69 resultados para excursion guidance criteria
This guidance is aimed at professionals who come into contact with stimulant drug users through their work. This may include those in the community and voluntary sectors or in health and social care.
Prevent the spread of infections by ensuring: routine immunisation, high standards of personal hygiene and practice, particularly handwashing, and maintaining a clean environment. �
This�leaflet is part of an extension of the cleanyourhands campaign, aimed at preventing the spread of healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) in community healthcare settings including primary care and dental services, residential and nursing homes (including independent sector homes), hospices and independent clinics/hospitals. It describes the campaign and outlines the campaign resources.
This poster provides guidance for schools on foods for religious faiths.
Parental or professional concern regarding an infant/young child's hearing may be identified at any time.� Where such concern is identified, direct referral should be made, irrespective of newborn hearing screening outcomes and with parental agreement.�
This booklet for childminders and staff in day nurseries, playgroups and craches outlines straightforward, practical advice and information on a range of nutritional issues related to children up to the age of five to ensure each child gets all the nutrients they need to stay healthy.
Informed consent – which can be either written or oral (depending on local Trust policy) – must be obtained and recorded in the notes at the time of each immunisation, after the child’s fitness and suitability have been established. It is important that the person giving consent is fully informed about the vaccine at the time they give consent. Written material is available to assist in this, but is not a substitute for an opportunity to discuss the issues with a health professional. Consent is given by the person with parental responsibility; however, this person does not necessarily need to be present at the time the immunisation is given. Although the decision to immunise must be taken by the person with parental responsibility, they can arrange for someone else (eg grandparent or childminder) to bring the child to be immunised. You do not need consent in writing – if they have received all the relevant information and arranged for another person to bring the child, the circumstances indicate they have consented. A child under 16 years may give consent provided he or she understands fully the benefits and risks involved. If a competent child consents to treatment, a parent cannot override that consent. Obviously they should be encouraged to involve the person with parental responsibility in the decision. Legally, a parent can consent if a competent child refuses �
This job planning toolkit has been developed by the Public Health Agency (PHA) in partnership with the Northern Ireland Practice and Education Council for Nursing and Midwifery (NIPEC). This job planning toolkit was designed for nurses in roles who have the title Clinical Nurse Specialist and carry a defined caseload of patients and/or run their own clinics. The toolkit provides information to support: ��.������������ Clinical Nurse Specialists in meeting the requirements of their job
Allied Health Professionals work with all age groups and conditions and are trained to assess, diagnose, treat and rehabilitate people with health and social care needs. They work in a range of settings including hospital, community, education, housing, independent and voluntary sectors.