98 resultados para Engagement at work and wellbeing at work
 The Department of Health has published a White Paper on Universal Health Insurance. The White Paper sets out in detail the elements of the proposed Universal Health Insurance model for Ireland. As such, it provides detail on the overall design of the model, the proposed system for deciding on the standard package of services and the financing mechanisms for the system. This is a most fundamental reform of the health system and we recognise the importance of consulting extensively and inclusively with all interested parties. It is important to seek your views on the policy as it is set out in the White Paper, and we view this as a valuable opportunity for citizens to contribute to the development of policy on the future of their health system. Therefore, we would like to hear from any individual, group, organisation or other body that wishes to contribute to the consultation on the White Paper. In particular, but not limited to, we would welcome your views on the following issues: A consultation document setting out a number of key questions under each of the above headings has been developed and can be downloaded here. There is an opportunity at the end of the document for views or comments on other aspects of the White Paper to be provided. Alternatively, additional views or comments can be sent as an email or hard copy to the addresses below. It is intended to establish a separate independent Expert Commission to examine the issues around the basket of services to be provided under UHI and within the overall health system. The Minister will announce details of the Commission in the near future. Therefore, it would be useful if the submissions on the White Paper refrained from commenting in detail on the services to be provided under UHI. Views on the basket of services will be sought by the Commission when it commences its consultation process. The White Paper can be downloaded here, and two further supporting documents Background Policy Paper on Designing the Future Health Basket and Background Policy Paper on Raising Resources for Universal Health Insurance, which informed the development of the White Paper are also available for download. Links to other supporting documentation that informed the White Paper are also provided below. Submissions can be submitted: By E-mail to: uhiwhitepaper@health.gov.ie By Post to: UHI White Paper UHI UnitDepartment of HealthRoom 7.26Hawkins HouseHawkins StreetDublin 2 The closing date for submissions is close of business 28th May 2014 and will be strictly adhered to. All submissions received will be subject to the Freedom of Information Acts 1997 & 2003 and may be released in response to a Freedom of Information request. Download the consultation document (MS Word) (From the website of the Health Research Board) Integration of health and wellbeing services with general health services The integration of health and social care services
The role of the Department of Health is to provide strategic leadership for the health service and to ensure that Government policies are translated into actions and implemented effectively. It supports the Minister and Ministers of State in their implementation of Government policy and in discharging their governmental, parliamentary and Departmental duties. This includes: advising on the strategic development of the health system including policy and legislation; evaluating the performance of the health and social services; and working with other sectors to enhance people’s health and well-being. The health service seeks to improve the health and wellbeing of people
This project focuses on individuals learning more about their health and wellbeing and developing action plans that they will take responsibility for. This will allow participants to examine and challenge issues which impact on their mental and physical health, including medicines. This project will involve users, staff, pharmacist and other providers. Like all projects this is a 2 way learning process, the staff will be use the pharmacy as a resource and the pharmacist will gain more awareness of health issues and the impact of living with mental health issues.
This series of Good Practice Guides is designed to share important information about health inequalities and some of the evidence-based measures that can be taken to reduce the stark differences in health and wellbeing within populations. It is recognised that leadership and coordinated, effective action at a number of levels can reduce this gap. Ensuring concerted, evidence-based action on health and wellbeing inequalities demands the efforts of government, statutory organisations and the community, voluntary and private sectors. The Good Practice Guides were developed to inform and support joined-up working across these sectors. It is known that health inequalities are closely linked with degrees of social disadvantage and with the unequal distribution of power, income, goods and services. According to the World Health Organization, there are also powerful social and psychological factors and life circumstances that can serve to compound health and wellbeing inequalities. The topics included in the Good Practice Guide series reflect the wider determinants of health and the range of approaches necessary to reduce health inequalities. This first set of three guides is designed, in part, to test their usefulness. There are many other issues and areas where evidence of what works may be needed. It is envisaged that further guides will follow on other issues. All of the guides will be kept under review and amended in light of experience.
The PHA, supported by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) and other agencies and individuals, has completed a health impact assessment (HIA) on the Cardiovascular Service Framework (CVSFW) for Northern Ireland.The CVSFW is the first in a series of service frameworks developed in Northern Ireland to guide HSC provision from prevention and health improvement over early intervention in communities and general practice into hospital and other institutional settings towards rehabilitation, palliative care and end of life.The CVSFW is relevant to everyone who has a part in HSC services for health improvement, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease (stroke), peripheral vascular disease and renal disease. This includes patients, carers, families, communities, voluntary and statutory service providers, policy makers and researchers. There are many determinants which impact on cardiovascular disease. Individual lifestyles are major contributors and smoking remains one of the biggest risk factors for the disease alongside sedentary lifestyles and alcohol consumption. Circumstances experienced during the early years influence health and wellbeing into adulthood. Breastfeeding can help protect against obesity, while physical activity and eating habits developed from a young age often form lifelong patterns of behaviour. Living and working conditions also impact on health. Type of job, level of control and employment conditions are major factors. Educational achievement and income are also powerful influences on health. The environment where we live can provide access to open and green space, which plays an important part in physical activity patterns alongside available transport infrastructure. As well as physical health impacts, all of these factors also influence mental health and emotional wellbeing.
Pregnant women in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust area are learning how to manage their weight as a result of a project being funded by the Public Health Agency.The 'Watching your Weight in Pregnancy' project, being delivered by the Southern Health and Social Care Trust, got underway in December 2011 to address the rising levels of obesity across the southern area. It also aims to reduce the impact that obesity can have on the health of women and their unborn children during pregnancy and birth.Two pilot programmes are currently underway in the Kilkeel area teaching both antenatal and post natal women that feeling good about yourself and your baby is important during pregnancy.The programmes provide information about managing weight during and after pregnancy and include advice on good nutrition along with opportunities to take part in appropriate physical activities. As part of the project, there have also been training sessions for midwives in the Southern HSC Trust on healthier eating and physical activity during pregnancy.Patricia McStay, Southern Trust Head of Midwifery, explained why there was a need for this project: "Every woman wants a healthy baby and we are supporting the women to improve their own health and wellbeing. We have been seeing increasing numbers of women who are overweight or obese at their first contact with the midwife. We want to support these women to manage their weight gain in pregnancy to reduce the risk of experiencing health complications such as high blood pressure, and diabetes in pregnancy."Angela McComb, Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement Manager, for the PHA, said: "The southern office of the PHA recognised the many risks associated with obesity in pregnancy, both to the mother and her baby, and allocated funding for this pilot project to test out ways in which these health risks can be reduced. "We look forward to seeing the results of the evaluation which will inform the further development of effective approaches to support pregnant women to manage their weight both locally and across Northern Ireland."
The Department for Communities and Local Government has published National Planning Practice Guidance which recognises the importance of local infrastructure planning in the development of healthy communities. The guidance supports the National Planning Policy Framework and now includes a section on health and wellbeing. This guidance sets out the government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied by local authorities. A significant development in the guidance is the recognition of the important role the planning system can play in facilitating social interaction and creating healthy, inclusive communities. Local planning authorities should ensure that health and wellbeing, and health infrastructure are considered in local and neighbourhood plans and in planning decision making.
The increase in mortality risk associated with long-term exposure to particulate air pollution is one of the most important, and best-characterised, effects of air pollution on health. This report presents estimates of the size of this effect on mortality in local authority areas in the UK, building upon the attributable fractions reported as an indicator in the public health outcomes framework for England. It discusses the concepts and assumptions underlying these calculations and gives information on how such estimates can be made. The estimates are expected to be useful to health and wellbeing boards when assessing local public health priorities, as well as to others working in the field of air quality and public health. The estimates of mortality burden are based on modelled annual average concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in each local authority area originating from human activities. Local data on the adult population and adult mortality rates is also used. Central estimates of the fraction of mortality attributable to long-term exposure to current levels of anthropogenic (human-made) particulate air pollution range from around 2.5% in some local authorities in rural areas of Scotland and Northern Ireland and between 3 and 5% in Wales, to over 8% in some London boroughs. Because of uncertainty in the increase in mortality risk associated with ambient PM2.5, the actual burdens associated with these modelled concentrations could range from approximately one-sixth to about double these figures. Thus, current levels of particulate air pollution have a considerable impact on public health. Measures to reduce levels of particulate air pollution, or to reduce exposure of the population to such pollution, are regarded as an important public health initiative.
The Quantitative Methodologies in Policy and Practice for Child Health and Wellbeing Summer School is organised by the Children’s Research Network for Ireland and Northern Ireland in conjunction with TCD School of Nursing & Midwifery. The Children’s Research Network for Ireland and Northern Ireland is a not for profit membership-based organization which supports the research community to better understand and improve the lives of children and young people, by creating and maintaining an inclusive, independent network through which information, knowledge, experience, learning and skills can be shared. Membership to the network facilitates access to workshops, summer schools, and events focused on children’s research. The Summer School is funded by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs.
Helping Local People and Local Communities create a Healthier Environment The healthy gardening project is a ten week programme which runs in community gardens/allotments throughout the county in partnership with community development projects. The underpinning values of the approach taken are holistic in nature and cover the areas of individual and community health and wellbeing, ecosystem health, environment and sustainablility. HSE and VEC Initiative Type Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Letterkenny Funding HSE and VEC Partner Agencies Community projects County council Family resource centre VEC Adult Education Service
Growing Together will develop a community garden on unused land to help local families and groups to grow, cook and eat fruit and vegetables. The project aims to engage members of Dunmanway community in sharing and learning skills (including intergenerational cooperation) to promote healthy eating and wellbeing and to provide opportunities for growing and using food together in a fun, sustainable and inclusive way. Watch this space! Part of theCFI Programme 2013-2015 Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Cork Partner Agencies safefood Website http://dunmanwayfrc.com/communityandoutreach/881/
Windsor Women’s Centres’ Food for Thought project provides a multi-functional inner-city green space, which facilitates activities for participants that empowers them to recognise healthy lifestyle choices. This space provides the means through which women and their families in the community can improve their environment, health and wellbeing. They also encompass a range of activities which improve the nutrition of service users from children to the elderly and will improve the physical and emotional wellbeing of their community.
This document, the Framework for Junior Cycle (2015), outlines the key educational changes that the Department of Education and Skills (DES) is putting in place for young people in the first three years of their post-primary education. It builds on and advances the vision for junior cycle reform that was outlined in the Framework for Junior Cycle (2012). The Framework for Junior Cycle (2015) incorporates a shared understanding of how teaching, learning and assessment practices should evolve to support the delivery of a quality, inclusive and relevant education that will meet the needs of junior cycle students, both now and in the future. This shared understanding is informed by engagement with stakeholders and by national and international research.
The PHA Corporate Strategy has been developed with input from staff across the PHA and taking account of feedback from external stakeholders.� It is a high level document, setting out the direction for the PHA over the next few years, and will be supported by the annual PHA Corporate Business Plan, Directorate Business Plans and the Joint Commissioning Plan.� The Strategy was approved by the PHA board at the November 2011 board meeting.�The PHA Corporate strategy sets out the role, direction and priorities of the PHA for the next four years, taking account of the requirements of the Comprehensive Spending Review.The goals set out in this strategy�are supported by annual plans detailing how the goals will be achieved.The strategy outlines the following:protecting health;improving health and wellbeing;improving quality and safety;improving early detection.
The Community Development Strategy for Health and Wellbeing has been developed jointly by the Health and Social Care Board and the Public Health Agency.�The main purpose of the strategy is to recognise and support the important and pivotal role that community development plays in improving health and wellbeing.�The HSCB and PHA want to see strong, resilient communities where everyone has good health and wellbeing - places where people look out for each other and have community pride in where they live.�We seek to narrow the gap in health inequalities and improve the health and wellbeing of the population.�This means working to address the determinants of ill health and reducing risk factors, including those associated with poverty and social exclusion, and this can only be achieved in partnership with the community.The strategy was influenced by a widespread consultation in 2011 - details available here - during which over 300 individuals and organisations attended workshops and 60 written responses were received.�The following documents are attached below:Community Development Strategy - Consultation ResponsesCommunity Development Strategy - Executive SummaryCommunity Development Action PlanCommunity Development Strategy Community Development Strategy - Performance Management Framework