6 resultados para SMEs marketing
em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland
First Annual Report of the Alcohol Marketing Communications Monitoring Body (2006) In December 2005 the Minister for Health and Children set up the Alcohol Marketing Communications Monitoring Body (the Monitoring Body) to oversee the implementation of and adherence to the Voluntary Codes of Practice to limit the exposure of young people to alcohol advertising. These Codes were agreed between the Department of Health and Children and representatives of the advertising, drinks and mediacommunications industries. Click here to download PDF 139kb
In December 2005, the Minister for Health and Children set up the Alcohol Marketing Communications Monitoring Body (the Monitoring Body) to oversee the implementation of and adherence to the Voluntary Codes of Practice to limit the exposure of young people to alcohol advertising. These Codes were agreed between the Department of Health and Children and representatives of the advertising, drinks and media communications industries. Click here to download PDF 146kb
In 2002 the Minister for Health and Children met with representative organisations from the Advertising Industry, the Association of Advertisers in Ireland (AAI), representing advertisers, the Institute of Advertising Practitioners in Ireland (IAPI), representing the advertising agencies and Drinks Industry Group Ireland (DIGI) representing the Alcohol Drinks Industry. The discussions centred on the Ministerâ?Ts concerns about some of the content, weight of exposure and placement of alcohol advertising. In addition, issues were discussed on activities involved in the sponsorship of, and activities surrounding, music and sports events. Download document here
2008 Annual Report of the Alcohol Marketing Communications Monitoring Body Click here to download PDF 158kb
Limiting the Exposure of Young People to Alcohol Advertising: 4th Annual report of the Alcohol Marketing Communications Monitoring Body Click here to download PDF 156KB
Limiting the Exposure of Young People to Alcohol Advertising: 5th Annual report of the Alcohol Marketing Communications Monitoring Body Click here to download PDF 173KB