46 resultados para disability awareness month
em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland
On 27 January 2011 the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) launched a three month public consultation for a new draft Physical and Sensory Disability Strategy and Action Plan (2011-2015). åÊ The aim of the consultation was to provide the opportunity for a range of different stakeholders (public authorities and organisations, individuals including persons with disabilities and community and voluntary organisations) from across Northern Ireland to give feedback on the suggested priorities and challenges detailed in the document. The Department recognised the need for a new Disability Strategy and Action Plan not least to address new and developing challenges and opportunities. These include: åÊ • Obligations taken by the UK and NI in signing and ratifying the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; åÊ • New innovations and models of care, support and treatment available within health and social care; åÊ • The current demographic trends and financial constraints being faced by everyone. åÊ åÊ åÊ
The Road Safety Authority has responsibility for co-ordinating the development of Ireland’s Road Safety Strategy. The Government’s road safety target of no more than 252 deaths per annum by the end of 2012 was achieved in 2009, when the number of road collision deaths in Ireland fell to 239. The reduction in the number of fatalities was achieved through robust actions in terms of education and awareness, road engineering, and enforcement, including significant legislative milestones. The challenge is now to ensure that the impact of these measures on collision levels is sustained and enhanced into the future through continuous education, enforcement and road engineering measures and initiatives. IPH welcomes the opportunity to respond to this consultation given the significant burden of injury, disability and mortality associated with road traffic collisions on the island of Ireland. IPH supports the development of evidence-based strategies and actions which can maintain a transport system, in which the safety of all road users is paramount.
The Northern Ireland Action Plan for Learning Disability Nursing
Learning Disability Service Framework - Easy Access Version
Easy Access Version
Overview Report October 2012
A strategy to improve outcomes, services and support for people in Northern Ireland who have a physical, communication or sensory disability.
Provides advice and guidance on obtaining reserved car parking where a member of staff has particular difficulty with normal parking arrangements because of their disability/long-term health condition. åÊAmended 2009
Provides guidance and advice on notifying a disability/long-term health condition to PMB and on requesting a reasonable adjustment, if you have previously declared a disability/long-term health condition.
March 2003 - main findings of the study, key recommendations and the way forward
What You Need to Know
The need for information on the health service needs of people with physical and/or sensory disabilities was first highlighted in Shaping a Healthier Future, a document which outlined the national strategy for effective healthcare in the 1990s. This strategy document identified the establishment of a national database as the means of gathering such information Download the Report here