172 resultados para Health of men in Ireland
The 2012/13 influenza season started earlier than in 2011/12; however it lasted longer, with GP consultation rates being elevated for approximately four months. Clinical indices began to increase in late December and peaked in early January, with the only two instances of community syndromic indicators exceeding the baseline threshold occurring in this month. GP influenza-like illness consultation rates in 2012/13 were higher than those in the 2011/12 season for the majority of the season but remained low overall.Overall no one age-group appeared predominantly affected; however, older adults predominated during the peak period, with rates increasing in children during February. Rates for those aged 65 and over increased late in the season, and this was associated with influenza outbreaks in care homes for the elderly.
This report presents the epidemiological data for tuberculosis cases reported in Northern Ireland.
This report presents the epidemiological data for tuberculosis cases reported in Northern Ireland.
�The 2013/14 influenza season started later than in 2012/13, it did not last as long and was noted at generally lower levels throughout than the previous season. Clinical indices began to increase in early January and peaked in mid-March, with community syndromic indicators not exceeding the baseline threshold at any time during the season. GP influenza-like illness consultation rates in 2013/14 were lower than those in the 2012/13 season for the majority of the season and remained low overall.Overall no one age group appeared predominantly affected with rates fluctuating throughout the season. The highest rate overall however was noted among the youngest age group during the peak period.
This report provides an annual update on the prevalence of tuberculosis in Northern Ireland. It gives a general overview of TB rates and statistics, and looks at both pulmonary and non-pulmonary tuberculosis cases in detail, examining the forms of therapy employed and highlighting any drug resistance. The report also includes a discussion, which considers the specifics of newly diagnosed cases (age, place of birth) and provides some comparative data for the UK and Republic of Ireland.
Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services network in Northern Ireland - Update report 2008-2009
The third annual report from the World Health Organisation's (WHO) Healthy Promoting Hospitals (HPH) and Healthy Services network highlights a rich selection of the innovative developments and team-working achievements across services in Northern Ireland. The report provides a platform to showcase the five Health and Social Care Trusts and Cooperation and Working Together (CAWT)��'s commitment to health and wellbeing to the population and shows how hospitals can have an impact on the determinants of health as they are explained in the context of people��'s daily lives.
This is the report of the interagency Outbreak Control Team (OCT) of an investigation of an outbreak of listeriosis which occurred during May to November 2008 in the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust.The report describes the chronology of the outbreak and the outcome of epidemiological, environmental health and microbiological investigations. The report concludes with recommendations for public health, Trusts, the Department of Health and Social Services and Public Safety, the Food Standards Agency, and those responsible for hospital food procurement.�
An analysis of need for 'one stop shop' drop-in support services in relation to alcohol and drug misuse, undertaken by the PHA for the Health Development Policy Branch of the DHSSPS Additional information:
This report presents the epidemiological data for tuberculosis cases reported in Northern Ireland.
The 2014/15 influenza season was characterised by moderate levels of influenza activity.� Primary care consultation rates were higher than in 2013/14 for the majority of the season, although still low overall.� Activity seen in other surveillance was also higher than in 2013/14 year, and showed that the severity and impact of influenza was greater in 2014/15 and affected older age groups most frequently, with more reported respiratory outbreaks, patients with confirmed influenza admitted to Intensive Care Units/High Dependency Units and excess mortality in those over 65 years of a
Joint discussion paper funded by the Alzheimer Society of Ireland and authored by the Institute of Public Health Approximately 47,849 people were living with dementia in Ireland in 2011. This number is expected to double by 2031 to about 90,000 as incident rates of dementia are set to rise with population ageing (Pierce et. al. 2014). Although much remains to be established at a causal level, epidemiological research indicates that there is scope for reducing dementia prevalence and age-specific incidence through addressing modifiable risk factors. There is a growing consensus for the mobilisation of public health approaches to attempt to reduce the prevalence of dementia through primary prevention. This discussion paper presents a rapid review of evidence on the primary prevention of dementia and presents estimates for the number of dementia cases that could potentially be preventable through modifying specific risk factors in Ireland. The paper focuses only on primary prevention which relates to delaying or preventing the onset of dementia. Specifically, the discussion paper presents: a rapid review of the current evidence-base on dementia prevention internationally estimates of the number of dementia cases that might be prevented by addressing modifiable risk factors considerations for integrating a brain health and dementia prevention perspective into public health research, policy and practice in Ireland.
This report was commissioned by the Department of Health, Ireland. Obesity is a public health problem in Ireland which is largely responsible for the increasing prevalence of diet-related diseases and growing financial burden on our healthcare system. Although overweight and obesity rates may have reached a plateau in Irish adults and children, they remain at an extremely high level as 1 in 4 children areoverweight or obese and an estimated 61% of adults are overweight or obese. Urgent public health action is required to reduce the levels of obesity among our children and adults. A sustainable national intervention strategy that combines government and community-led interventions is required. These interventions need to incorporate both nutrition education and environmental modification strategies to reduce levels of obesity. International literature suggests that calorie posting has the potential to have a positive effect on the obesity crisis by encouraging people to make healthier food choices through informed consumer decisions. This evaluation focuses on the uptake of voluntary calorie posting from a national representative sample of food service businesses in Ireland and explores the attitudes of food service businesses that do and do not display calories. This evaluation will explore the most effective and efficient way of implementing mandatory calorie posting on menus in Ireland.
Health in Ireland Key Trends gives us insights into trends in demographics, population health, hospital and primary care and health service employment and expenditure. The presentation of trend data over the last decade in the 2015 report highlights the many significant achievements that Ireland has made in terms of key outcomes relating to the health and wellbeing of the population. However, it also highlights the challenges that persist in terms of the accessibility of timely healthcare and in the context of financial constraints. In the last decade alone, there has been an increase of two and a half years in life expectancy. These gains are driven largely by reductions in mortality rates from principal causes of deaths such as those from heart disease and cancer. Another striking feature is the growth in the number of people aged over 65. Each year this cohort increases by 20,000 people. This trend is set to continue into the future and will have implications for future planning and health service delivery. Ireland will see the largest proportional increases in the population aged 85 years and older. Ageing of the population in conjunction with lifestyle-related health threats continue to present major challenges now and into the future in sustaining and further improving health and health services in Ireland. Although difficult to quantify, the contribution of modern health services to these improvements in health outcomes and in life expectancy have been significant. Ireland’s fertility rates are still among the highest in Europe but the birth rate has fallen to its lowest rate for the last decade. However, Ireland currently has the highest proportion of children and young people in our population among EU countries.
Human Fertility 17(3):165-9 This article describes the experiences of twelve Irish couples who had successful IVF treatment in Ireland. Irish Medical guidelines specify that IVF may only be used when no other treatment is likely to be effective. This article is based on data drawn from a longitudinal research study by Cotter (2009) which tells the stories of 34 couples who sought fertility treatment. Initially, the women assumed that they would become pregnant when they stopped using contraception. As a couple, it was the ‘right time’ for them to have a child - they were ready, socially and financially. For several months they were patient, hoping it would happen naturally. With envy and some despair they watched as their friends had babies. Infertility came as a shock to most of them. They were reluctant to talk about it to anyone, and over time their anxieties were accompanied by feelings of regret, stigma and social exclusion. They finally sought medical treatment. The latter involved a series of diagnostic treatments, which eventually culminated in IVF which offered them a final chance of having a ‘child of their own’. While IVF can be clinically assessed in terms of cycle success rates, their stories showed treatment as a series of discoveries, as an extensive range of diagnostic tests and procedures helped to reveal to them where their problems might lie. They described their treatments as a series of sequential ‘hurdles’ that they had to overcome, which further strengthened their resolve to try IVF. Much more knowledgeable at that stage, they embraced IVF as a final challenge with single minded dedication while drawing on all their psychological and biological resources to promote a successful outcome. Of the 34 couples who took part in the study, twelve got pregnant. Unfortunately, two children died shortly after birth but eighteen babies survived (see Table I). The findings suggest that health policy should raise awareness of infertility, and advise women to become aware of it just as in the past, when health policy addressed contraception. Increased public knowledge would reduce the stigma attached to the inability to have a baby. In the Irish case, infertility diagnosis should be reviewed with a view to giving eligible couples earlier access to IVF.
The Irish health care system is based on a complex and costly mix of private, statutory, and voluntary provisions. The majority of health care expenditure comes from the state, with a significant proportion of acute hospital care funded from private insurance, but there are relatively high out-of-pocket costs for most service users. There is free access to acute hospital care, but not for primary care, for all children. About 40% of the population have free access to primary care. Universal preventive public health services, including vaccination and immunization, newborn blood spot screening, and universal neonatal hearing screening are free. Major health challenges include poverty, obesity, drug and alcohol use, and mental health. The health care system has been dominated for the last 5 years by the impact of the current recession, which has led to very sharp cuts in health care expenditure. It is unclear if the necessary substantial reform of the system will happen. Government policy calls for a move toward a patient-centered, primary care-led system, but without very substantial transfers of resources and investment in Information and Communication Technology, this is unlikely to occur. The paper has been published as part of an overall report of Child Health in Europe: Diversity of Child Health Care in Europe: A Study of the European Paediatric Association/Union of National European Paediatric Societies and Associations http://www.jpeds.com/issue/S0022-3476(16)X0010-8 . (J Pediatr 2016;177S:S87-106).