134 resultados para educational plan


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Health Sector Action Plan Click here to download PDF 268KB


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Public Service Agreement 2010 – 2014 (Croke Park Agreement): Departmental Action Plan Click here to download PDF 33KB


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In November 2009 the Government published an Action Plan for Health Research. The Plan was prepared by the Health Research Group following a commitment set out in Building Ireland’s Smart Economy (December 2008). The Action Plan, which was approved by the Cabinet Committee on Science, Technology and Innovation, provides the lead on national priorities and resource allocation in health research. The Action Plan was prepared to prioritise a programme of actions essential to creating a health research system which supports outstanding individuals, working in world class facilities and conducting leading edge research focused on the needs of patients and the public. The HRG is committed to measuring the success of the Action Plan by the extent to which it meets these deliverables by 2013. One year on, this report reviews the progress being made to implement the Plan.  


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HIV and AIDS Education & Prevention Plan 2008 – 2012 – Mid-Term Review Click here to download The Executive Summary PDF 62KB Click here to download The Full Document PDF 299KB


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This revised Action Plan is designed to support the delivery of the HSEâ?Ts 2012 National Service Plan by facilitating the fast-tracking of measures required to deliver essential health and personal social services across the country within the context of further reductions in funding and staff numbers. The implementation of the National Service Plan, approved by the Minister for Health on 13 January 2012, represents a major challenge to the health services and comes at a time of major reform of the public health system.   Click here to download PDF 161kb


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Public Service Agreement 2010-2014 (Croke Park Agreement) Integrated Departmental and Agencies Action Plan 2012 Integrated Departmental and Agencies Action Plan (Jan 2012) PDF 54kb Integrated Departmental and Agencies Action Plan (Oct 2012) PDF 194kb  


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The health service has been at the forefront in delivering significant change under the PSA. The substantial contribution already made by health service staff, especially during the period of concentrated retirements up to February 2012, is acknowledged and much appreciated by management. These changes are being achieved in what is a complex working environment with increasing demands, (500,000 increase in medical card holders between 2007 and 2012) and a growing and ageing population, within a public health service which is undergoing unprecedented organisational change and reform, accompanied by a reducing workforce. Public Service Agreement – Revised Health Sector Action Plan- December 2012 savings report Click here to download PDF 51kb


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Action Plan A, B, and C v. Ireland As required, Ireland submitted an Action Plan to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 30th November on the implementation of the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in the A, B and C v Ireland case. The Action Plan can be downloaded at this link: Click here to download PDF 56kb  


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Health Sector Children First Strategic Implementation Plan Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children (2011) (referred to as Children First hereafter), is intended to assist people in identifying and reporting child abuse and neglect and deal effectively with concerns. It emphasises that the needs of children and families must be at the centre of child protection and welfare services, and that the welfare of children is of paramount importance. Click here to download PDF 73KB


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  This is a generic policy framework for rare diseases. Its scope is broad and it applies to all rare diseases, which can number up to 8,000 diseases affecting millions of EU citizens. This policy framework envisages a combined approach with our EU partners and Northern Ireland to diagnose and treat people with rare diseases. We must deepen links with facilities and institutions in other countries where specialist services are available that may be absent in Ireland. The plan elaborates on Ireland’s participation in European Reference Networks, which is the networking of knowledge and expertise through reference centres and teams of experts. These links are emphasized in the report to address the care of patients with rare diseases at both national and European levels. Download the report here


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National Rare Disease Plan for Ireland 2014-2018 This is a generic policy framework for rare diseases. Its scope is broad and it applies to all rare diseases, which can number up to 8,000 diseases affecting millions of EU citizens. This policy framework envisages a combined approach with our EU partners and Northern Ireland to diagnose and treat people with rare diseases. We must deepen links with facilities and institutions in other countries where specialist services are available that may be absent in Ireland. The plan elaborates on Irelandâ?Ts participation in European Reference Networks, which is the networking of knowledge and expertise through reference centres and teams of experts. These links are emphasized in the report to address the care of patients with rare diseases at both national and European levels. Download the report here  


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This report presents findings from the National Consultation on Rare Disease overseen by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland on behalf of the Department of Health to inform the development of Irelandâ?Ts first National Rare Disease Plan. In 2009, the Council of the European Union recommended that all member countries develop a national plan for rare diseases with the framework of their health and social systems by the end of 2013. The aim is to ensure that all patients with rare disease in Europe have access to high quality care, including diagnostics, treatments and rehabilitation.  Download the report here


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This report explains the purpose of the PHA, its vision for public health and wellbeing, and the values that underpins its work.


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This second corporate business plan explains the purpose of the PHA and focuses on health improvement, health protection and addressing health inequalities. The business plan is available to download below.


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This joint PHA/HSCB Hidden Harm Action Plan - Responding to the needs of children born to and living with parental alcohol and drug misuse in Northern Ireland, has been prepared for the DHSSPS in response to the PfA target on Hidden Harm. The plan was approved by DHSSPS in October 2009.