135 resultados para Health service accessibility
The Response of the Northern Ireland Executive to the Bamford Review of Mental Health and Learning Disability - åÊNovember 2012
DHSSPS Savings Delivery Plan 2011-12
Medical Device and Equipment Alerts MDEA Updates - 2011
Stroke can strike anyone, any age, anytime. Today in Northern Ireland around 4000 people each year have their lives and the lives of their families dramatically changed by stroke. A significant number of these could be avoided by simple lifestyle changes. More exercise, less alcohol and more attention to diet can make a major difference. Cutting down or cutting out smoking will make the most significant lifestyle contribution to a reduction in stroke and the enormous personal impact that it brings. åÊThese recommendations seek to make improvements in the key areas of prevention; treatment and rehabilitation of stroke patients in a modern health service setting. The accompanying standards outline the levels to which we must aspire, in the delivery of these services. åÊ
In a keynote speech to the health service, Health Minister Paul Goggins, unveiled a seismic shift in the way health and social care services will be delivered in the future. He pledged to eliminate trolley waits for those going into hospitals and set a maximum time for those leaving hospitals.
Human Organs Inquiry Report 2002
What You Need to Know
Guide for Risk Managers on How to Populate a Risk Register
HPSS Guidance on Analysist of Risk/Risk Rating Matrix