em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland
Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) improves health status and exercise tolerance, but not respiratory function in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The objective of the study was to identify predictors of improvement in the 6-min walked distance (6'WD) in elderly COPD patients after PR. Methods: this was a prospective observational study performed in an ambulatory rehabilitation setting. The authors enrolled 74 patients aged 65-83 years (mean: 74.2, SD: 4.4) with stable COPD in GOLD stage 3-4. About half (45.6%) of them had a basal O2 saturation of 90% or less. After a baseline multi-dimensional assessment, patients underwent a 20-session rehabilitation cycle including training of the upper and lower extremities, and respiratory exercises, along with education sessions.
The Walking for Health programme was established in 2001 and continues to be an integral part of Government policy to address the health and wellbeing of the population in Northern Ireland. The programme is delivered through HSC Trusts across Northern Ireland and is supported by the Public Health Agency. Walking for Health aims to encourage inactive people to increase their level of physical activity by participating in local led health walks.