9 resultados para Baron-Cohen, Simon: The essential difference - Men, women and the extreme male brain
em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland
The Homeless Agency recently launched its action plan to eliminate long-term homelessness and the need to sleep rough in Dublin by 2010. This article will discuss the elements of the plan that relate to homeless individuals with addiction problems in the context of the wider policy framework on drugs and homelessness. The plan contains three strategic aims, relating to prevention, local access to quality homeless services and long-term housing options with support when required. The plan contains 10 core actions (high priority) that cover more than one strategic aim and 74 additional actions (lower priority). Individuals with mental health problems, addictions (alcohol and drugs) and dual diagnosis (addiction and mental health) needs have been identified as needing healthcare and other interventions as part of the strategic aim to prevent homelessness and reduce the risk of becoming homeless. As part of the development of the action plan, a total of 105 men, women and children, both current and past users of homeless services, were interviewed. The principal immediate causes of their becoming homeless were identified by those interviewed as family breakdown, and alcohol, heroin and mental health problems. Several studies have shown the prominent role played by drug use in exposing individuals and families to homelessness in Ireland.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
ILC-UK recently (31 Aug 2011)��published a report calling for a gendered approach and response to dementia at the national and international level. The report posits that women will disproportionately bear the burden of dementia in terms of numbers, but also impact in the coming years. The ‘feminization of ageing’ is a widely recognised trend and yet hitherto a comprehensive approach to the impact of dementia on women remains largely under explored.Invariably women and men as they age, share many of the same fundamental needs. Yet, as is acknowledged in many parts of the world, older women are particularly vulnerable and are subject to prolonged inequalities experienced since childhood, for example, lower levels of education and a greater risk of poverty. This report assumes a life course approach to the challenge of dementia and women, arguing from a global perspective that women face a ‘triple jeopardy’ as a result of the associated stigma attached to their age, gender and decline in cognitive functions. ILC-UK make a number of recommendations for improving outcomes and interventions for women, which include: 1. Dementia health policies and programmes should incorporate a gender dimension in their design, delivery and evaluation2. Gender should be included as a key health determinant in the promotion and disease prevention of dementia3. Dementia research at the regional, national and international level needs to be disaggregated by gender and age4. Women and men should be equally represented and involved at the micro and macro level of decision-making with regard to the development of health and social care policies and resource allocation as they pertain to dementia5. There is a need for greater interdisciplinary research incorporating the biological and social models of health for men and women to improve health interventions and outcomesDownload the full pdf report here��
Women And Cardiovascular Health Cardiovascular disease is currently the major cause of mortality among women in Ireland. During the years 1989-1998, it was found that an average of 4,252 women in this country died from ischaemic and other heart diseases each year (Balanda and Wilde, 2001). When compared with other European Union countries, Ireland has been found to have the second highest rate of ischaemic heart disease among women, Click here to download PDF 2.4mb This is a publication of the Women’s Health Council
Violence Against Women and Health The problem of Violence Against Women (VAW) continues to plague our society causing appalling damage to the lives of thousands of women and children. The immense negative repercussions of being exposed to physical, sexual, or psychological abuse have been well documented worldwide, and are well accepted by both professionals working in this field and society at large. Significant government funding has been directed to this area in order to provide support to women who experience abuse. However, rates of violence remain unacceptably high and services are still inadequate given the magnitude and the complexity of the problem. Click here to download PDF 478kb
This is a publication of the Womens Health Council Read the report (PDF, 1.92mb) Â Â
Although prevention is the primary aim of cancer control, early diagnosis and effective treatment are also central to reducing disability and death from cancer. Research in Ireland and internationally has shown major differences between women in the stage (extent) of their cancer when first diagnosed, in access to screening, and in the type of treatment received. These factors have also been shown to determine the rate of cure of cancers and the length of survival for those not cured. Many countries, including Ireland, have developed cancer policies in the past decade, with the aim of improving access, and ensuring that all cancer patients have appropriate, and evidence-based, treatment. These changes have major implications for women in Ireland, for example in the provision of breast and cervical screening programmes and in the expansion of specialist treatment centres for breast cancer. This is a publication of the Women’s Health Council. Read the report (PDF, 1.37mb) Read the Summary (PDF, 120kb)
Ninety-one percent of antenatal clinic attenders and 97% of women having a termination of pregnancy agreed to HIV testing on a named or anonymous basis. HIV period prevalence's for Antenatal clinic attenders, and women having termination of pregnancy tested in Dundee were 0.13% and 0.85% respectively and for antenatal clinic attenders in Edinburgh, 0.26%. For those at "low risk", rates for antenatal clinic attenders and women having termination of pregnancy in Dundee were 0.11% and 0.13%, and for antenatal clinic attenders in Edinburgh, 0.02%. In dundee HIV prevalence among women having a termination of pregnancy (0.85%) was significantly greater (p< 0.001) than that among antenatal clinic attenders (0.13%). The investigation's findings show that HIV undoubtedly is occurring among women at "low risk" and it is clear that a policy of selective voluntary testing of those at "high risk" only, is inadequate for pregnant women living in areas of high prevalence such as Edinburgh and Dundee. Moreover, when studying pregnant populations in such areas there is a need to include those having a termination of pregnancy.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
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The second annual report of the Director of Public Health (DPH) for Northern Ireland was published today. This significant report highlights the many public health challenges that affect people in Northern Ireland. Dr Carolyn Harper, Director of Public Health, leads the public health team that tackles this complex agenda, working with many statutory, community and voluntary partner organisations across health, local government, education, housing and other sectors.