164 resultados para prescription misuse
Summary of the findings for 2002 from the five collaborating centres in NI
A Secondary Analysis of Drug and Alcohol Use Surveys - Final Report
Consultation Outlining proposals for a five-year plan
A Qualitative Study into Heroin Users' Lifestyles, Experiences, and Risk Behaviours
Alcohol, used responsibly and in moderation, is a normal and enjoyable aspect of everyday life for most people. Everyone is familiar with the wide variety of social settings in which it is consumed, ranging from casual enjoyment or relaxation to celebratory and ceremonial occasions. This widespread use of alcohol means that the manufacture and retailing of alcohol products, and its distribution through bars, clubs, restaurants and off-licences involves an estimated 32,000 jobs, both full and part time. The economic significance of this to society here is obvious. åÊ
Investing for Health aims to improve the health of our people and reduce inequalities in health. It sets out a broad range of areas where new and concerted action could make a significant difference to health and wellbeing. Three priority groups are identified; the very young, children and young people, and older people. In line with best practice elsewhere a settings approach is proposed, and homes, schools, workplaces and communities are identified as priority settings. As part of an integrated lifestyle and lifeskills programme the priority topics identified include; smoking, physical activity, eating for health, harm related to alcohol and drug misuse, mental health, sexual health and accidents. åÊ
This document sets out the new Strategy for addressing drug misuse problems in Northern Ireland. With a vision for all who work towards addressing this problem, four main aims are identified along with a set of outcomes. The Strategy has a minimum lifespan of five years with a first major review after three years. Since its publication the NIO is no longer responsible for the drug strategy - this work has been taken over by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety.
Benzodiazepines are one of the most widely used prescription medicinal products in the world. Benzodiazepines may be prescribed safely in the short-term and are a highly effective treatment for anxiety, insomnia and some forms of epilepsy and spasticity. Benzodiazepines are only indicated when the disorder is severe, disabling or subjecting the individual to extreme distress. Dependence is now recognised as a significant risk in patients receiving treatment for longer than one month and the practitioner has to be conscious of this when evaluating the relative benefits and risks of continued prescription. Download document here
The Commission on Liquor Licensing was established by the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform in November 2000 to review the Liquor Licensing system in Ireland. The Commission published an Interim Report with a set of recommendations1, one of which was the establishment of a task force. A High Level Inter-DepartmentalWorking Group considered the report and certain actions were agreed by different Government Departments.The Department of Health and Children agreed to establish a Strategic Task Force on Alcohol. This is their interim report. Â Â