120 resultados para 415


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����This survey commissioned by Alzheimer Europe��examined public perception and awareness of Alzheimer’s disease and aimed to identify the views of the general public on the value of diagnosis. The survey of 2,678 people was designed and analysed by the Harvard School of Public Health and Alzheimer Europe. Fieldwork was conducted via telephone (landline and cell phone) with nationally representative random samples of adults age 18 and older in five countries by TNS, an independent research company based in London. Countries surveyed were the USA, Germany, France, Spain and Poland. The survey was supported by a grant to Alzheimer Europe from Bayer AG. Bayer was not involved in the design of the survey or the analysis of the findings.��Full details of the survey results are available on the AE website at: http://www.alzheimer-europe.org/EN/Research��Alzheimer Europe is the umbrella organisation of national Alzheimer associations and currently has 31 member organisations in 27 European countries. The mission statement of the organisation is to change perceptions, practice and policy to ensure equal access of people with dementia to a high level of care services and treatment options.����


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ILC-UK recently (31 Aug 2011)��published a report calling for a gendered approach and response to dementia at the national and international level. The report posits that women will disproportionately bear the burden of dementia in terms of numbers, but also impact in the coming years. The ‘feminization of ageing’ is a widely recognised trend and yet hitherto a comprehensive approach to the impact of dementia on women remains largely under explored.Invariably women and men as they age, share many of the same fundamental needs. Yet, as is acknowledged in many parts of the world, older women are particularly vulnerable and are subject to prolonged inequalities experienced since childhood, for example, lower levels of education and a greater risk of poverty. This report assumes a life course approach to the challenge of dementia and women, arguing from a global perspective that women face a ‘triple jeopardy’ as a result of the associated stigma attached to their age, gender and decline in cognitive functions. ILC-UK make a number of recommendations for improving outcomes and interventions for women, which include: 1. Dementia health policies and programmes should incorporate a gender dimension in their design, delivery and evaluation2. Gender should be included as a key health determinant in the promotion and disease prevention of dementia3. Dementia research at the regional, national and international level needs to be disaggregated by gender and age4. Women and men should be equally represented and involved at the micro and macro level of decision-making with regard to the development of health and social care policies and resource allocation as they pertain to dementia5. There is a need for greater interdisciplinary research incorporating the biological and social models of health for men and women to improve health interventions and outcomesDownload the full pdf report here��


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Alzheimer's Disease International released the World Alzheimer Report 2011 - The benefits of early diagnosis and intervention on the 13th September 2011. Key Findings:As many as three-quarters of the estimated 36 million people worldwide living with dementia have not been diagnosed and hence cannot benefit from treatment, information and care. In high-income countries, only 20-50% of dementia cases are recognized and documented in primary care. In low- and middle-income countries, this proportion could be as low as 10%.Failure to diagnose often results from the false belief that dementia is a normal part of aging, and that nothing can be done to help. On the contrary, the new report finds that interventions can make a difference, even in the early stages of the illness.Drugs and psychological interventions for people with early-stage dementia can improve cognition, independence, and quality of life. Support and counseling for caregivers can improve mood, reduce strain and delay institutionalization of people with dementia.Governments, concerned about the rising costs of long-term care linked to dementia, should “spend now to save later.” Based on a review of economic analyses, the report estimates that earlier diagnosis could yield net savings of up to US$10,000 per patient in high-income countries.��World Alzheimer Report 2011 - Executive Summary (PDF, 36 pages, 1128KB)World Alzheimer Report 2011 (PDF, 72 pages, 1710KB)����


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New research funded by the Centre for Ageing Research and Development in Ireland (CARDI) finds that people suffering from two or more chronic conditions are 20 times more likely to report disability than those with none. The study examines the prevalence of two or more chronic conditions, known as multimorbidity, and its impact on quality of life and disability in older people. The research Multimorbidity and Disability in the Older Population of Ireland, studied eight chronic conditions: cancer; heart attack; angina; stroke; diabetes; asthma; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and musculoskeletal pain (including rheumatism, arthritis and back pain). Musculoskeletal pain was the most widely reported condition across the island with a prevalence of 40%, followed by diabetes (7%) and angina (6%). Asthma and COPD have the same levels of prevalence, 5%, while cancer and stroke were reported less frequently (1-2%). The study also revealed some clear differences in the prevalence of chronic diseases between ROI and NI. Angina was reported far more frequently in NI, 10% compared to 4% in ROI. So too was musculoskeletal pain, 55% compared to 35% in ROI while asthma was reported more frequently in ROI, 6% compared to 3% in NI.


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This research brief examines the links between maintaining recommended levels of physical activity and positive effects on mental health and brain functioning as well as the public policy strategies in place to promote physical activity in the older population. It is based on three CARDI-funded projects:- Physical activity and core depressive symptoms in the older Irish adult population, led by Karen Morgan at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.- Using aerobic exercise to promote brain plasticity, conducted by Richard Carson at Queen’s University, Belfast.- Leading dance for older people, led by Sylvia O’Sullivan at the University of Limerick.


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��In a sign that researchers are grappling with therapy development, the 4th annual conference on Clinical Trials in Alzheimer's Disease was filled beyond its venue's capacity, drawing 522 researchers from around the globe. Held 3-5 November 2011 in San Diego, CTAD is the brainchild of Paul Aisen, Jacques Touchon, Bruno Vellas, and Michael Weiner. The conference posted no ringing trial successes. Instead, scientists worked on methodological aspects they hope will improve future trials' chances. They discussed Bayesian models, simulated placebos, and biomarker data standards. They presented alternative outcome measures to the ADAS-cog, ranging widely from composite scales that are sensitive early on to continuous measures that encompass a patients' day-to-day variability. They focused on EEG, and on a collective effort to develop patient-reported outcomes. Highlights include:Whence and Where To: History and Future of AD Therapy Trials��Webinar: Evolution of AD Trials��Nutrient Formulation Appears to Grease Memory Function��Door Slams on RAGE��Clinical Trials: Making "Protocols From Hell" Less Burdensome��EEG: Coming in From the Margins of Alzheimer's Research?��EEG: Old Method to Lend New Help in AD Drug Development?������


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National Strategies to Address Dementia This 12-page Australian paper provides an overview of a range of approaches that a selection of countries have taken to address dementia


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To mark the two year anniversary since The Marmot Review ('Fair Society, Healthy Lives') was published, on the 15th of February the UCL Institute of Health Equity published new data on key health inequalities indicators at local authority level in England.Main Findings:Life Expectancy – this has historically been one of the main indicators of health inequalities.The Marmot Indicators from this year’s charts show the average life expectancy for eachlocal authority and the level of inequality within each authority area (7):-While overall life expectancy at birth in England increased by 0.3 years for both menand women between 2007-9 and 2008-10, inequalities in life expectancy betweenneighbourhoods increased by 0.1 years for men and showed no change for women-Among the 150 upper tier local authorities in England, life expectancy improved inthe majority of cases (133 areas saw improvements for men and 125 sawimprovements for women). However inequalities also increased in the majority ofareas (104 for men and 92 for women).-The largest increase in inequality in life expectancy was in West Berkshire for men(2.0 years) and inMiddlesbrough for women (2 years). The largest decreases ininequality were in Kensington and Chelsea for both men and women (1.9 and 1.1years respectively. To find out more, please read: - The press release, including key figures and main findings. - A blog by Michael Marmot about the data and it's implications. - Press coverage of the data in national and local newspapers and websites. - A powerpoint presentation on the key findings.


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As was the case in 2010 when the National Institutes of Health issued a consensus statement on the prevention of Alzheimer’s and other dementias, there remains a lack of firm evidence for dementia prevention. Because of the difficulties in studying this phenomenon, no modifiable risk factors for dementia have been definitively established, and no pharmaceutical or nutritional supplements been proven to prevent Alzheimer’s disease or cognitive decline. However, longitudinal observational studies have identified several factors associated with dementia. A recent review article summarizes the current epidemiological evidence about Alzheimer’s and other dementias, and presents three ongoing large scale randomized control trials (RCTs) that focus on preventing dementia. The review argues that there is substantial evidence for many factors that, in combination, might reduce the risk of, or delay the onset of, dementia. Although no specific cure for dementia exists, and no specific pathway between risk factor and disease onset has been identified, several cardiovascular, stress, toxicity, and psychosocial variables have been repeatedly associated with dementia. Protective factors, such as high education, physical exercise, and not smoking cigarettes, have been identified as well. Intervention studies that account for these multiple factors may well identify strategies for preventing or delaying dementia. However, the protective effects and risk factors suggested by observational data have yet to be assessed in RCT research. The role of such factors in reducing or increasing the risk for dementia needs to be more specifically defined. Three ongoing RCT studies in Europe show promise in this area, as they target multiple risk and protective factors by promoting healthy lifestyle changes and medical treatment of vascular diseases. These are: FINGER, a Finnish trial involving 1,200 older adults at risk for dementia. This intervention features nutritional guidance, physical activity, cognitive and social engagement, and medical management of risk factors. Participants were involved in previous, intensive observational studies of vascular health and health behavior, so FINGER will provide a level of relevant information about its research subjects that is normally impossible for clinical RCTs to attain;MAPT, a multicenter study of 1,680 frail older adults in France. This study will compare the efficacy of omega-3 dietary supplementation with a multidomain training intervention that involves physical and cognitive training. The study will include follow-up assessments after five years;PreDIVA, a Dutch study of 3,534 community dwelling participants between 70 and 78 years old, recruited from primary care clinics. This study will compare standard medical care with a multicomponent vascular health intervention. The study will last for six years and measure both dementia and disability outcomes. These studies are an important step in dementia research, using earlier observational studies as the basis for rigorously assessed interventions. Although a cure for dementia has not been identified, this new research may identify preventive strategies against dementia. �� Source: Mangialasche F, Kivipelto M, et al. (2012). Dementia prevention: current epidemiological evidence and future perspective. Alzheimer’s Research and Therapy 4:6.


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��The number of people suffering dementia will triple in the next 40 years, according to a new study by the World Health Organization, leading to catastrophic social and financial costs. Dementia, a brain illness that affects memory, behavior and the ability to perform even common tasks, affects mostly older people; Alzheimer's causes many cases. Read the report:Global burden of dementia in the year 2050: summary of methods and data sources


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A new guide on dementia�� in Ireland was launched June 19 by Minister of State at the Department of Health Kathleen Lynch. The guide was developed to disseminate to the public, and in lay man's terms, the key findings contained in a report entitled 'Creating Excellence in Dementia Care: A Research Review to inform Ireland's National Dementia Strategy.' The new guide is a joint collaboration between�� the Living with Dementia programme, Trinity College Dublin, and the Irish Centre for Social Gerontology (ICSG), NUI Galway. The research work was funded by The Atlantic Philanthropies and supported by the Department of Health.Access the guide here: http://livingwithdementia.tcd.ie/assets/pdf/Future_Dementia_Care_in_Irel...


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The European Foundations’ Initiative on Dementia (EFID) held a workshop entitled 'Reframing Dementia' on 21 June at the Crown Plaza, Dundalk. This half-day workshop, hosted by CARDI, focussed on how to develop and promote new perspectives on communication about dementia. Speakers included:�� Professor Baldwin Van Gorp, KULeuven, Belgium: Click here for presentation Professor Eamon O Shea, Irish Centre for Social Gerontology: Click here for presentation����


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CARDI recently launched a new report (Friday 6 July 2012) which finds considerable uncertainty and variation in the medicines doctors say they would prescribe for patients with dementia at the end of life when presented with clinical scenarios. The all-Ireland research, led by a team at QUB, finds evidence that GPs and hospital physicians indicate they would continue with dementia medications and statins and actively prescribe antibiotics when there is limited evidence of benefits to patients with dementia at end of life.Links to presentations are below:Assessment of factors which influence decision-making regarding medication use in patients with dementia at the end of life: Prof Carmel HughesMedication use in patients with end of life dementia: Dr Shaun O'Keefe


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��Palliative care and medication use are important issues in dealing with end-of-life stage dementia. As research into palliative care for patients with advanced dementia has been limited to date, CARDI funded a project, led by Dr. Carole Parsons of Queen’s University Belfast, as part of its grants programme. This project aimed to evaluate the extent to which patient-related factors influenced clinical decision-making with regard to medication use in patients with endstagedementia. This research brief presents a summary of the findings from the full report, Assessment of factors which influence physician decisionmaking regarding medication use in patients with dementia at the end of life (Parsons, et al., 2012).Read the research brief here: Medication use in patients with dementia at the end of lifeRead the press release here


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The European Foundations’ Initiative on Dementia (EFID) held a workshop entitled 'Reframing Dementia' on 21 June at the Crown Plaza, Dundalk. This half-day workshop, hosted by CARDI, focussed on how to develop and promote new perspectives on communication about dementia. Paul McGill, Strategic Research Officer, CARDI, has written this report on the event. Read it here