228 resultados para pharmacy services
2002 - 2022
Explanatory Memorandum
Draft Statutory Instruments
The Cancer Centre, the Belfast City Hospital Trust,* the Royal Victoria Hospital and each of the Cancer Units have appointed Lead Clinicians for Cancer Services. These Clinicians have a responsibility for the overall co-ordination and development of cancer services based at the Centre or Units. åÊ
Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety Service Delivery Agreement (SDA) 2002-03.
Equality Impact Assessments
Equality Impact Assessments
In 1998, a new law came into force in Northern Ireland – the Northern Ireland Act 1998. Section 75 of the Act places a legal obligation on each public authority to have due regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity: • between persons of different religious belief, political opinion, racial group, age, marital status or sexual orientation; • between men and women generally; • between persons with a disability and persons without; and • between persons with dependants and persons without. åÊ