181 resultados para Monitoring of Health and Social Services
em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland
Appleby Report - August 2005
Briggs Report - Review of Health and Social Services in the Case of David and Samuel Briggs - June 2003
The study provides an evaluation of health and social services from the perspective of older people themselves and provides an opportunity for older people to express their lifelong care preferences. The National Council on Ageing and Older People strongly endorses the principle that older people should be involved in the development, planning and evaluation of their health and social services. This is underpinned by the principle that a health service fit for older people is a quality service that benefits everyone Download the Report here
Reform of HPSS
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Survey of the attitudes of the general public to health and social services
This policy guidance is intended for staff working within the Health and Personal Social Services sector in Northern Ireland, and aims to provide advice and information on the provision of health and social care services to asylum seekers and refugees. The purpose of the policy is to ensure that asylum seekers and refugees are given equitable access to health and social care services under the terms of the current legislation, with the overall aim of providing a culturally competent health and social care services. åÊ
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This is the report of the interagency Outbreak Control Team (OCT) of an investigation of an outbreak of listeriosis which occurred during May to November 2008 in the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. The report describes the chronology of the outbreak and the outcome of epidemiological, environmental health and microbiological investigations. The report concludes with recommendations for public health, Trusts, the Department of Health and Social Services and Public Safety, the Food Standards Agency, and those responsible for hospital food procurement.
This is the report of the interagency Outbreak Control Team (OCT) of an investigation of an outbreak of listeriosis which occurred during May to November 2008 in the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust.The report describes the chronology of the outbreak and the outcome of epidemiological, environmental health and microbiological investigations. The report concludes with recommendations for public health, Trusts, the Department of Health and Social Services and Public Safety, the Food Standards Agency, and those responsible for hospital food procurement.�
The 'Transforming Your Care (TYC)' consultation relates to proposals for changes in the delivery of Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland in the context of the TYC report published in December 2011. TYC is about making changes to ensure safe, high quality and sustainable services for patients, service users and staff. TYC sets out proposals in respect of how health and social services will need to adapt and be organised to best meet the needs associated with population ageing, increasing long-term conditions and other challenges. Key points from IPH response include: IPH welcomes the HSC commitment to transform health and social care services to meet Northern Ireland’s changing population health needs Inequalities are a dominant feature of health service utilisation patterns in Northern Ireland – for example hospital admission rates for self-harm and alcohol-related admissions in the most deprived areas are double the regional figure. IPH recommends that
Interim report on the Southern Health and Social Services Board's Community Nursing Strategy Pilot Project