36 resultados para ALEPH training sessions
em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland
Pregnant women in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust area are learning how to manage their weight as a result of a project being funded by the Public Health Agency.The 'Watching your Weight in Pregnancy' project, being delivered by the Southern Health and Social Care Trust, got underway in December 2011 to address the rising levels of obesity across the southern area. It also aims to reduce the impact that obesity can have on the health of women and their unborn children during pregnancy and birth.Two pilot programmes are currently underway in the Kilkeel area teaching both antenatal and post natal women that feeling good about yourself and your baby is important during pregnancy.The programmes provide information about managing weight during and after pregnancy and include advice on good nutrition along with opportunities to take part in appropriate physical activities. As part of the project, there have also been training sessions for midwives in the Southern HSC Trust on healthier eating and physical activity during pregnancy.Patricia McStay, Southern Trust Head of Midwifery, explained why there was a need for this project: "Every woman wants a healthy baby and we are supporting the women to improve their own health and wellbeing. We have been seeing increasing numbers of women who are overweight or obese at their first contact with the midwife. We want to support these women to manage their weight gain in pregnancy to reduce the risk of experiencing health complications such as high blood pressure, and diabetes in pregnancy."Angela McComb, Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement Manager, for the PHA, said: "The southern office of the PHA recognised the many risks associated with obesity in pregnancy, both to the mother and her baby, and allocated funding for this pilot project to test out ways in which these health risks can be reduced. "We look forward to seeing the results of the evaluation which will inform the further development of effective approaches to support pregnant women to manage their weight both locally and across Northern Ireland."
This resource�has been produced for breastfeeding coordinators and breastfeeding peer support trainers who provide training for peer support volunteers. �� The resource has been distributed by PHA directly to those involved in breastfeeding peer support programmes in Northern Ireland. Further copies can be requested as applicable from Lesley Blackstock at: Lesley.blackstock@hscni.net The CD supports delivery of eight peer support teaching sessions (two hours each), which meet Open College Network NI requirements for certification at Level 2, credit value 3. The resource contains background information, support materials, lesson plans, Powerpoint presentations, DVD clips and worksheets for peer supporters. � Please note this resource is only suitable for individuals involved in delivering breastfeeding peer support in Northern Ireland.�
The Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training Programme for Northern Ireland has been adapted from the original MHFA programme established in Australia by Betty Kitchener and Anthony Jorm. MHFA is the help provided to a person who is developing a mental health problem or who is currently in a mental health crisis. The first aid is given until professional help is available or until the crisis resolves. More than 4,500 people have attended MHFA training in Northern Ireland since it began in 2009 following a successful pilot in 2005. The aims of MHFA are to: preserve life where a person may be a danger to themselves or others; provide help to prevent the mental health problem becoming more serious; promote the recovery of good mental health; provide comfort to a person experiencing a mental health problem. MHFA teaches participants: how to recognise the symptoms of mental health problems; how to provide initial help; how to go about guiding a person towards appropriate professional help. The training programme is available to people from all backgrounds and has proved successful with different professional groups. MHFA training involves teaching participants how to recognise the symptoms of mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and psychosis. Each course is delivered by two MHFA instructors, usually over two consecutive days and four sessions to a maximum of 20 delegates. The course can also be delivered one day a week for two weeks or in four three-hour sessions. To apply for the training programme, people should contact their local Health and Social care Trust. Each Trust runs MHFA training several times a year. Topics covered include: What is meant by mental health/mental ill health? Dealing with crisis situations such as suicidal behaviour, self-harm, panic attacks and acute psychotic behaviour. Recognising the signs and symptoms of common mental health problems including depression, anxiety disorders, psychosis and substance use disorders. Where and how to get help. Self help strategies.
This Circular details arrangements for securing the strategic priorities of the PSS Development and Training Strategy (the Strategy) in Northern Ireland from 1 April 2012 onwards. åÊThis replaces the previous circular HSS (OSS) Training 1/2010.
Review of DHSSPS Training Support Funding Programme For Social Care Voluntary Organisations
Review of recruitment into speciality training in Northern Ireland commissioned by Michael McGimpsey MLA, Minister for Health Social Services and Public Safety.
Issues Paper: Practice Learning
Reforming Professional Training - A Consultation Paper
Flexible Training Strategy (National Task Force on Medical Staffing) The Flexible Training Strategy, while endorsing flexible/part-time options recognises that the preferred option for the majority of doctors-in-training and consultants is most likely to continue to be full-time training and work. Click here to download PDF
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