64 resultados para Drug driving
This poster raises awareness about the danger of taking drugs and driving. The message on the poster is 'Drugs affect your driving - Never take drugs and drive.' It also provides contact details for the National Drugs Helpline. Tel: 0800 776600.
Each of the Northern Ireland Drug and Alcohol Coordination Teams (DACTs) has produced a directory of services available in their area. To find out what services are available in your area, download the relevant directory at the bottom of this page.
This document seeks to explore the nature of prevention work in the world of drugs and alcohol. Furthermore, it seeks to offer practical advice and support to those engaged in prevention work, and to give direction to those embarking on new prevention initiatives.It is a guide to what effective prevention means. The document is primarily for those working with young people; however, many of the principles also apply within an adult context.
Information for patients and visitors on MDR bacteria and how to help prevent the spread of infection.Accessible formatsThe below document is available as a pdf and in accessible formats.�Accessible formats are alternatives to printed information, used by people who are blind or visually impaired. These accessible formats include HTML, audio and braille. �For audio and HTML copies please click on the links below. For braille copies please contact Caroline McGeary on 0300 555 0114.