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em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland
Literacy and Numeracy for Learning and Life is the national strategy to improve literacy and numeracy standards among children and young people in the education system. This strategy seeks to address significant concerns about how well our young people are developing the literacy and numeracy skills that they will need to participate fully in the education system, to live satisfying and rewarding lives, and to participate as active and informed citizens in our society.
In July 2011 the Minister for education launched Literacy and Numeracy for Learning and Life – the national strategy to improve literacy and numeracy among children and young people. The strategy was developed following an extensive consultation process and contributions from individuals, schools, groups and organisations. This leaflet gives a flavour of the key parts of the Strategy with access to the full document on the Department’s website.
The current prevalence of dementia and its associated economic and social burden presents a challenge for the configuration of dementia care services at present and it is clear that this challenge will become ever more urgent as a consequence of population ageing. IPH supports the development of a Dementia Strategy in Ireland that is comprehensive and holistic. We recommend that the strategy encompasses aspects of prevention as well as optimal management at all stages of the disease. IPH considers that a social determinants of health approach that focuses on the prevention of disease and disability could form an important strand of the strategy. Key points from IPH response IPH would emphasise the following key priorities for inclusion in the Dementia Strategy. Adoption of a public health approach as set out by WHO (2011) and the development of an implementation plan and structures to support the Strategy A commitment to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of dementia. Resourcing of a programme of research to support primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of dementia to ensure a systematic approach to generate an evidence-base and disseminate pertinent findings in the Irish context. Emphasis should be placed on high quality research specifically to:enhance information systems on dementia at a national level A life course approach to tackle the social determinants of dementia and ill-health in later life. Supporting carers for people with dementia
Traveller Health A National Strategy 2002-2005 Travellers are a distinct minority group of Irish people. They differ from the general population in many respects including their life-style, their culture and their treatment by society. In the Ireland of today, the Traveller community continues to experience high levels of social exclusion and disadvantage â?" a situation which requires an urgent, planned response. Click here to download PDF 831kb
An Evaluation of “Cancer Services in Ireland: A National Strategy 1996″ This report presents the outcome of a comprehensive study that evaluated the extent to which the objectives and actions of the 1996 National Cancer Strategy were achieved. The evaluation was commissioned by the Department of Health and Children on behalf of the National Cancer Forum. The field work was carried out by Deloitte and Touche Management Consultants between October 2002 and February 2003. Click here to download PDF 360kb
The aim of this Cancer Strategy has been to review the existing range of preventive, treatment and palliative services relating to cancer in Ireland, and to set out the Ministerâ?Ts plans for their further development and improvement. This has been done in the context of the Health Strategy Shaping a Healthier Future and in particular the targets established for cancer in that document Download the Report here
The Strategy sets out an ambitious series of objectives to guide childrenâ?Ts policy over the next ten years. It sets out a common vision to work towards. It identifies six principles to guide all actions to be taken and it proposes a more holistic way of thinking about children which reflects contemporary understanding of childhood. To realise the vision the Strategy then sets three National Goals: to listen, think and act more effectively for children. New structures are proposed to deliver better co-ordination between government departments and the agencies providing services to children so that the Goals can be achieved. Rooted in the positive vision of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, it represents a different way of doing business, which will, if we all work together, help us become a society which fully values and respects its children. Download the Report here
The Programme for Government gives a commitment to develop a National Strategy on Dementia by 2013 which will increase awareness, ensure early diagnosis and intervention, and enhance community based services for people living with this condition. During 2012, following the completion of the Research Review in preparation for the National Strategy, the Department carried out a public consultation to inform its development. This report is a summary of the responses and submissions received. Click here to download PDF 271KB Â
The Forum for Longford was started in 1997 to provide a co-ordinated inter-agency approach to identify and help tackle social problems in Longford. A survey was carried out with 1,331 post-primary students to ascertain attitudes and behaviours towards alcohol, smoking and drug use. Of the pupils interviewed, 64% had taken an alcoholic drink at age 15 or younger; of these 73% had their first drink between the ages of 12 to 15. Of those that had experience of alcohol, 51% drank several times a week or daily. For smoking, 67% had smoked a cigarette; of these 8% smoked 5 or more daily. Of those that smoked, 47% began between the ages of 11 to 14. With regard to illegal drugs 27% had used cannabis, 20% had used inhalants, 10% hallucinogens, 9% amphetamines and 7.4% had used ecstasy. Following on form these findings, the report makes several recommendations, including the formation of a community task force, Garda/ neighbourhood watch response, schools prevention and information. Also among these key areas are the role of parents, the needs of young people and facilities for young people.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
This is the fourth annual report to the EMCDDA from the Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research (SIRUS) on the drugs situation in Norway. The report has been drawn up in accordance with the new reporting guidelines introduced by the EMCDDA this year. We have endeavoured to follow these as consistently as possible, with the main focus on “new developments” and substantial changes in epidemiology, legislation and organisation. To allow readers to obtain more background information the report contains a number of references to the national report for 2003, and occasional references to the report for 2002.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
(WHIASU) A basic guide to conducting a HIA. 1. Health impact assessment is a tool that can help organisations to assess the possible consequences of their decisions on people۪s health and well-being, thereby helping to develop more integrated policies and programmes. 2. This document has been developed as a practical guide to health impact assessment. It is designed to meet the needs of a variety of organisations by explaining the concept, the process and its flexibility, and by providing templates that can be adjusted to suit. 3. The Welsh Assembly Government is committed to developing the use of health impact assessment in Wales as a part of its strategy to improve health and wellbeing and to reduce health inequalities. This practical guide has been prepared by the Welsh Health Impact Assessment Support Unit, which was established by the Welsh Assembly Government to encourage and support organisations and groups in Wales to use the approach. 4. The development and use of health impact assessment will contribute to the ongoing development and implementation of local health, social care and wellbeing strategies, which is a joint statutory responsibility for Local Health Boards and local authorities. It can also contribute to Community Strategies which, given their overarching nature and breadth and depth, can address social, economic and environmental determinants of health, and to the implementation of Communities First, the Welsh Assembly Government۪s crosscutting regeneration programme. 5. The development of Health Challenge Wales as the national focus for improving health in Wales reinforces efforts to prevent ill health. Tools such as health impact assessment can help organisations and groups in all sectors to identify ways in which they can help people to improve their health.
Ireland’s higher education system has played a major role in the development of Irish society and the economy, and has an even more critical role to play in the coming decades as we seek to rebuild an innovative knowledge-based economy that will provide sustainable employment opportunities and good standards of living for all our citizens. Its role in enabling every citizen to realise their full potential and in generating new ideas through research are and will be the foundation for wider developments in society. The development of the higher education system in the years to 2030 will take place initially in an environment of severe constraints on public finances. Demand to invest in education to support job creation and innovation, and to help people back into employment is increasing. In the wider world, globalisation, technological advancement and innovation are defining economic development, people are much more mobile internationally as they seek out career opportunities, and competition for foreign direct investment remains intense.
Ireland’s higher education system has played a major role in the development of Irish society and the economy, and has an even more critical role to play in the coming decades as we seek to rebuild an innovative knowledge-based economy that will provide sustainable employment opportunities and good standards of living for all our citizens. Its role in enabling every citizen to realise their full potential and in generating new ideas through research are and will be the foundation for wider developments in society. The development of the higher education system in the years to 2030 will take place initially in an environment of severe constraints on public finances. Demand to invest in education to support job creation and innovation, and to help people back into employment is increasing. In the wider world, globalisation, technological advancement and innovation are defining economic development, people are much more mobile internationally as they seek out career opportunities, and competition for foreign direct investment remains intense.
The purpose of this plan is to set out in detail the necessary actions to implement the recommendations as described in National Strategy for Higher education in Ireland to 2030; to show where lead responsibility will lie amongst the various actors involved in the higher education sector and to indicate where possible the phasing and timelines of these actions.
The National Strategy for Higher Education was launched in January 2011. In order to ensure effective oversight of implementation of the strategy the Department of Education and Skills has established an Implementation Oversight Group. The Oversight Group is co-ordinating, monitoring and reporting on the implementation of recommendations contained in the National Strategy on an ongoing basis in conjunction with other expertise and stakeholders as required. The Oversight Group has agreed a short to medium term Implementation Progress reporting template that details actions under four broad strategic headings together with a number of supporting objectives. The strategic headings are congruent with the aims of the National Strategy. Each action is the responsibility of a designated organisation. It is the intention of the Department of Education and Skills to report regularly on the implementation of the strategy.