86 resultados para Alcohol - Amylolytic yeasts
A briefing on reducing alcohol-related harm and encouraging sensible drinking in London. It forms part of the LHO's series of briefings on Choosing Health. It focuses on inequalities in alcohol use, alcohol related health inequalities, and alcohol-related harm and areas of best practice. It also summaries areas of possible action.
This report is the eigth in the series, "Indications of Public Health in the English Regions" commissioned by the Chief Medical Officer and has been produced jointly by the Association of Public Health Observatories (APHO), North West PHO, and LJMU Centre for Public Health. In 2006, the United Kingdom rated third highest across 25 EU member states for the number of drinks consumed in one sitting. This Regional Indications report is produced alongside the new national strategy Safe. Sensible. Social: The next steps in the National Alcohol Strategy.
Mary Black, Assistant Director for Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement in the Public Health Agency, established the Belfast Drug and Alcohol Working Group in early 2010 to undertake a scoping exercise of drugs and alcohol services in Belfast, and to produce a report outlining their findings and making some recommendations as to how services could be better promoted, targeted, co-ordinated and ultimately improved.� This report is the culmination of a series of meetings and workshops (from June to November 2010) where members considered all of the available information in the context of what they, and the organisations they represent, consider to be the gaps and areas which could be improved upon for PHA to consider when taking forward alcohol and drug work and services over the next 5-year period (i.e. 2011-2016).� The report takes a systematic approach to scoping and compiling evidence on: funding of drug and alcohol services; information and awareness-raising; education and prevention; treatment and support; services for vulnerable groups; workforce development; skilling up and supporting of communities; reducing availability; tackling substance related crime; and coordination and information sharing. Each section of the report ends with an analysis of the gaps and recommendations for action, with all of the recommendations presented in a tabular format in Section 13.
This workbook aims to help people who use alcohol or drugs to think about the importance of eating well and find ways to achieve a more balanced diet.
Each of the Northern Ireland Drug and Alcohol Coordination Teams (DACTs) has produced a directory of services available in their area. To find out what services are available in your area, download the relevant directory at the bottom of this page.
This guide is for you if you think you might be pregnant now or in the future.It is aimed at answering some of the questions you may have about alcohol and pregnancy. It will guide you to make healthier choices. �
The Alcohol MOT is designed to support those working in primary care to carry out alcohol brief interventions. There is extensive evidence to show that primary care-based brief interventions are very effective at reducing drinking at both hazardous and harmful levels. MOT Part 1 enables patients to work out if they are drinking at hazardous or harmful levels. MOT Part 2 helps motivate and support patients to reduce their drinking. Both tools are designed so that a practitioner can work through them with a patient, or a patient can work through them alone.
The Alcohol MOT is designed to support those working in primary care to carry out alcohol brief interventions. There is extensive evidence to show that primary care-based brief interventions are very effective at reducing drinking at both hazardous and harmful levels. MOT Part 1 enables patients to work out if they are drinking at hazardous or harmful levels. MOT Part 2 helps motivate and support patients to reduce their drinking. Both tools are designed so that a practitioner can work through them with a patient, or a patient can work through them alone.
This booklet outlines the long and short-term effects of regular heavy drinking. It explains how alcohol affects our bodies, what constitutes a unit of alcohol and the recommended limits for men and women as well as tips on how to stick to these limits.Alcohol guidelines changed on 8 January 2016. Please see the latest advice from the four UK Chief Medical Officers on�www.knowyourlimits.info
This�booklet is for older people (defined as those aged 55 or over) who are worried about their use of alcohol, illegal drugs and /or prescribed/over the counter medications.Alcohol guidelines changed on 8 January 2016. Please see the latest advice from the four UK Chief Medical Officers on www.knowyourlimits.info
This report presents data on alcohol consumption and related harms in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The report sets out a framework for considering alcohol availability, under which the current policy landscape is presented as well as evidence from nation and international studies. The report concludes with policy implications and proposals to consolidate North South cooperation.