39 resultados para Visual Art, Ireland
em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland
Health Minister Edwin Poots today marked the roll-out of a ground-breaking hi-tech scheme which will enable more patients to monitor their health in their own homes. Following funding of £18m from the Department of Health, the newly named Centre for Connected Health and Social Care (CCHSC), part of the Public Health Agency, worked in partnership with business consortium TF3to establish the innovative Telemonitoring NI service. The service is now being delivered by the TF3 consortium in partnership with the Health and Social Care Trusts.Remote telemonitoring combines technology and services that enable patients with chronic diseases to test their vital signs such as pulse, blood pressure, body weight, temperature, blood glucose and oxygen levels at home on a daily basis. The service will now be rolled out to 3,500 patients across Northern Ireland per annum for a period of six years.Mr Poots today visited the home of Larne pensioner Michael Howard who has Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive Disorder (COPD) to hear how Telemonitoring NI has changed his life.During the visit Mr Poots said: "Chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and COPD affect around three quarters of people over the age of 75. This is the generation from whom transport and mobility pose the biggest problems. The Telemonitoring NI service will allow thousands to monitor their vital signs without having to leave their own homes."It means that patients are able to understand and manage their condition better. Many say it has improved their confidence and given them peace of mind. With a health professional monitoring each patient's health on a daily basis, there is less need for hospital admission. Carers are also better informed with the pro-active support provided. It means earlier intervention in, and the prevention of, deterioration of condition, acute illness and hospital admissions."Telemonitoring NI is an excellent example of how the Health Service can innovateusing modern technology to deliver a better service for our patients."Eddie Ritson, Programme Director of CCHSC, PHA, said: "The roll-out of Telemonitoring NI represents a significant step towards providing quality care for the growing number of people with heart disease, stroke, some respiratory conditions and diabetes who want to live at home while having their conditions safely managed."This new service will give people more information which combined with timely advice will enable patients to gain more control over their health while supporting them to live independently in their own homes for longer."A patient will take their vital sign measurements at home, usually on a daily basis. and these will automatically be transmited to the Tf3 system. The resulting readings are monitored centrally by a healthcare professional working in the Tf3 triage team. If the patient's readings show signs of deterioration to an unacceptable level, they will be contacted by phone by a nurse working in a central team and if appropriate a healthcare professional in the patient's local Trust will be alerted to enable them to take appropriate action."Families and carers will also benefit from the reassurance that chronic health conditions are being closely monitored on an ongoing basis. The information collected through the service can also be used by doctors, nurses and patients in making decisions on how individual cases should be managed. "Using the service, Mr Howard, 71, who has emphysema - a long-term, progressive disease of the lungs that primarily causes shortness of breath - monitors his vital signs using the new technology every weekday morning. The information is monitored centrally and if readings show signs of deterioration to an unacceptable level, Mr Howard's local healthcare professional is alerted."Taking my readings is such a simple process but one that gives me huge benefits as it is an early warning system to me and also for the specialist nurses in charge of my care. Without the remote telemonitoring I would be running back and forward to the GPs' surgery all the time to have things checked out," he explained."Having my signs monitored by a nurse means any changes in my condition are dealt with immediately and this has prevented me from being admitted to hospital - in the past I've had to spend six days in hospital any time I'm admitted with a chest infection."The telemonitoring is not only reassuring for me, it also gives me more control over managing my own condition and as a result I have less upheaval in my life, and I'm less of a cost to the health care system. Most importantly, it gives me peace of mind and one less thing to worry about at my age."Patients seeking further information about the new telemonitoring service should contact their healthcare professional.
Report of the findings of the Institute's Health Impact Assessment (HIA) work programme in 2001, in order to (a) record the baseline of HIA awareness, activity and thinking in Ireland and Northern Ireland and (b) identify the issues around its implementation.
The Institute of Public Health in Ireland aims to promote cooperation for public health between Northern Ireland and Ireland, to tackle inequalities in health and influence public polices in favour of health. In its work, the Institute emphasises a holistic model of health which recognises the interplay of a wide range of health determinants, including economic, social and environmental factors as well as health and social services.
A new report published by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) and released on Monday 9 July 2007, predicts a 26% increase in diabetes in Northern Ireland and a 37% increase in the Republic over the ten year period (2005-2015). The new report entitled, Making Diabetes Count: What does the future hold? is the second such report from the authors - The Irish Diabetes Prevalence Working Group.
The All-Ireland Health Data Inventory. Part 1 is a catalogue of key sources of health data in the Republic and Northern Ireland. It includes relevant datasets from the major information reviews, conducted in the North and South, in the past few years. Information is essential for informed decision making and service provision. This inventory draws together information sources to facilitate such decision making. The inventory is intended as a resource for health professionals, researchers and the general public, providing the first phase of a ‘one-stop’ catalogue of health data. The datasets have been catalogued using an expanding numbering system which will allow for the inclusion of future resources. The Institute of Public Health in Ireland is in the process of expanding the Inventory to include further data sources.
This pilot Health Impact Assessment (HIA) exercise was conducted as part of the ‘Policy Health Impact Assessment for the European Union’, commissioned by the European Commission ’s Directorate Generale Health and Consumer Protection (DG Sanco). The project is coordinated by Liverpool University and the research partners are from Ireland, Germany and the Netherlands. The aim of the European project is to develop a HIA methodology for assessing the health impacts of EU policies and activities. The purpose of the pilot HIA in Ireland was to test the methodology produced in the first phase of the project in 2002. The policy chosen for assessment was the European Employment Strategy. The Irish pilot used a range of methods suggested in the draft methodology but concentrated particularly on the participatory aspects of HIA. A key stakeholder group with knowledge of employment (including decision makers in labour market policy) was established to provide expert advice and support. Other methods used included policy analysis, information gathering from key informants, community profiling (including demographic and labour force data), data analysis, literature review, the production of a report and the development of recommendations.
The Institute of Public Health in Ireland recently hosted a seminar on physical activity. The seminar presentations were: Ms Teresa Lavin, IPH - Physical activity and the built environment in Ireland Prof James Sallis, Professor of Psychology at San Diego State University and Director of Active Living Research - Translating evidence from physical activity research into practice.
IPH commissioned a review of HIA work in 2009 to detail progress and achievements of HIA from 2001. This included an assessment of current levels of HIA awareness and activity and suggestions for the direction of future work.
Ireland and Northern Ireland's Population Health Observatory (INIsPHO) is housed in The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) and is part of the Association of Public Health Observatories (APHO). The Observatory supports those working to improve health and reduce health inequalities by producing, disseminating and supporting the use of relevant health knowledge and strengthening the research and information infrastructure on the island of Ireland.
“Decent Food for All” (DFfA) was a three-year integrated, partnership-based programme committed to reducing food poverty and addressing inequalities in physical and financial access to safe healthy food in the Armagh and Dungannon area of Northern Ireland. DFfA is led by the Armagh and Dungannon Health Action Zone (ADHAZ) and involves the delivery of a range of programmes and workshops which provide practical community based focused help and advice on food issues and nutrition. A comprehensive research and evaluation programme entitled ‘All-island learning from the Decent Food for All programme’ runs throughout the lifetime of the programme, which ensures effective evaluation, and the sharing of best practices and experiences. The research and evaluation program is coordinated by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) with cooperation from ADHAZ. Funding for the research is provided by the Food Safety Promotion Board. To take into account background changes not directly attributable to the DFfA Programme a matched comparison area was selected in the Newry/Mourne area of Co. Down. An accurate measure of the changes that have occurred over the period of the DFfA programme is required. Valid estimates of change are based on measures before and after the programme. Pre-test and post-test community surveys provide a wide range of measures. This fact-book highlights the findings from the pre-test community survey.The aims of the pre-test survey were to:- Provide pre-test measures of the Key Performance Indicators underpinning the Key Expected Outcomes of the DFfA programme;- Identify factors influencing these pre-test measures; and- Contribute to the development of the programmes in DFfA.
Ireland and Northern Ireland’s Population Health Observatory (INIsPHO) recently published estimates of the population prevalence of diabetes in 2005 and forecasts to 2010 and 2015 for the island of Ireland, at the national and sub-national levels. These estimates are based the PBS Model developed by York and Humber Public Health Observatory (YHPHO), Brent NHS Trust and the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR).The Department of Health and Children (DoHC) has requested additional estimates and forecasts for hypertension.This paper outlines the results from preliminary work from the initial steps towards a more systematic approach to monitoring the prevalence of other chronic diseases on the island.
IPH has developed a discussion paper on food security on the island. This makes the case that health is and needs to be central to food and agricultural policy. Population health, food systems and agricultural production are intimately linked. A clear framework on food security is needed in both parts of the island of Ireland and this offers a key opportunity for cooperation. This article has been published in the latest edition of The Journal of Cross Border Studies in Ireland - No 6 launched on 8 March 2011.
The economic recession with its accompanying rise in unemployment rates is linked to extremely adverse effects for men’s mental health. This research report Facing the Challenge – The Impact of the Recession and Unemployment on Men’s Health in Ireland identifies a strong expectation of increased mental health problems for men given the very strong correlation between unemployment and male mental ill health. The report is the result of a research and consultation process carried out, in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, by Nexus Research Co-operative on behalf of IPH. 93% of frontline organisations, North and South, in contact with unemployed men linked health challenges to unemployment and recession and all organisations surveyed noted adverse health challenges for men they work with. In addition to health challenges being higher for unemployed men, they were also very high for men who saw themselves as being threatened with unemployment. The organisations surveyed and the men who were interviewed identified the challenges to health as:• High levels of stress or anxiety• Dependency on or over-use of alcohol/other drugs• Deterioration in physical health• Development of conflict in family or close personal relationships• Isolation (including sharing or communicating problems)• A reluctance to approach services or seek help
The IPH response to the New Strategic Direction for Alcohol and Drugs questionnaire which has been designed to help stakeholders respond to New Strategic Direction for Alcohol and Drugs Phase 2 (2011-2016) consultation document.
This IPH report explores the extent health was incorporated into SEA in a manner which would suggest a good understanding of the many social and economic factors which strongly influence health. The research identifies that a consideration of health is not routinely included in SEAs. There is a need to build capacity and change mindsets in how SEAs are undertaken to more completely factor in the health impacts.