85 resultados para Drug Users
em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland
Summary of the findings for 2005/06 from the four collaborating centres in Northen Ireland
Survey of Injecting Drug Users: Summary of the findings for 2004/05 from the four collaborating centres in Northern Ireland
Shooting Up: Infections among injecting drug users in the United Kingdom - Northern Ireland Summary
Summary of the findings for 2003/04 in Northern Ireland
Summary of the findings for 2002/03 from the five collaborating centres in NI
Summary of the findings for 2002 from the five collaborating centres in NI
The research examines general practitioners attitudes and how these effect the management of drug misusers within their practice. The methodology is quantitative in approach. The instrument used is a structured postal questionnaire. Participants include all general practitioners within the North East region of Ireland. Anonymity and confidentiality of all respondents are guaranteed. Data was collected over a six week period, under the following headings - attitudes and beliefs, factors influencing treatment, treatment options, training and demographics. Attitudes and beliefs towards drug users were measured using a five point Likert scale ranging from strongly agrees to strongly disagree. The data was analysed with the aid of a computer package, SPSS allowing descriptive statistics to be presented. Results indicate that the majority of respondents are male. There appears to be sympathy towards drug users and that treatment approaches should be holistic. However, there appears to be a major lack of confidence in treating and managing drug misusers. Patient, social and practice factors all influence the decision to the drug misuser. Treatment options are varied, ranging from methadone maintenance to referral for residential treatment. However, a number of respondents offer no treatment for drug misusers. General practitioners do not feel adequately trained in treating and/or managing this client group. Results indicate that improved communication, ongoing education and more research is needed in this area.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
The aim of this guide is to identify the key principles of partnership working and to provide case study examples of how partnership works in practice in employability provision for drug users. Developing and sustaining new and valuable relationships with the world beyond drugs is a key factor in sustainable recovery for drug users. This includes the worlds of employment, training and education. Research suggests that employment can aid the process of recovery. A qualitative study of drug users in Scotland highlighted the importance of employment and other activities to fill the ‘void’ left by drug useThis resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
This report consists of a number of case histories and taped interviews with drug users in which they speak about their reasons for taking drugs. The author also analyses the drug trafficking scene, which is based on the importation of drugs from London, Northern Ireland, robbery of chemists' shops and forged prescriptions. The author concludes that adequately equipped drug clinics, advisory services and better police precautions all have an important part to play in dealing with the drugs problem. He also concludes the Drug Squad needs to be strengthened and educational programmes about the dangers of drugs need to be introduced into schools.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Shooting Up Infections among injecting drug users in the united Kingdom 2008 - An update 2009
Shooting Up: Infections among injecting drug users in the United Kingdom 2007- An Update: October 2008
Infections among injecting drug users in the United Kingdom 2006
Infections among injecting drug users in the UK 2005 - An Update: October 2006
Infections Among Injecting Drug Users in the UK 2004
Infections Among Drug Users in the UK 2003