em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland
Chief Medical Officer Tables 2009
The four key principles guiding the development of the Health Strategy (2001): Quality and Fairness: A Health System for You are equity, people-centredness, quality and accountability. High quality statistical data are fundamental to the delivery of each of these. Relevant, accurate and accessible information should inform all health decisions. This includes information for the public as well as data required to enable evidence-based service delivery and evaluation, policy formulation and the measurement of health gain.This compendium of health statistics brings together data from a wide variety of sources on demography, health status and the delivery of health services. It provides a broad overview of health in Ireland as well as serving as a resource and reference for those interested in particular aspects of health and the health services. Download document here
10.6.1999 This compendium of health statistics brings together data from a wide variety of sources on demographics, health and health service utilisation. It has been extensively revised and expanded compared with earlier editions. The intention is to provide a statistical overview as well as serving as a resource and reference for those interested in particular aspects of health Download the Report here
The report contains Background to the commissioning of the Report â?~â?~Towards a Standardised Framework for Intercountry Adoption Assessment Proceduresâ?Tâ?T; the Government decision arising; and the principal findings and recommendations of the Report (Chapter 1); Detailed information on progress made in relation to the recommendations contained in the Report (Chapters 2-5); Statistical data in relation to intercountry adoption services at June, 2000 (Chapter 6); A summary of key findings of the Implementation Group (Chapter 7); and The Implementation Groupâ?Ts recommendations regarding the future of intercountry adoption services (Chapter 8). Download the Report here
This first annual report of the Director of Public Health highlights the many public health challenges that affect people in Northern Ireland and how thepublic health team tackles this complex agenda by working with many statutory, community and voluntary partner organisations across health, local government, education, housing and other sectors. The report refers to core tables throughout, these tables provide key statistical data on population, birth and death rates, mortality by cause, life expectancy, immunisation and screening. The report and the core tables are available below.
Thissecond annual report of the Director of Public Health highlights the many public health challenges that affect people in Northern Ireland. It demonstrates how the public health team tackles this complex agenda by working with many statutory, community and voluntary partner organisations across health, local government, education, housing and other sectors. It shows a wealth of innovative work to address the main public health challenges facing communities, health inequality, preventing and protecting against ill-health, detecting illness early, and providing high quality services. Integral to thereport are core tables for 2009 which provide key statistical data on population, birth and death rates, mortality by cause, life expectancy, immunisation and screening.
This is the sixth Director of Public Health Annual Report, detailing the main public health challenges in Northern Ireland. It also provides information on the wide variety of work undertaken by the PHA and its partners during 2014 to improve the health and social wellbeing of the population. Each year, the report focuses on an overarching area, which this year is ‘Adults aged 18–64 years’. The report structure reflects the main areas of public health action: improving health and reducing inequalities; improving health through early detection; improving health through high quality services; improving health through research; protecting health. For ease of reference, the sections are colour coded. On page 94, the report also lists core tables for 2013 relating to key statistical data on, among others, population, birth and death rates, mortality by cause, life expectancy, immunisation and screening. The PDF document of the Core tables is available below. In addition to the core tables, a specific set of tables relating to various aspects of adults aged 18–64 years are published alongside this report.
Alzheimer’s disease triples healthcare costs for Americans aged 65 or older��2009 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures provides a statistical resource for U.S. data related to Alzheimer’s disease, the most common type of dementia, as well as other dementias. Background and context for interpretation of the data are contained in the Overview. This includes definitions of the types of dementias and a summary of current knowledge about Alzheimer’s disease. Additional sections address prevalence, mortality and lifetime risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, as well as paid and family caregiving and use and costs of care and services. The Special Report for 2009 focuseson the emerging issue of mild cognitive impairment (MCI).
Includes a Special Report on Race, Ethnicity and Alzheimer’s Disease2010 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures provides a statistical resource for United States data����related to Alzheimer’s disease, the most common type of dementia, as well as other dementias. Background and context for interpretation of the data are contained in the Overview. This includes definitions of the types of dementia and a summary of current knowledge about Alzheimer’s disease. Additional sections address prevalence, mortality, caregiving and use and costs of care and services. The Special Report for 2010 focuses on race, ethnicity and Alzheimer’s disease.