10 resultados para 840.09
em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland
Tackling Violence at Home
Tackling Sexual Violence and Abuse
2008/09 Pre-Release Access List
Strategic Resources Framework Report for 2008/09
Appendices to the Strategic Resources Framework Report for 2008/09
Priorities for Action 2008/09
The role of Older People's Commissioner for Wales was created with a range of powers to help improve the lives of older people in Wales. This is the first Commission of its kind. Many groups and individuals worked to bring this independent post into being, and the Commissioner's powers reflect their serious intent to challenge the barriers and discrimination that face older people.
In the following report, chapter two examines the extent and causes of health inequalities. The causes of inequalities are broad and some of them reach beyond the capabilities and responsibilities of both the Department of Health and the NHS. This report therefore focuses on the effectiveness of the policies of the Department of Health and the NHS.