148 resultados para Valencian Touristic Areas Plan
Major emergency management is a key challenge and a priority issue for Government. Clearly, the world in which we live is constantly changing and we need to develop our major emergency management architecture to enable us to deal effectively with the possibility of new risks and threats. In the last few years most European Countries have engaged in review and development of their major emergency or civil protection arrangements. This new Framework for Major Emergency Management moves in line with international trends in this field. Read the document (PDF, 1.9mb) Read the Appendices document (PDF, 1.3mb) A series of additional Framework Guidance Documents designed to support specific areas of major emergency management are currently under development. These documents will initially be posted here as Working Drafts for comment by practitioners involved in the implementation process. The first two guides: A Guide to Risk Assessment in Major Emergency Management and A Guide to Preparing a Major Emergency Plan are now available and further guides will emerge at intervals during the development programme. A Guide to Risk Assessment in Major Emergency Management (PDF, 387kb) A Guide to Preparing a Major Emergency Plan (PDF, 158kb)
The Minister for Health and Children established the Task Force on Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) in the Autumn of 2004, with the following terms of reference:1) Define SCD and describe its incidence and underlying causes in Ireland.2) Advise on the detection and assessment of those at high risk of SCD and their relatives.3) Advise on the systematic assessment of those engaged in sports and exercise for risk of SCD.4) Advise on maximizing access to basic life support (BLS) and automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and on:- appropriate levels of training in BLS and use of AEDs, and on the maintenance of that training- priority individuals and priority groups for such training- geographic areas and functional locations of greatest need- best practice models of first responder scheme and public access defibrillation, and- integration of such training services.5) Advise on the establishment and maintenance of surveillance systems, including a registry of SCD and information systems to monitor risk assessment, and training and equipment programmes.6) Advise and make recommendations on other priority issues relevant to SCD in Ireland.7) Outline a plan for implementation and advise on monitoring the implementation of recommendations made in the Task Force’s report. In undertaking its work the Task Force was mindful of national health policy, relevant national strategies and of the recently reformed structures for health service delivery in Ireland. Read the Report (PDF, 1.66mb)
The National Health Strategy Quality and Fairness â?" A Health System for You was launched by the Government in 2001 to provide vision and strategic direction for health and personal social services. This report provides: Read the Report (PDF, 1.37mb) Â
Department of Health and Children business plan 2006 Read the document (PDF, 1.6mb) Â
Department of Health and Children Corporate Business Plan 2007 This document sets out the broad business and role of the Department of Health and Children, and provides information on the Departmentâ?Ts Key Objectives and corresponding Key Performance Indicators for 2007. Click here to download PDF 223kb
National Pandemic Influenza Plan The purpose of this document is to tell you about pandemic influenza (flu), to explain what the Government and the health services are doing to prepare for a possible pandemic and most importantly, to advise you what you need to do if there is a pandemic. Click here to download PDF 614kb
Quality & Fairness Report A Health System for You – Action Plan Progress Report 2006 The National Health Strategy (Quality and Fairness - A Health System for You) was launched by the Government in 2001 to provide vision and strategic direction for the health and personal social services. The Strategy, currently in year seven of its seven to ten year life span, sets out key objectives for the health system which are centred on four national goals: Click here to download PDF 484kb
This report presents a 4-year plan for HIV and AIDS Education and Prevention in Ireland for the period 2008 - 2012. In developing this plan, the Education and Prevention Sub-Committee of the National AIDS Strategy Committee commissioned the National University of Ireland, Galway, to provide a review of:- international publications and policy developments;- the current situation in Ireland in terms of epidemiology, trends and structures;- evidence of best practice in HIV and AIDS prevention and education Download document here
Department of Health and Children Corporate Business Plan 2008 Click here to download PDF 552kb
The purpose of this overviews to set the scene so as to assist with a fuller understanding of the Action Plan. It begins by outlining the purpose and objectives of the Action Plan. This is followed by the identificaton of the changes that the Action Plan will bring about over its time frame. The overview concludes by elaborating the structure and philosophy of the Action Plan.
Health Sectoral Plan on Disability Progress Report 2009 (Parliamentary No. A10/0144) Click here to download the Executive Summary PDF 72KB
Health Sector Action Plan Click here to download PDF 268KB
Public Service Agreement 2010 – 2014 (Croke Park Agreement): Departmental Action Plan Click here to download PDF 33KB
In November 2009 the Government published an Action Plan for Health Research. The Plan was prepared by the Health Research Group following a commitment set out in Building Ireland’s Smart Economy (December 2008). The Action Plan, which was approved by the Cabinet Committee on Science, Technology and Innovation, provides the lead on national priorities and resource allocation in health research. The Action Plan was prepared to prioritise a programme of actions essential to creating a health research system which supports outstanding individuals, working in world class facilities and conducting leading edge research focused on the needs of patients and the public. The HRG is committed to measuring the success of the Action Plan by the extent to which it meets these deliverables by 2013. One year on, this report reviews the progress being made to implement the Plan. Â
HIV and AIDS Education & Prevention Plan 2008 – 2012 – Mid-Term Review Click here to download The Executive Summary PDF 62KB Click here to download The Full Document PDF 299KB