12 resultados para International convention for the protection of birds.
em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland
Proposed Consultation on Implementation of the EC Directive on the Protection of Young People at Work (94/33)
This document, which has been named Our Duty to Care, is aimed at community and voluntary organisations of any size or type that provide services for children. It offers guidance on the promotion of child welfare and the development of safe practices in work with children. It also gives information on how to recognise signs of child abuse and the correct steps to take within organisations if it is suspected, witnessed or disclosed. The process of reporting suspected or actual child abuse to the health board is described step by step, and guidance is given on how to handle sensitive areas. Download document here
Preliminary draft of regulations to be made under the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill, 2013
Preliminary draft of regulations to be made under the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill, 2013 Preliminary draft of Regulations to be made under the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill, 2013. It is the intention to bring these Regulations into effect when the Bill is enacted. The Regulations are as follows: Click here to download The Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act 2013 (Certification Regulations) PDF 466KB Click here to download The Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act 2013 (Application for Review of Medical Opinion) PDF 219KB Click here to download The Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act 2013 (Notifications) PDF 180KB
On 5 June 2014, the European Union published its first report on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD). This document follows the ratification of the Convention by the EU in 2010 and its obligation to prepare and submit a report on its actions to support the implementation of the Convention. Read the report here.
The United Nations Office of Drug Control (UNODC) published ‘International Standards on Drug Use Prevention’ in 2013. The Standards were developed through a systematic assessment of the international evidence on prevention and they provide a summary of the available scientific evidence. The briefing provides a summary of the UNODC prevention standards and gives corresponding examples of relevant UK guidelines,programmes and interventions currently available in England. Its aim is to help people who commission, develop and implement prevention strategies and interventions to translate the standards into the English operating landscape. It also aims to support local authority commissioners to develop their prevention strategies and implement them in line with evidence.
In December 2009 the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) heard a case brought by three women in respect of the alleged breach of their rights under the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (the Convention) in regard to abortion in Ireland (the A, B and C v Ireland case). Â Click here to download PDF 929kb
Interim Report of the Steering Group on the Review of the Mental Health Act 2001 There is a commitment in the Programme for Government to review the Mental Health Act 2001. In line with this, Minister Lynch appointed a Steering Group to review the Mental Health Act 2001. Their report is now with an Expert Group. The review takes accounts of the significant changes in thinking about the delivery of mental health services that have taken place in the last ten years (including the introduction of the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (CRPD), the shift to community based services, the adoption of a recovery approach in every aspect of service delivery and the involvement of service users as partners in their own care and in the development of the service). Click here to download PDF 471kb
Second-level school students have been identified by the Minister for health as a priority group for education on AIDS. An education programme was accordingly initiated in 1988 in Community Care Area 1 in South county Dublin. This report evaluates this education intervention by means of pre- and post- intervention questionnaires. The questionnaire examined knowledge and attitudes of students relevant to AIDS. The results showed that the level of knowledge of students living in this area was high prior to intervention. The education programme succeeded in improving some aspects of knowledge and also influenced some attitudes of the students. A study of the epidemiology of Aids in Ireland reveals that the epidemic is at a relatively early stage with a consequent rapid doubling time of 9-10 months. In comparison with most developed countries Ireland has a high proportion of AIDS cases occurring among intravenous drug abusers and directly related to this a high number of HIV infected children. Examination of the literature reveals that behaviour change has occurred most noticeably among the homosexual/bisexual risk group. There is some evidence that the comprehensive programmes can achieve change in the behaviour of intravenous drug abusers. There are very few reports linking behaviour change among adolescents and young adults to education programmes. Much of the available literature relates to changes in knowledge and attitudes. International recommendations on the nature of the ideal health education intervention on AIDS are reviewed. The importance of a comprehensive health education programme which incorporates AIDS education and which commences early in youth is noted. The role of the community physician in relation to education programmes and other aspects of monitoring and management of the AIDS epidemic is discussed.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
The overarching purpose of these guidelines is to ensure the safety and promote the protection of patients, staff and visitors by ensuring that dangerous items or hazardous substances are not brought into the in-patient setting, including illicit substances, prescribed / over the counter medications, dangerous items and alcohol or any other hazardous or potentially hazardous item or substance.
This Communication Strategy has been developed by representatives of the statutory sector and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) from the voluntary and community sectors from both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland
Guidance for the HPSS on the protection and use of patient and client information
Public health services in Ireland, North and South, are committed to addressing inequalities in health on the island of Ireland. This report, prepared by Dr Lorraine Doherty, Assistant Director of Public Health (Health Protection), Public Health Agency NI for the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH), specifically highlights health inequalities in relation to infectious diseases and other areas of health protection such as chemical hazards and environmental disruption. Infectious diseases disproportionately affect the most vulnerable in society. These vulnerable groups bear the highest burden of disease in relation to infectious diseases. The report also highlights the impact of climate change on health protection and the impacts for water, food and vector borne diseases. The aim of this report is to enable a programme of work to begin to document health protection inequalities and develop action plans for addressing them on an all island basis.