14 resultados para Ethnic press
em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland
Translating Pain into Action: A Study of Gender-based Violence and Minority Ethnic Women in Ireland Click here to download PDF 1.4mb Summary of the Report PDF 502kb This is a publication of the Womens Health Council
Gender-based Violence: a resource document for services and organisations working with and for minority ethnic women Click here to download PDF 492kb This is a publication of the Womens Health Council
Initiatives in the East Midlands to Address Health Inequalities Between Ethnic Groups: Results of a survey undertaken by Champa Patel in May-July 2004 on behalf of EMPHO and Voice-East Midlands.
This is a study concerned with community based services aimed at smokers living on a low income and/or black and minority ethnic groups.
The Health Inequalities Intervention Tool, developed by APHO, highlights the key issues that Spearhead local authorities (with their PCTs) need to address to meet the Government۪s life expectancy targets. It can be used by any Spearhead Primary Care Trust or local council to find out what the underlying causes of the life expectancy gap are for that area. This Tool is designedto allow "Spearhead" Local Authorities/PCTs tounderstand better how they might reduce the inequalties between them and the national picture. (Please note that there are no "Spearhead" PCTs in the East of England. However, plans are being drawn up to address this and allow the developmentof this tool that is of use to all PCTs.)
London is the most ethnically diverse city in the UK. Census 2001 population figures suggest that: 40% of Londoners belong to a minority ethnic group, including the White Other and White Irish groups. The White Other (8%), Indian (6%), Black African (5%) and Black Caribbean (5%) groups are the largest in London. With the exception of the Pakistani group, London has the largest population from all ethnic minority groups out of all regions of England. There are wide differences in the proportion of the population from an ethnic minority group in different London boroughs, ranging from 71% in Brent to 8% in Havering.
The APHO Health Inequalities Tool provides health and local authorities with the information they need to reduce health inequalities in their local community. For the first time they will have hard-edged evidence at their fingertips that tells them the causes of their life expectancy gap and quantifies the impact of local actions
Classification and selection of ethnic disparity health indicators in New Zealand
This report arises from a project commissioned by the Department of Health's Equality and Human Rights Group to produce an evidence-based review with a national perspective that addresses (i) ethnic differentials in health and healthcare and (ii) evidence of effective NHS and other action, including seective examples of good practice to illustrate each area. Rather than aiming for comprehensive coverage, the Department suggested a document that focuses on selective topics and population health priorities drawn from the NHS plan, existing and developing National Service Frameworks, and other policy documents and which, collectively, are encompassed in the NHS's 10-point Race Equality Action Plan. The authors were not asked to review the evidence on other key areas (such ashypertension, stroke, disability, etc.), ethnic disparities in the wider determinants of health, and on some specific groups such as Gypsy Travellers and refugees and asylum seekers. Some of these topics are covered in other reviews.
This report arises from a project commissioned by the Department of Health's Equality and Human Rights Group to produce an evidence-based review with a national perspective that addresses (i) ethnic differentials in health and healthcare and (ii) evidence of effective NHS and other action, including seective examples of good practice to illustrate each area. Rather than aiming for comprehensive coverage, the Department suggested a document that focuses on selective topics and population health priorities drawn from the NHS plan, existing and developing National Service Frameworks, and other policy documents and which, collectively, are encompassed in the NHS's 10-point Race Equality Action Plan. The authors were not asked to review the evidence on other key areas (such ashypertension, stroke, disability, etc.), ethnic disparities in the wider determinants of health, and on some specific groups such as Gypsy Travellers and refugees and asylum seekers. Some of these topics are covered in other reviews.
This paper explores some aspects of health monitoring in relation to black and ethnic minority populations in London. It considers where research in London and elsewhere has shown evidence of inequalities between ethnic groups, and draws out the issues for recording, analysis and sharing of ethnic-specific data.
This leaflet is for BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) Carers. Carers can be people of all ages including children, young people, parents, older people. There is a cut off slip for BME Carers to fill in with their details. This information can then be sent to the Carer Worker in their local Trust. Details are on the leaflet.
This toolkit considers how mental health is viewed in different cultures, barriers to accessing services, cultural competences in mental health, 'dos and don'ts' quick reference guide. There is also information on interpreting and translation services as well as other support organisations that practitioners can refer clients to.