24 resultados para North Karelia

em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland


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This Communication Strategy has been developed by representatives of the statutory sector and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) from the voluntary and community sectors from both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland


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North South Survey of Children’s Oral Health 2002 This report presents the results of the first contemporaneous North South study of the oral health of children and adolescents on the island of Ireland. The last National Survey of Childrenâ?Ts Oral Health in the Republic of Ireland was carried out in 1984. The present study describes the oral health experience of children and adolescents in Ireland today. The results are of interest to the public, to policymakers and to service providers and will be of assistance in the evaluation of current oral health services and the planning of services for the next decade. Click here to download PDF 666kb


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Click here to download PDF


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Methicillin-resistant staphlococcus aureus – MRSA is the most significant antibiotic resistant bacteria found in our hospitals The first MRSA survey on the prevalence of MRSA in the South of Ireland was conducted in 1995 under the direction of the late Dr. Zachary Johnson. In 1998 the Eastern Health Board was financed to carry out a repeat study again under Dr. Johnsonâ?Ts direction. This repeat study was done on an all island basis and the findings from both parts of the island are presented jointly in this reportDownload the Report here


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To assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the management, administrative and support structures for the General Practitioner out-of-hours pilot projects in the North Eastern and South Eastern Health Boards having regard to value for money and service enhancement considerations Download the Report here


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North South Survey of Children’s Height, Weight and Body Mass Index, 2002. As part of a North South Survey of Childrenâ?Ts Oral Health conducted in Ireland in 2001/â?T02 [1], the heights and weights of a representative sample of children and adolescents age 4-16 years was measured. Data were collected by 34 teams of trained and calibrated dentists and dental nurses for 17,518 children aged 4-16 in the Republic of Ireland (RoI) and 2,099 in Northern Ireland (NI). Click here to download PDF 379kb


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This Study was jointly commissioned by the Department of Health and Children in Ireland and the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety in Northern Ireland. The main purpose of the Study is to develop a strategic framework for taking forward on a North-South basis future collaborative work in health and social care and in planning and delivering health and social care services, as may be appropriate. The Study sets out examples of current North-South cooperation and Identifies a number of potential areas within which further collaborative work may benefit people living in each jurisdiction. A participative approach was adopted in conducting this work and the outcome represents the collective views of key professionals and managers in both healthcare systems. While North-South collaboration on health related issues is not new, what this Study provides is a structured approach to its ongoing development, with clearly identified areas for further cooperation and explicit roles and responsibilities for Departments and Agencies in both jurisdictions.   Click here to download PDF 213KB


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Report for Minister Reilly on Beechpark Autism Services & related Service Issues for children with ASD in Dublin North Report for Minister Reilly on Beechpark Autism Services & related Service Issues for children with ASD in Dublin North Click here to download PDF 2MB


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The health strategy in Ireland has placed great emphasis on the collection of quality information on health and its determinants, for health policy planning and evaluation. This North South survey of children's oral health provides extensive data for representative samples totaling 19,963 children and adolescents on a variety of oral diseases, conditions and related parameters. The data are nationally and internationally comparable and provide a basis for planning and evaluating oral health policy in Ireland. Click here to download the document (PDF, 700kb)


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AMH, founded in 1963, one of the largest regional voluntary sector organization in NI, has provided a range of services for people with mental health difficulties and learning disabilities. AMH Ards offers a range of person centred activities eg training in IT, administration, catering, literacy and numeracy, crafts etc. They have completed 2 Level 2 applications. This Level 3 application will endeavor to build on the success of the second project, encouraging and building capacity for people to identify their own health needs, enable them to benefit from a range of support services, including pharmacy available to them. In addition, it will continue to educate and involve pharmacists in the road to mental health recovery. 4 programmes (7 weeks long ï¿_ 3 with the pharmacist) will be delivered each year (2 at each of the centers in Ards and Bangor). This more formal programme will be supplemented by ongoing support, staff training (2 sessions) and 4 informal drop in sessions and more general health events. At all of these sessions, the pharmacists will either lead on or attend.


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As part of a North South Survey of Childrens Oral Health conducted in Ireland in 2001/’02 [1], the heights and weights of a representative sample of children and adolescents age 4-16 years was measured. Data were collected by 34 teams of trained and calibrated dentists and dental nurses for 17,518 children aged 4-16 in the Republic of Ireland (RoI) and 2,099 in Northern Ireland (NI). This report presents the results of the study which provide a baseline measurement of Childrens height and weight against which future change can be measured. By comparing these data with international norms we can estimate the current prevalence of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents in Ireland.


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The principal aim of this study was to describe general practitioners management of patients with acute infectious gastroenteritis


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The telephone survey of almost 10,000 households was carried out over 12 months and found that in any four-week period 4.5% of the population will have an episode of acute gastroenteritis.


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This Summary Report describes the methods used and the main findings with regard to food and beverage consumption, nutrient intakes, and anthropometric, physical activity and attitudinal data from the North/South Ireland Food Consumption Survey (NSIFCS). This survey investigated habitual food and beverage consumption, lifestyle, health indicators and attitudes to food and health in a representative sample (n=1379) of the 18-64 year old adult population in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland during 1997-1999.