6 resultados para National Association of Concessionaires (NAC)

em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland


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The report provides information to assist the Department of Health and Children and the Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Units in each Health Board/Health Authority region, to prepare and develop strategic plans for nursing workforce requirements. Download the document here.  


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National Office of Suicide Prevention Annual Report 2006 Suicidal behaviour is a major public health problem in Ireland. In particular it is a significant cause of death among young men aged 18 â?" 35, while overall suicide rates in Ireland are lower than the EU average, youth suicide rates are fifth highest. Risk factors for suicide include depression, schizophrenia and alcohol but suicide trends over time in many countries are influenced by major social changes especially those which result in less social cohesion. Click here to download PDF 882kb


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24.6.2008 National Office of Suicide Prevention Annual Report 2007 Suicidal behaviour remains a significant public health problem in Ireland. Nearly 11,000 self harm presentations were made to our Emergency Departments in 2007. The latest year of occurrence data for 2005 shows the number of recorded suicides at 481, slightly lower than previous years. As our population has increased our overall rate of suicide has reduced, although our rate of youth suicide remains the 5th highest in Europe. However, we should be encouraged by the self harm and year of occurrence suicide data which although not yet indicating significant downward trends are perhaps beginning to reflect the impact of the work undertaken in the last few years. Click here to download PDF 1.8mb


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This report presents the results of the second national audit which examines the organisation of services provided to older people for falls prevention and bone health. Falls and fractures are a common and serious problem affecting older people, with high levels of personal and financial cost. National guidelines, supported by the research evidence, require the provision of integrated services for falls and fracture prevention and treatment. Effective commissioning is needed to produce such high quality services.��This audit was commissioned by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) as part of the second cycle of audits on services for the prevention of falls and fractures in older people. It follows the first organisational audit, performed in 2005, and the clinical audit of 2007. All were audited against specific standards from the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF) and guidance from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). Since the first audit, indicators have been added or updated in line with new guidance including that on falls prevention of inpatients following the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) report on slips, trips and falls in hospital (2007). For the first time, the audit also looks specifically at falls and fracture prevention in mental healthcare and a sample of care homes.


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The first National Audit of Continence Care for Older People, sponsored by the HealthcareCommission, was published in November 2005. The results from that audit generated muchinterest and harnessed an impetus for change. This report presents the results from the 3rdround of the organisational and clinical National Audit of Continence Care which examined thestructure and provision of care for people with lower urinary tract symptoms and incontinence,and faecal incontinence in primary care, secondary care and care homes in England, Walesand Northern Ireland, and compared this to current national guidelines.Well organised services,based upon national guidelines have been shown to deliver higher quality care to patients. Asjudged by the national guidelines however, this round of audit shows there is still considerablevariation in both the organisation of services and the way they deliver care to patients.


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This release from the Office for National Statistics contains a reference table providing Healthy Life Expectancy (HLE) and Life Expectancy (LE) at birth for national deciles of area deprivation in England. It also provides two measures of inequality, the range and Slope Index of Inequality (SII), for the period 2010-12.Key findingsMales in the most deprived areas have a life expectancy 9.1 years shorter (when measured by the range) than males in the least deprived areas; they also spend a smaller proportion of their shorter lives in ‘Good’ health (70.8% compared to 85.0%).Females in the most deprived areas have a life expectancy 6.8 years shorter (when measured by the range) than females in the least deprived areas; they also expect to spend 17.2% less of their life in ‘Good’ health (66.1% compared to 83.2%).Males in the most advantaged areas can expect to live 19.4 years longer in ‘Good’ health than those in the least advantaged areas as measured by the Slope Index of Inequality (SII). For females this was 19.8 years.Read the release here.��