17 resultados para One-Tree
em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland
IPH responded to the Seanad Consultation Committee on the consultation topic ‘Changes in lifestyle can prevent approximately one third of cancers. How does Government and Society respond to this challenge?’. Between 2010 and 2020 the total number of cancers in Ireland is projected to increase by 40% for women and by just over 50% for men (National Cancer Registry). A focus is needed on developing social, economical and built environments that support healthy choices. IPH presented recommendations based on the international evidence-base as well as national cancer data and research.
SLÃÅN 2007 Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition in Ireland. One Island - One Lifestyle
An analysis of need for 'one stop shop'; drop-in support services in relation to alcohol and drug misuse, undertaken by the PHA for the Health Development Policy Branch of the DHSSPS.
This booklet outlines advice on many key nutritional issues for children aged one to five. It includes information on how to provide a healthy, balanced diet for this age group, guidance on suitable snacks and drinks, feeding a vegetarian child, vitamin supplements and iron, making the most of mealtimes and how to deal with fussy eaters.
This leaflet explains what folic acid is and how it can help to protect the unborn child against conditions such as spina bifida.
The Alcohol MOT is designed to support those working in primary care to carry out alcohol brief interventions. There is extensive evidence to show that primary care-based brief interventions are very effective at reducing drinking at both hazardous and harmful levels. MOT Part 1 enables patients to work out if they are drinking at hazardous or harmful levels. MOT Part 2 helps motivate and support patients to reduce their drinking. Both tools are designed so that a practitioner can work through them with a patient, or a patient can work through them alone.
In November 2010, the Public Health Agencycommissioned Social Market Research (www.socialmarketresearch.co.uk) to undertake a formative evaluation of the pilot 'One Stop Shop' (OSS) Programme. This report presents the outcomes from this evaluation as well as recommendations to support the further development of the programme beyond the pilot period.
This poster highlights the fact that cigarette smoke breathed in by the mother reaches her unborn baby and directs women to the Smokers' Helpline.
This poster highlights the bowel cancer screening programme is being introduced for all 60 to 71 year olds. If you are in this age group a kit will be sent by post so you can do the test at home. You are encouraged to look out for the kit as it could save your life.
This poster raises awareness about the danger of taking drugs and driving. The message on the poster is 'Drugs affect your driving - Never take drugs and drive.' It also provides contact details for the National Drugs Helpline. Tel: 0800 776600.
This poster informs about chlamydia, stating that it doesn't always show symptoms and can be prevented by using a condom. It also provides updated attendance and contact details for the�Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics in Northern Ireland.
This poster informs about chlamydia, stating that it doesn't always show symptoms and can be prevented by using a condom. It also provides updated attendance and contact details for the�Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics in Northern Ireland.
This Project Initiation Document outlines the purpose and plan of Phase One of the Review of AHP Support for Children with Statements of Special Educational Needs in Special Schools and Mainstream Education.
An analysis of need for 'one stop shop' drop-in support services in relation to alcohol and drug misuse, undertaken by the PHA for the Health Development Policy Branch of the DHSSPS Additional information: