139 resultados para Problem drug use


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This research aimed to explore the sexual attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of early school leavers and how a group of young people, without the advantage of completing post-primary education, deal with the complicated issues of constructing, defining and experiencing sexual practice.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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This study aimed to obtain information on homeless people appearing before the courts and in custody in the Dublin Metropolitan area and to track and to determine how homeless persons progress through the court and prison systems. The overall objective was to provide information the Probation and Welfare Service's processes of policy formation, service development and planning. Findings on the number of homeless offenders, their profile, their progression routes into the criminal justice system and prisoner reintegration are presented. Recommendations are made regarding sentencing policy, agency responsibility for ex-prisoners and appropriate issues for discussion by the Cross Departmental Committee on Homelessness. It is also recommended that drug free units be available across all closed regime prison establishments.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the range of opiates available within the Scottish NHS for patients with opiate dependancy and to assess the process underlying clinical decision-making. Clinicians, representitives of drug action teams and NHS personnel were apporached and semi-structured phone conversations were the primary means to elicit information. Whilst methadone is almost universally prescribed in Scotland, buprenorphine, dihydrocodeine (not currently licensed for opiate dependance management), lofexidine and naltrexone are also used. Alternative therapies are variably used.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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This is a study of organisational decision making among senior civil servants in the Department of Health (DOH) in relation to the acceptance of methadone maintenance as a valid treatment modality for opiate misuse in Ireland. A qualitative strategy was adopted with an emergent design and grounded theory perspective. The data was collected using a naturalistic mode of inquiry and comprised of documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews. The aspects of decision making chosen for the study were: 1. Identifying the actors involved considering the heretofore dominant 'corporation sole' culture of the Irish public administration. 2. Identifying two (out of the myriad) processes involved in decision making. 3. Identifying what theoretical model(s) of decision making most closely approximates to this case. The findings were as follows: 1. Actors involved at all levels of the decision making could be identified, albeit with some difficulty. This as a result of the strategic management initiative. Previously, it may not have been possible. Stages or phases could not, in this case, be readily identified though limitations of this study may prove significant. 2. Both the processes selected in decision-making in this case were confirmed. Personal and professional support provided by peers and seniors is crucial to decision making. Decision making does occur within networks: these tend to be those that are formally appointed rather than informal ones. 3. The model closest to that of this case was that of incremental decision making within network settings.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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A proposal to pilot nursing assessment of self harm in Accident and Emergency Departments (A&E) was developed by key stakeholders in nurse education and suicide prevention in the South East and submitted to the National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery in April 2002.The proposal included the introduction of a suicide intent scale. Following an initial training programme, a suicide intent scale was utilised by nursing staff in A&E and the Medical Assessment Unit (MAU),Wexford General Hospital and evaluated over a period of nine months. Four months into the study the National Suicide Research Foundation (NSRF) was invited to collaboratively prepare a successful submission to the Health Research Board (HRB) as part of ‘Building Partnerships for a Healthier Future Research Awards 2004’. The NSRF undertook independent scientific evaluation of the outcomes of the suicide awareness programme. The study is in line with priorities determined by Reach Out, the National Strategy for Action on Suicide Prevention 2005-2014 (HSE, 2005) and the HSE-South East Suicide Prevention Programme through raising nursing staff awareness of the public health issue of suicide/deliberate self harm and by improving the efficiency and quality of nursing services offered to persons who present to acute hospitals with deliberate self harm. The study findings indicate evidence to positively support nursing assessment of DSH using a suicide intent scale in terms of assessing behavioural characteristics of individual clients and their suicide risk. Enhanced confidence levels of nursing personnel in caring for suicidal clients was demonstrated by staff who participated in an education programme related to risk assessment and specifically the use of a suicide intent scale.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Contents: 1. Models of addiction and change 2. The process of human intentional behavior change 3. The well maintained addiction : an ending and a beginning 4. Exploring precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation stages of becoming addicted 5. Repeated and regular use : moving from preparation to action on the road to addiction 6. Precontemplation for recovery : cultivating seeds for change 7. The decision to change : moving from the contemplation to the preparation stage of recovery 8. Preparing for action : creating a plan 9. Taking action to change an addiction 10. The long haul : well-maintained recovery 11. Prevention : interfering with the process of becoming addicted 12. Designing interventions for recovery 13. Research on addiction and change. "The stages-of-change model has become widely known as a framework for conceptualizing recovery. Less well known are the processes that drive movement through the stages or how the stages apply to becoming addicted. From Carlo DiClemente, codeveloper of the Transtheoretical Model, this book offers a panoramic view of the entire continuum of addictive behavior change. Illuminated is the common path that individuals travel as they establish and reinforce new patterns of behavior, whether they are developing an addiction or struggling to free themselves from one, and regardless of the specific addictive behavior. Presenting cutting-edge research with significant clinical implications, the book addresses crucial questions of why, when, and how to intervene to bolster recovery in those already addicted and reach out effectively to people at risk. It is essential reading for clinicians, prevention specialists, and policymakers." [from Book Jacket]This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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The Forum for Longford was started in 1997 to provide a co-ordinated inter-agency approach to identify and help tackle social problems in Longford. A survey was carried out with 1,331 post-primary students to ascertain attitudes and behaviours towards alcohol, smoking and drug use. Of the pupils interviewed, 64% had taken an alcoholic drink at age 15 or younger; of these 73% had their first drink between the ages of 12 to 15. Of those that had experience of alcohol, 51% drank several times a week or daily. For smoking, 67% had smoked a cigarette; of these 8% smoked 5 or more daily. Of those that smoked, 47% began between the ages of 11 to 14. With regard to illegal drugs 27% had used cannabis, 20% had used inhalants, 10% hallucinogens, 9% amphetamines and 7.4% had used ecstasy. Following on form these findings, the report makes several recommendations, including the formation of a community task force, Garda/ neighbourhood watch response, schools prevention and information. Also among these key areas are the role of parents, the needs of young people and facilities for young people.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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This is the fourth annual report to the EMCDDA from the Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research (SIRUS) on the drugs situation in Norway. The report has been drawn up in accordance with the new reporting guidelines introduced by the EMCDDA this year. We have endeavoured to follow these as consistently as possible, with the main focus on “new developments” and substantial changes in epidemiology, legislation and organisation. To allow readers to obtain more background information the report contains a number of references to the national report for 2003, and occasional references to the report for 2002.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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In November 2005 €34.027 million was voted for the Drugs Initiative, which funds the local and regional drugs task forces, and the Young People’s Facilities and Services Fund (YPFSF), in 2006 – an 8 per cent increase on the allocation for 2005 and ‘well in excess of inflation’ according to the government. The community sector strongly criticised this estimate, calling for an additional €8 million to €15 million, to fund the projects identified following the creation of the Emerging Needs Fund in January 2005. In February 2006, the government revised its drugs estimate upwards by a further €8.979 million. As well as criticising the 2006 drugs estimate, the community sector raised a series of concerns with regard to governance – the rules, processes and behaviour that affect the way in which powers are exercised4 – or, in short, decision-making with regard to drugs policy in Ireland.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Dual diagnosis, the co-extistence of mental health and substance misuse problems, has a higher prevalence in prisons than in the general community. This document provides good practice guidance to commissioners and practitioners on for the management of dual diagnosis within a prison setting.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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The Homeless Agency recently launched its action plan to eliminate long-term homelessness and the need to sleep rough in Dublin by 2010. This article will discuss the elements of the plan that relate to homeless individuals with addiction problems in the context of the wider policy framework on drugs and homelessness. The plan contains three strategic aims, relating to prevention, local access to quality homeless services and long-term housing options with support when required. The plan contains 10 core actions (high priority) that cover more than one strategic aim and 74 additional actions (lower priority). Individuals with mental health problems, addictions (alcohol and drugs) and dual diagnosis (addiction and mental health) needs have been identified as needing healthcare and other interventions as part of the strategic aim to prevent homelessness and reduce the risk of becoming homeless. As part of the development of the action plan, a total of 105 men, women and children, both current and past users of homeless services, were interviewed. The principal immediate causes of their becoming homeless were identified by those interviewed as family breakdown, and alcohol, heroin and mental health problems. Several studies have shown the prominent role played by drug use in exposing individuals and families to homelessness in Ireland.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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The Mid-Term Review1 of the National Drugs Strategy 2001–2008, published on 2 June 2005, recommends a number of additions and amendments to the existing Strategy, including making rehabilitation a new, ‘fifth’ pillar of the Strategy. The Steering Group that oversaw the Review, and the extensive consultation process on which it is based, found that the aims and objectives of the Strategy are fundamentally sound. While what has been achieved varies from action to action, progress has been made across the four pillars of supply reduction, prevention, treatment and research, and in the co-ordination of the institutional structures of the Strategy. The Review recommends the addition of eight new actions, the replacement of nine of the existing actions and amendments to a further eight. It also recommends revisions to the Strategy’s key performance indicators, reflecting new developments and data availability. The recommendations serve to ‘re-focus and re-energise’ the Strategy in the remaining period up to 2008.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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This report, the first comprehensive review of mental health policy since 'Planning for the Future' was published in 1984, makes a series of recommendations for the mental health services, including the closure of all psychiatric hospitals and re-investment of the resources into a community-based mental health service.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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The Kilkenny post-primary school survey was carried out in the spring of 1987 on a stratified random sample of 445 post-primary school children in county Kilkenny. The study was designed as the basis for evaluation of the Kilkenny Health Project's school health education programme. The study examined knowledge, attitudes and behaviour relevant to non-communicable disease. The results showed that levels of adolescent alcohol and tobacco use were similar to those found in neighbouring countries. Smoking and drinking increased during adolescence and were more prevalent in males. Physical activity decreased throughout adolescence and a high intake of 'snack' foods was found. Health related knowledge levels were high but were not related to behaviour; however attitudes were found to be consistent with behaviour. These and other results are discussed. Literature relevant to school health education and the aetiology of non-communicable disease is described, with particular reference to Ireland. The evidence supporting health promotion intervention programmes against non-communicable disease is examined and WHO and Irish policies on health promotion outlined. The importance of health and disease prevention programmes commencing in youth is emphasised and the suitability and efficacy of school health education programmes are noted. A number of school health education programmes world-wide are described. The role of the community physician in relation to such programmes is discussed. Finally recommendations are made and areas for further research are made.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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"In the nineties, dialogue in the Irish education system has been frenetic and painful at times. But it has gradually led to an extraordinary cohesion and partnership in the system. The book tracks the major consultations - and confrontations - of the nineties and it explores the personalities and policies of the protagonists - ministers, officials, leaders of Church bodies and third-level institutions, representatives of teachers' unions and parents' organisations." "All of the important consultation documents of the decade are here, the various drafts of the Green and White Papers - some benign, some infamous - the Bills, the Acts. The big issues are expertly set forth - intermediate structures and regionalisation, school governance and boards of management, the role of the Churches, higher education and the abolition of tuition fees."-This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.