heart is forced to work harder. Your pulse quickens, forcing your heart to beat an extra 10 to 25 times per minute, as many as 36,000 additional times per day. Because of the irritating effect of nicotine and other components of tobacco smoke, your heartbeat is more likely to be irregular. This can contribute to cardiac arrhythmia and many other serious coronary conditions, such as heart attack.For smokers who already suffer from heart problems, quitting will dramatically help. Many heart patients notice an almost immediate improvement when they stop smoking. Often, they need less medication and can cope better with physical exertion.Gerry Bleakney, Head of Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement, PHA, said: "Smoking is one of the major causes of cardiovascular disease and smokers are almost twice as likely to have a heart attackas someone who has never smoked. One in every two long-term smokers will die prematurely from smoking-related diseases, many suffer very poor health before they die. However one year after successfully quitting smoking, an individual will have reduced their risk of having a heart attack to half that of a person continuing to smoke."Across Northern Ireland, there are over 600 support services for people who wish to stop smoking, based in GP surgeries, community pharmacies, hospitals, community centres and workplaces. I would encourage everyone who is thinking about quitting to log on to our Want 2 Stop website: www.want2stop.info and order a 'Quit Kit' free of charge alternatively contact the Smokers' Helpline on 0808 812 8008."
Although the risk of catching an infection as a result of a fish spa pedicure is likely to be very low, it cannot be completely excluded. However, there are certain things you can do to further reduce your risk of catching or spreading an infection when having one of these treatments.Choosing a salonUse your personal judgment: as with all beauty salons, if it looks unsanitary, do not go there for your treatment. If you are very concerned about the cleanliness of a salon you visit, you can report this to your local Environmental Health department, who will be able to perform an inspection of the premises.When having a treatment, a trained member of staff should perform an inspection of your feet both beforehand, to check for any broken skin / infections, and afterwards, to check for signs of bleeding. They should also ask you to wash your feet with soap and water before putting them in the tank, to make sure that any products you have used that could be harmful to the fish are washed away, and to reduce the risk of spreading any infection.Ask your therapist what other procedures the salon has in place to minimise the risk of infection. The Health Protection Agency, England has produced a set of guidelines for salons which, if followed, will ensure any potential risk of infection is kept to an absolute minimum.Before having the treatment The HPA has identified a number of health conditions or prior treatments which may mean that you should not have a fish pedicure. These are:Leg waxing or shaving in last 24 hoursAny open cuts/wounds/abrasions/broken skin on the feet or lower legsInfection on the feet (including athlete's foot, verruca)Psoriasis, eczema or dermatitis affecting the feet or lower legsDiabetes (increased risk of infection)Infection with a blood borne virus such as Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C or HIVAny immune deficiency due to illness or medicationBleeding disorders or on anticoagulant medication (e.g. heparin or warfarinMore information and advice on fish spa pedicures and the full set of guidance can be found on the Health Protection website www.hpa.org.uk
Soilse, the HSE addiction rehabilitation programme in Dublin North Central, experienced another challenging year in 2010. However, despite budget constraints and logistical and building difficulties, we prioritised the needs of recovering drug abusers with considerable success. Throughout the year, we had enquiries, referrals, programme uptake and successful outcomes. In terms of addiction, the problems are as enduring as ever with complex needs and limited progression opportunities. The rehabilitation strategy published in 2007 has had no practical effect. Yet Soilse saw a clear and positive impact from our work in terms of: stabilising service users; achieving detox; encouraging participants to move from our prescribed medication to our drugfree service; and consolidating these outcomes. Our evidence base continually validates our approach with people who want to become independent of services being facilitated to do so. Soilse did well in 2010 in terms of educational and vocational outcomes, particularly through FETAC but also through comprehensive care planning. We faced protracted difficulties as a result of the staff moratorium and budget cuts, but continued to deliver a professional service, keeping morale and performance high. Our service is based on the following practice standards: holistic assessment care planning care management interagency work quality assurance, and customer service involvementThis resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.