10 resultados para National Science Foundation (U.S.). Office of Science Information Service.
em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland
National Office of Suicide Prevention Annual Report 2006 Suicidal behaviour is a major public health problem in Ireland. In particular it is a significant cause of death among young men aged 18 â?" 35, while overall suicide rates in Ireland are lower than the EU average, youth suicide rates are fifth highest. Risk factors for suicide include depression, schizophrenia and alcohol but suicide trends over time in many countries are influenced by major social changes especially those which result in less social cohesion. Click here to download PDF 882kb
24.6.2008 National Office of Suicide Prevention Annual Report 2007 Suicidal behaviour remains a significant public health problem in Ireland. Nearly 11,000 self harm presentations were made to our Emergency Departments in 2007. The latest year of occurrence data for 2005 shows the number of recorded suicides at 481, slightly lower than previous years. As our population has increased our overall rate of suicide has reduced, although our rate of youth suicide remains the 5th highest in Europe. However, we should be encouraged by the self harm and year of occurrence suicide data which although not yet indicating significant downward trends are perhaps beginning to reflect the impact of the work undertaken in the last few years. Click here to download PDF 1.8mb
Response to the Office of Fair Trading on the Care Home Market
The focus of this report is the regulation of complementary therapists and, as such, does not deal directly with the efficacy of such therapies. It is for the consumer to make the choice of which therapy they intend to use. Whether they wish to consult a qualified therapist such as a homeopath or an acupuncturist, a healer, the seventh son of a seventh son, a person reputed to have a cure for a particular ailment or a person with a special skill with bones; the choice is theirs. Read the report (PDF 607kb) Download the accompanying leaflet (PDF 300kb) Note – Re: Page 70. ASK Ireland wish to clarify that the Kinesiology Association of Ireland do not represent the Association of Systematic Kinesiology in Ireland, in any way.
The National Drugs Strategy 2009-16 is a cross cutting area of public policy and service delivery. It is based upon a co-ordinated approach across the full range of Government Departments and Agencies involved in delivering drugs policy. The overall objective of the Strategy is to tackle the harm caused to individuals, families and communities as a result of problem drug and alcohol use through the five pillars of supply reduction, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and research. The progress achieved across the 63 Actions of the National Drugs Strategy by Government Departments and Agencies is reported here. Click here to download PDF 295kb Â
Drugs misuse continues to be one of the most significant challenges facing our country.  It is highly destructive and has devastating effects on individuals, relationships, families, communities and society in general. Implementation of the National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016, which sets out Government policy in dealing with the drugs problem, is being pursued across a range of Government Departments and Agencies. Solid progress is being made across the 63 Actions of the Strategy, which are based around the five pillars of supply reduction, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and research. The Oversight Forum on Drugs, which is Chaired by Minister Mr Alex White, meets on a quarterly basis and reviews the implementation of the Strategy. The 2013 Annual Progress Report on the implementation of the actions of the National Drugs Strategy is available here.
The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) weighs and measures children in Reception (typically aged 4 - 5 years) and (aged 10 - 11 years) annually. The report highlights the usefulness of the NCMP Dataset in furthering our understanding of underweight, overweight and obesity in children, as well as highlighting some areas where improvements can be made in the programme, or where further analysis and investigation is required. The purpose of this report is not to provide specific local results, but an understanding from national-level analysis that can be used to inform local uses and analysis of NCMP data.
The report provides analysis of PCT participation levels and investigates data quality issues in the collection of the 2007/08 NCMP dataset.
The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) weighs and measures children in Reception (typically aged 4 - 5 years) and (aged 10 - years) annually. The report highlights the usefulness of the NCMP Dataset in furthering our understanding of underweight, overweight and obesity in children, as well as highlighting some areas where improvements can be made in the programme, or where further analysis and investigation is required. The purpose of this report is not to provide specific local results, but an understanding from national-level analysis that can be used to inform local uses and analysis of NCMP data.
The National Obesity Observatory has produced a new report - National Child Measurement Programme: Detailed Analysis of the 2006/07 National Dataset. The report highlights the usefulness of the NCMP for advancing our understanding of underweight, overweight and obesity in children. The report looks at the effects of socio-demographic and other factors on the reported prevalence of childhood obesity. It also identifies areas where improvements can be made, and where further analysis and investigation are required.