18 resultados para Competencies gaps

em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland


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This briefing looks at who is making use of NHS stop smoking services in the London area.


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Request to participate in an expert group review of child health research gaps and priorities in Ireland and Northern Ireland IPH responded to a questionnaire from the FP7 funded project - RICHE ( www.childhealthresearch.eu). The project goal is to produce an inventory of child health research in Europe, identify gaps in existing and on-going research, and devise a series of roadmaps for the future of child health research. This is co-ordinated by Anthony Staines from DCU, and Michael Rigby, from the Nordic School. This specific phase of the project is being co-ordinated by Matilde Leonardi and Giorgio Tamburlini in Italy.


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DHSSPS has published the findings of the Report of the Steering Group chaired by the Chief Medical officer examining services for people with diabetes. The report assesses progress against the objectives of the original CREST/Diabetes UK Joint Taskforce Report (2003). åÊThere is an overview of the epidemiology of the condition as well as an assessment of current service provision, identified gaps and emergent priorities.


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Key Points: Health outcomes are generally worse in the most deprived areas in Northern Ireland when compared both with those witnessed in the region generally and in the least deprived areas. Large differences (health inequality gaps) continue to exist for a number of different health measures. åá Males in the 20% most deprived areas could expect, on average, to live 4.3 fewer years than the NI average and 7.3 fewer years than those in the 20% least deprived areas.åá Female life expectancy in the most deprived areas was 2.6 years less than the regional average and 4.3 years less than that in the least deprived areas.åá The overall death rate for males as measured by the All Age All Cause Mortality (AAACM) rate was a fifth higher in the most deprived areas (1,567 deaths per 100,000 population) than the NI average (1,304 deaths per 100,000 population), and 44% higher than in the least deprived areas (1,090 deaths per 100,000 population).åá The overall death rate for females (AAACM) in the most deprived areas (1,093 deaths per 100,000 population) was 17% higher than regionally (935 deaths per 100,000 population), and a third higher than in the least deprived areas (829 deaths per 100,000 population).åá The suicide rate in the most deprived areas (30.7 deaths per 100,000 population) was three times that in the least deprived areas (10.1 deaths per 100,000 population). All HSCIMS reports are published on the Departmental website at: http://www.dhsspsni.gov.uk/index/statistics/health-inequalities.htm


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In April 2000, the Cabinet Committee on Social Inclusion requested that a review of the current national drugs strategy be undertaken. The overall objective of the review was to identify any gaps or deficiencies in the existing strategy and to develop revised strategies and, if necessary, new arrangements through which to deliver them. A sub-group of the Inter-Departmental Group on Drugs and the National Drugs Strategy Team â?" known as the Review Group â?" managed and oversaw the process. As part of the review, a study of the latest available data on the extent andnature of drug misuse in Ireland was undertaken. This revealed that the most commonly used drug in Ireland is cannabis, followed by ecstasy. However, in terms of harm to the individual and the community, heroin has the greatest impact. Download the Report here


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2004 marked the half-way point of the National Drugs Strategy and a mid-term review was initiated in June last year. The review was overseen by a Steering Group chaired by the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs.The overall aim of the review was to examine the progress being made in achieving the key strategic goals set out in the Strategy and to enable priorities for future action to be identified â?" and a re-focussing of the Strategy if necessary â?" for the remaining period up to 2008. The Steering Group was also asked to examine the relevance of the Strategy in tackling the current nature and extent of drug misuse in Ireland, including emerging trends, and to identify any gaps presenting and how they might be addressed Download the Report here


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The Food Safety Promotion Board, following a request from the Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children, Dr. Tom Moffatt T.D., established the Stimulant Drinks Committee (consisting of external experts) to carry out research into the health effects of stimulant drinks. The task and terms of reference for the group were: • to review the potential health effects on the population of Ireland from the consumption of stimulant drinks • to assess the knowledge gaps • to consider the need for any action to protect public health.


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This document details the HSE's Palliative Care Services - Five Year Medium Term Development Framework (2009 - 2013). It has been developed using a holistic, system-wide, approach to addressing the level of need identified by both the Baseline Study on the Provision of Hospice / Specialist Palliative Care Services in Ireland (2006) as well as the HSE Audit of Palliative Care Service Provision (2007). The HSE Audit was conducted by each of the four HSE Administrative Areas, in conjunction with Area Development Committees, against the recommendations of the Report of the National Advisory Committee on Palliative Care 2001 (the NACPC Report). Therefore, this document is grounded in the recommendations of the NACPC Report, (e.g. palliative care definition, palliative care service areas, staffing and bed number ratios), and informed by the findings of the HSE Audit. The purpose of this document is not to replace the recommendations of the NACPC Report from a policy context, nor does it represent a new national strategy for palliative care. This document details the required actions and initiatives necessary to address the gaps in palliative care service provision, against the recommendations set out in the NACPC Report.


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This study examines the impact of policy on poverty and inequality in Britain since 1997This research shows what effect policies introduced since 1997 have had on reducing poverty and inequality. It offers a considered assessment of impacts over a decade:How did policies change, before 1997 and since then?What evidence is there of impacts on key outcomes?What gaps or problems remain or emerged?The study covers a range of subjects, including public attitudes to poverty and inequality, children and early years, education, health, employment, pensions, and migrants. It measures the extent of progress and also considers future direction and pressures, particularly in the light of recession and an ageing society.The research draws on extensive analysis of policy documents, analysis by government departments and research bodies, published statistics and evaluations, analysis of large-scale datasets, micro-simulation modelling and a long-running qualitative study with residents of low-income neighbourhoods.��


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An independent and detailed expert analysis of a decade of reforms (published 25 February) takes up the challenge made by Peter Mandelson in 1997 to “judge us after ten years of success in office. For one of the fruits of that success will be that Britain has become a more equal society.����”Commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the study, by a team led by LSE’s Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, shows sharp contrasts between different policy areas. Notable success stories include reductions in child and pensioner poverty, improved education outcomes for the poorest children and schools, and narrowing economic and other divides between deprived and other areas.But health inequalities continued to widen, gaps in incomes between the very top and very bottom grew, and poverty increased for working-age people without children.����In several policy areas there was a marked contrast between the first half of the New Labour period and the second half, when progress has slowed or even stalled.John Hills, one of the leaders of study, said, “Whether Britain has moved towards becoming a ‘more equal society’ depends on what you look at, and when. Where clear initiatives were taken, results followed. But as the growth of living standards slowed, even well before the recession, and public finances tightened, momentum seems to have been lost in several key areas.”Kitty Stewart added, “The government can take heart from achievements such as the reduction in child poverty up to 2004.����Recent data show that by then, child well-being in the UK had begun to move up the European league table from its dismal showing at the start of the decade that formed the basis of UNICEF’s damning 2007 report. But even with improved figures, Britain was still left with one of the highest rates of child poverty out of the 15 original EU members, and the latest figures show it had increased again by 2006/7.”����The study concludes that the decade from 1997 was favourable to an egalitarian agenda in several ways: the economy grew continuously; the government had large majorities and aspired to create more equality; and public attitudes surveys suggested pent-up demand for more public expenditure. But that environment now looks very uncertain, not just in the near future, but also in the longer term.����Fiscal pressures from an ageing society could further constrain resources available for redistribution, and public attitudes towards the benefit system have hardened while support for redistribution has declined.Hills added, “The 1980s and 1990s showed that hoping that rapid growth in living standards at the top would ‘trickle down’ to those at the bottom did not work.����The period since 1997 has shown that gains are possible through determined interventions, but they require intensive and continuous effort to be sustained.”JRF Chief Executive Julia Unwin added, “We know the potential impact the deepening recession will have on those already living in poverty. This book provides an important, timely and comprehensive assessment of where we are and what remains to be done.”


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A report from the Dementia Elevator project��at Dublin City University��highlights��the gaps that exist in dementia skills and knowledge in Ireland. It considers��models of��best practice in dementia training and education, and hopes to��inform ��the development of appropriately tailored dementia-related training and education programmes in��Ireland.��Read the report here.


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This report by Trent Cancer Registry and EMPHO provides important information on variations in the incidence, mortality and survival for the four most common cancers diagnosed in people living in the East Midlands (lung, colorectal, breast and prostate). In particular, it highlights large differences in incidence and mortality rates between different parts of the Region and identifies significant gaps in survival after diagnosis between the most affluent and most deprived areas.


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The project objectives were to: - Review the current situation for the population of the East Midlands, across the Tier 4 services and for young people in Out of Area Placements. - Examine current commissioning arrangements across the region and across the agencies of health, social care and education. - Consider the development of a shared framework within which future Tier 4 services could be planned and delivered. - Identify care pathways across the continuum of CAMHS services and highlight any gaps within CAMHS Tier 4 provision.


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The briefing identifies gaps in primary and review-level research and makes a number of recommendations, including further measures to address health inequalities.


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These reports summarise progress against Department of Health inequality targets for 2010 in the following areas: Infant mortality; life expectancy at birth for males and for females; cancer (premature mortality rate) and all circulatory diseases (premature mortality rate). Key facts Infant mortality The inequality gap in the infant mortality rate has reduced for the second consecutive period, though not yet by a sufficient amount to meet the target, based on the trend since the current socio economic classifications were introduced in 2001. Life expectancy at birth (males and females) The inequality gaps in male and female life expectancy at birth have both increased since the baseline. If current trends continue, the target would not be met. Cancer mortality The inequality gap in cancer mortality has declined since the baseline (despite a slight increase in the latest period), and the minimum requirement for the 2010 target has already been met. All circulatory diseases mortality The inequality gap in circulatory disease mortality has declined, and is on track to meet the target.