45 resultados para authorities

em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland


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This report presents the findings of an evaluation of how the 12 pathfinder local authorities in the LGA/DH sponsored Shared Priority Project began engaging with new requirements to promote healthier communities and narrow health inequalities. The purpose of the report is to capture the learning from the pathfinder authorities' experience of this initial planning phase and share it more widely now that all local authorities have to focus on the shared priorities.


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This guidance follows on from the publication of the Government's obesity strategy Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives: A Cross-Government strategy for England. The guidance provides advice to PCTs and local authorities on how to set child obesity goals as part of the Vital Signs and the National Indicator Set. This will be followed shortly with full guidance on developing local plans.


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The Regional Planning Guidelines (RPG) for the Greater Dublin Area 2010-2022 (draft) is a policy document which aims to direct the future growth of the Greater Dublin Area over the medium to long term and works to implement the strategic planning framework set out in the National Spatial Strategy (NSS) published in 2002.  A series of recommendations have been made to Local Authorities clearly linked to and supporting the national investment in transport, particularly public transport, under Transport 21.  The draft was prepared and agreed for public consultation. The IPH response  to the consultation reports on how the RPG may impact on health and makes recommendations to maximise opportunities for health gain and minimise health loss.


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On 27 January 2011 the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) launched a three month public consultation for a new draft Physical and Sensory Disability Strategy and Action Plan (2011-2015). åÊ The aim of the consultation was to provide the opportunity for a range of different stakeholders (public authorities and organisations, individuals including persons with disabilities and community and voluntary organisations) from across Northern Ireland to give feedback on the suggested priorities and challenges detailed in the document. The Department recognised the need for a new Disability Strategy and Action Plan not least to address new and developing challenges and opportunities. These include: åÊ • Obligations taken by the UK and NI in signing and ratifying the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; åÊ • New innovations and models of care, support and treatment available within health and social care; åÊ • The current demographic trends and financial constraints being faced by everyone. åÊ åÊ åÊ


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This Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) addresses the Sure Start programme which was introduced in Northern Ireland during 2000/01. Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 requires all public authorities in carrying out their functions relating to Northern Ireland to have due regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity: - • between persons of different religious belief, political opinion, racial group, age, marital status or sexual orientation; • between men and women generally; • between persons with a disability and persons without; and • between persons with dependants and persons without. åÊ


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The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (HSSPS), like all public authorities, is required under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 (‘the Act’) in carrying out its functions, powers and duties, to have due regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity and good relations among 9 specific categories of people. In fulfilling these obligations, the Department is required to submit its policies and programmes to formal assessment of the equality implications arising from them through Equality Impact Assessments (EQIAs). åÊ


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The National Council on Ageing and Older People is an advisory body to the Minister for Health on all aspects of ageing and the welfare of older people. In fulfilment of its terms of reference, the Council has recently published a Review of the implementation of the recommendations of the 1988 report The Years Ahead â?" A Policy for the Elderly The Review was a major undertaking and required contact with Government Departments, the eight health boards, a large sample of local authorities and many other organisations. All of the recommendations contained in The Years Ahead report were analysed, and a comprehensive picture of health and social services for older people was presented. The Council is indebted to the authors of the review, Dr Helen Ruddle, Dr Freda Donoghue and Mr Ray Mulvihill for their efforts in preparing such a comprehensive and high quality reportDownload the Report here


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Code of Practice on Fluoridation of Drinking Water 2007 Fluoridation of drinking water, the main aim of which is the prevention and control of dental caries (dental decay), commenced in Ireland in 1964 after the introduction of the Health (Fluoridation of Water Supplies) Act 1960. The Act provides that health authorities shall arrange for the fluoridation of public piped water supplies. The Act also provides that sanitary (local) authorities may act as the agents of health authorities in fluoridating public piped water supplies. Currently approximately 73% of the population receives fluoridated water from public water supplies. Click here to download PDF 195kb


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MEAS (Mature Enjoyment of Alcohol in Society Limited) is an alcohol social responsibility organisation committed to tackling the problems of alcohol abuse and misuse. A registered charity, MEAS works in partnership with Government, with other appropriate bodies, including An Garda Siochana, the Road Safety Authority and local authorities and with the alcohol industry to promote the responsible marketing, retailing and use of alcohol in Irish society. Click here to download PDF 176kb


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Regular physical activity has substantial health benefits, yet only a minority (approximately 21%) of the population in England achieve the minimum levels as recommended by the four home countries’ Chief Medical Officers, in their Start Active, Stay Active report HIPI has been developed to estimate how many cases of certain diseases could be prevented in each local authority in England, if the population aged 40-79 were to engage in recommended amounts of physical activity. This first release (March 2013) includes the following health impacts: preventable cases of diabetes (only shown for Counties and Unitary Authorities) preventable emergency admissions to hospital with a coronary heart disease preventable new cases of breast and colon cancer total number of preventable deaths (all causes). Users can select geographical areas from a map or list. The data is also provided in a downloadable excel spreadsheet. HIPI uses estimates of local levels of physical activity from the Sport England Active People survey. It models the potential benefit from increased levels of physical activity for each local authority. This is pre-calculated to show the health impacts if 100%, 75%, 50% or 25% of the local population undertake the UK Chief Medical Officers’ recommended levels of physical activity. Other assumptions and sources of data are described in the technical document.


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This briefing has been written in conjunction with the Local Government Association (LGA). It is aimed at those who work in or represent local authorities. It addresses the issue of taking action to create environments where people are more likely to walk or cycle for short journeys. It summarises the importance of action on obesity and a specific focus on active travel, and outlines the regulatory and policy approaches that can be taken.


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The Local Tobacco Control Profiles for England provides a snapshot of the extent of tobacco use, tobacco related harm, and measures being taken to reduce this harm at a local level. These profiles have been designed to help local government and health services to assess the effect of tobacco use on their local populations. They will inform commissioning and planning decisions to tackle tobacco use and improve the health of local communities. The tool allows you to compare your local authority against other local authorities in the region and benchmark your local authority against the England average.


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The Department for Communities and Local Government has published National Planning Practice Guidance which recognises the importance of local infrastructure planning in the development of healthy communities. The guidance supports the National Planning Policy Framework and now includes a section on health and wellbeing. This guidance sets out the government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied by local authorities. A significant development in the guidance is the recognition of the important role the planning system can play in facilitating social interaction and creating healthy, inclusive communities. Local planning authorities should ensure that health and wellbeing, and health infrastructure are considered in local and neighbourhood plans and in planning decision making.


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The increase in mortality risk associated with long-term exposure to particulate air pollution is one of the most important, and best-characterised, effects of air pollution on health. This report presents estimates of the size of this effect on mortality in local authority areas in the UK, building upon the attributable fractions reported as an indicator in the public health outcomes framework for England. It discusses the concepts and assumptions underlying these calculations and gives information on how such estimates can be made. The estimates are expected to be useful to health and wellbeing boards when assessing local public health priorities, as well as to others working in the field of air quality and public health. The estimates of mortality burden are based on modelled annual average concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in each local authority area originating from human activities. Local data on the adult population and adult mortality rates is also used. Central estimates of the fraction of mortality attributable to long-term exposure to current levels of anthropogenic (human-made) particulate air pollution range from around 2.5% in some local authorities in rural areas of Scotland and Northern Ireland and between 3 and 5% in Wales, to over 8% in some London boroughs. Because of uncertainty in the increase in mortality risk associated with ambient PM2.5, the actual burdens associated with these modelled concentrations could range from approximately one-sixth to about double these figures. Thus, current levels of particulate air pollution have a considerable impact on public health. Measures to reduce levels of particulate air pollution, or to reduce exposure of the population to such pollution, are regarded as an important public health initiative.


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Public Health England today launches 2 new resources for local authorities on preventing accidents to children and young people in the home and on the road. The reports show whilst the number of children and young people killed or seriously injured continues to fall in England there are still significant numbers of deaths and emergency admissions from preventable causes. On average each year between 2008 to 2012, 525 children and young people under 25 died and there were more than 53,700 admissions to hospital. The reports highlight actions local partners can take to reduce accidents including improving safety for children travelling to and from school and using existing services like health visitors and children’s centres. The Reducing unintentional injuries in and around the home among children under 5 Years and the Reducing unintentional injuries on the roads among children and young people under 25 reports include an analysis of data between 2008 to 2012. Key findings from the reports include: home injuries (under 5 years of age): an average of 62 children died each year between 2008 and 2012 these injuries result in an estimated 40,000 emergency hospital admissions among children of this age each year 5 injury types should be prioritised for the under-fives: choking; suffocation and strangulation; falls; poisoning; burns and scalds; and drowning hospital admission rate for unintentional injuries among the under-fives is 45% higher for children from the most deprived areas compared with children from the least deprived Road traffic injuries (under 25 years of age) there were 2,316 deaths recorded by the police among road users under the age of 25 years, an average of 463 under 25s each year there were 68,657 admissions to hospital as a result of road traffic injuries, an average of 13,731 each year in total there were 322,613 casualties of all severities recorded by the police, an average of 64,523 each year the rate of fatal and serious injuries for 10to 14 year olds was significantly greater for children from the 20% most deprived areas (37 per 100,000) compared with those from the most affluent areas (10 per 100,000)