172 resultados para Health of men in Ireland
Click here to download PDF This is a publication of The National Council on Ageing and Older People
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The National Council for the Elderly was established in 1981 as the National Council for the Aged. The terms of reference of the Council are: To advise the Minister for Health on all aspects of ageing and the welfare of the elderly either on its own initiative or at the request of the Minister It is long established national policy to maintain the elderly in their own homes for as long as possible. The Years Ahead report of 1988 made specific recommendations as to how care in the community for the frail elderly could be organised. The recent strategy document from the Department of Health, Shaping a Healthier Future, has presented a target, that not less than 90 per cent of those over 75 years of age should live at home Download the Report here
The aim of this Cancer Strategy has been to review the existing range of preventive, treatment and palliative services relating to cancer in Ireland, and to set out the Ministerâ?Ts plans for their further development and improvement. This has been done in the context of the Health Strategy Shaping a Healthier Future and in particular the targets established for cancer in that document Download the Report here
The National Council on Ageing and Older People has long been concerned about the quality of long-term residential care for older people in Ireland. In 1986, its predecessor, the National Council for the Aged published “It’s Our Home”. The Quality of Life in Private and Voluntary Nursing Homes. In 1999 the Council commissioned a postal survey of all long-term residential care facilities in the country to determine whether facilities had quality initiatives in operation; providers’ views and aspirations for future provision of long-term care; providers’ views on the introduction of a national quality monitoring policy Download the Report here
The Conference, which took place on 4th June 1999 in the Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire, marked the publication of the Councilâ?Ts latest report â?" An Action Plan for Dementia. The Action Plan takes as its guiding principle the recognition of the individuality of the person with dementia and of his or her needs. It outlines an approach to developing available, accessible and high quality services in the context of existing resources and public expenditure constraints. Its aim is to describe a best practice model of dementia care in Ireland â?" a model which may inform and guide policy makers and others involved in planning service provision, and which may give support and assistance to those who endeavour to provide flexible services at the local level. Download the Report here
 Mid 1999 Investigation into cardiac surgery practice on children at Bristol Royal Infirmary. Dec 1999 Inquiry into organ retention in Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool. May 1999: Contact from Our Lady’s Hosptial Crumlin re pathology and post mortem practice Dec 1999 PFJ meetings with Minister Apr 2000: Government Decision setting up Inquiry. Apr 2000: Ms Anne Dunne appointed Chairman. Feb 2001: Public Notice published, setting out terms of reference of Inquiry and inviting submissions. Mar 2001: Terms of Reference and Interpretation Published. Contact invited. “Six months N/A. Now 18 months” Jun 2001: Department commenced Discovery. Aug 2001: Memorandum on procedures received in Department. Sept 2002: 18 months time-frame had expired. Minister requested a meeting with Ms Anne Dunne. This happened in early September – Minister requested a progress report. 2 Oct 02 Ms Dunne’s progress report received by Minister – although substantial progress no definitive timeframe for completion of her work – a lot more work outstanding. Co-operation forthcoming from all parties 16 Oct 2002: Minister’s meeting with Parents for Justice – he assured them of his commitment to resolve any difficulties, but they decided to withdraw from the Inquiry process 2004: Minister calls on PFJ to co-operate. Chairman informs Minister that she has sufficient involvement of parents to conclude her report. Minister expects paediatric report by the end of the year
The protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding has been identified in many national policy documents as a major public health issue. Breastfeeding offers mothers and babies significant health advantages both in the short term and throughout their lives.From a health policy point of view, it is generally agreed that the better health afforded by breastfeeding can result in major savings in the provision of health care. Studies have also shown that breastfeeding has a positive effect on the wider economy with fewer days being lost by employed parents of breastfed babies to illness. Although progress is being made in promoting and supporting this health enhancing, environmentally friendly and low-cost feeding option, breastfeeding rates in Ireland continue to be among the lowest in Europe. This Strategic Action Plan has been developed by a Ministerial appointed, multi-disciplinary National Committee on Breastfeeding, in consultation with relevant stakeholders, to further promote breastfeeding among all sectors of the population and particularly among those currently least likely to breastfeed. Its goal is the achievement of optimum health and well-being for children, their mothers, families and communities. Click here to download PDF
A Strategy for Cancer Control in Ireland June 2006 The Strategy was prepared by the National Cancer Forum and makes recommendations in relation to the organisation, governance, quality assurance and accreditation of all aspects of cancer care. View the report as a PDF Published: June 2006 Â
These two reports make a series of comprehensive recommendations for the development and reform of medical education Read the Report (PDF, 1.3 mb) Read The Cost of Medical Education in Ireland, commissioned by the Group and undertaken by Indecon Consultants (PDF, 1.5mb) Â
Influenza Pandemic Preparedness in Ireland Joint Assessment Report 2007 Evaluating the readiness of the European Union and its Member States for influenza are integral components of the overall process of improving overall pandemic preparedness in Europe. A starting point for improving pandemic preparedness was a workshop on preparedness planning organized jointly by the European Commission (EC) and WHO EURO in Luxembourg, March 2005. Click here to download PDF 471kb
Oral Health of Irish Adults 2000 – 2002 Publication of the strategy document - Shaping a Healthier Futureâ?T1 marked a major milestone in the development of the health care delivery system in Ireland. The strategy was underpinned by three key principles: equity, quality of service and accountability. It was emphasised that the benefit to be derived from the health services should be measured in terms of health gain and social gain. Click here to download PDF 5.6mb
Private Medical Insurance in Ireland On 17 January 2007 The Minister for Health and Children announced that she had appointed a three person group comprising Colm Barrington (chair), Seamus Creedon and Dorothea Dowling (the Group) to carry out a business appraisal of the private medical insurance (PMI) market in Ireland and to report back to her on the subject by 31 March 2007. The Ministerâ?Ts announcement included the following terms of reference for the Group: Click here to download PDF 351kb
Women & Substance Misuse in Ireland: An Overview Click here to download PDF 346kb This is a publication of the Womens Health Council
SLÃÅN: Smoking Patterns in Ireland: Implications for policy and services Click here to download PDF 1.1mb