98 resultados para organisations patronales


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Issued jointly by the Health and Social Care Board and Public Health AgencyThe Health and Social Care Board and the Public Health Agency have today launched, for public consultation, a new Community Development Strategy.The consultation period will run for 12 weeks from Friday 10 June until Friday 2 September 2011.The Board and Agency want to see strong, resilient communities where everyone has good health and wellbeing, places where people look out for each other and have community pride in where they live.Residents from deprived areas in Northern Ireland experience;lower life expectancy;higher rates of emergency admission to hospital;higher rates of lung cancer;higher rates of suicide; andhigher rates of smoking and alcohol related deaths.The kinds of health and social care issues which can be improved by community development approaches include depression; isolation; falls amongst elderly people; child protection; teenage pregnancy; childhood asthma; postnatal depression; drug and alcohol abuse; and ultimately also long term conditions such as obesity, diabetes and cancer.The Board and Agency seek a number of benefits from implementing this strategy such as; a reduction in health and wellbeing inequalities, which also means addressing the social factors that affect health; strengthening partnership working with service users, the community and voluntary sectors and other organisations; strengthening families and communities; supporting volunteering and making best use of our resources.John Compton, Chief Executive of the Health and Social Care Board said: "Community development is an important way to improving health and wellbeing - driving a message that 'prevention is better than cure' between different groups and communities, and helping to ensure the most effective use of the health and social care budget."Now more than ever we need to work in partnership with families and communities to achieve better health and wellbeing for those living in Northern Ireland.No one organisation can meet this challenge on its own and strong partnerships are needed. "Chief Executive of the Public Health Agency, Eddie Rooney added: "Every health and social care organisation should incorporate a community development approach into their programmes, and this strategy assists them to do so."The Board and Agency have jointly held pre-consultation workshops over the past few months across Northern Ireland on their Community Development Strategy and have engaged widely with the community and voluntary sectors. We are now keen to receive feedback from individuals, families and the wider community as your views are very important to us - they will help shape the future of community development across the province," he said.The draft Community Development Strategy, as well as information on how you can respond, can be found in the attachments below.


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Members of the Traveller community and their support organisations joined the Public Health Agency and the Health and Social Care Board at an event in Dungannon to mark Traveller Focus Week (5 - 11 December) by sharing the progress made, and celebrating good practice in meeting the health and wellbeing needs of Travellers.These needs were identified in the 'All Ireland Traveller Health Study' by University College Dublin in June 2010. It estimated that there are 3,905 Travellers living in 1,562 families in Northern Ireland, and the stark findings include that when compared with the life expectancy of the general population, male Travellers lose 15 years of life and females lose 11 years.The report made a number of recommendations, including:prioritising mother and children's health; enhanced preventative work for respiratory and cardiovascular disease, as well as better risk detection and management of the disease; development of primary care interventions which involve Travellers engaging with other Travellers in health improvement;engagement of men and young men in improving health and wellbeing and access to healthcare.Speaking at the event, Mary Black, Assistant Director of Public Health (Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement) PHA, said: "The Public Health Agency works in partnership to promote health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities."This event with the Travellers Health and Wellbeing Forum was an important opportunity to look at progress against agreed priorities and share good practice across Northen Ireland and the successful work of the Forum. One such example is the recruitment of Travellers into employment as health workers developed by the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust and part-funded by the PHA. Other areas are also considering work placements and all of this developing practice will help inform future partnerships with employers and help break down the real prejudice that can be experienced by Travellers."We also heard about the progress Travellers have made in their own right, and their views about how the Travelling community is fully engaged and participates in the future development of the Forum and programmes that aim to improve health and wellbeing and contribute to a more equal society."Mark Donahue, Equality Officer, An Munia Tober (a Traveller support organisation), added "The event was a great success in terms of highlighting the main health issues for Travellers, which came out of the All Ireland Traveller Health Study. I was heartened to see a great turn out by the Traveller community from all over Northern Ireland and also by the interest and commitment of so many public agencies and other organisations to work together to improve Traveller health."The event, at 'Breakthru' in Dungannon, also brought together representatives from the five health and social care trusts, Cooperation and Working Together (CAWT), Housing and key voluntary sector organisations, all involved in delivering the recommendations from the 'All Ireland Traveller Health Study'.


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Obesity is a modern lifestyle epidemic that is threatening our health and well-being.This was the key message delivered by Health Minister Edwin Poots at the launch of The Framework for Preventing and Addressing Overweight and Obesity in Northern Ireland 2012-2022: 'A Fitter Future for All'.This ten year strategy will seek to improve the health and wellbeing of people throughout their entire life, from newborns to seniors.Minister Poots said: "We need to face the issue of obesity head on. It's an issue that will require commitment and action from across all sectors, including other government departments and agencies. It is therefore my intention to invest more than £7 million towards tackling the problem of obesity over the next three years."The negative impact on health caused by obesity cannot be over stated. Being obese increases the risk of developing serious illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, some cancers and type 2 diabetes."It is a significant challenge facing modern society and if we don't tackle it now we are storing up a multitude of problems for ourselves in the future."The Minister continued: "More and more of our children and young people are becoming overweight or obese and are putting themselves at risk of developing a range of health problems in their later years."Evidence shows that it is more likely that an obese child will become an obese adult. This in turn will lead to a greater strain on our health and social care services, with more people requiring treatment for obesity related illnesses and specialist care."The proposed framework looks to address a number of key issues, including:-increasing levels of breastfeeding;increasing knowledge and skills about food and its preparationencouraging participation in physical activity;promoting walking and cycling; making sure how we live and where we live encourages and supports healthy eating and physical activity;encouraging and supporting more community involvement with these issues; and;continuation of reformulation of processed foods.The Minister added: "In Northern Ireland 59% of adults are either overweight (36%) or obese (23%). Another worrying statistic is that 8% of children aged 2-15 years were assessed as being obese. These figures demonstrate the scale of the problem and the enormous challenge we are facing."The new framework sets challenging targets. To date we have focussed on simply trying to stop the rise in the levels of obesity, however under A Fitter Future For All we are seeking to actually reduce the level of obesity by 4% and overweight and obesity by 3% among adults. In addition, we are seeking a 3% reduction of obesity and 2% reduction of overweight and obesity among our children and young people." "Meeting these targets will require changes in our lifestyles and behaviours. Most importantly, individuals need to be given the opportunity to make decisions that will benefit their own health and wellbeing".Referring to the 'Give It A Go!' initiative, to increase awareness of the range of nutritional and physical activity initiatives in the southern area, the Minister said: "The Give It A Go! Initiative is a great example of how collaborative work can make such a positive contribution to peoples' lives by providing opportunities for learning, participation in physical activity and for social interaction."Tackling obesity and seeing positive results throughout the life course of the entire population will take time but I strongly believe that the actions set out in this framework will inspire and enable people to improve their diets and be more active."Encouraging people to consider the framework and adopt a healthier lifestyle, the Minister concluded: "Government cannot tackle obesity on its own. We can encourage and promote healthy eating and physical activity but as a society, we must take more individual responsibility for our own health outcomes."Dr Tracy Owen, Consultant in Public Health Medicine with the PHA, said: "The PHA is already working with partner organisations across many of the areas included in the framework 'A Fitter Future for All' and is addressing issues such as developing people's skills and knowledge about healthier eating along with encouraging participation in physical activity. The framework gives us the opportunity to raise awareness of this important area and strengthen action."As the Minister has mentioned, a good example of this coordinated action is the PHA supported initiative Give it a Go! which is providing people in the Southern area with the opportunity to learn about food through supermarket tours and Cook it! classes and to get active through walks, spinning classes and many other activities, all of which are free. These taster sessions are aimed at raising awareness of healthier lifestyles which will ultimately make changes in behaviour more likely."These changes, no matter how small, can help people to lose weight, maintain a healthy weight and bring big benefits to their general health. Importantly, we have developed this joint programme by working closely with our partners, particularly local councils."


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Investing for Health is the cross-departmental public health strategy, published in 2002. It focuses on tackling the wide range of complex and inter-related factors that can impact on the health of the population. The strategy is based upon the recognition that the inequalities, which exist in health between rich and poor are widening and argues that the wider determinants of health can be addressed by integrated interventions and a coordinated approach between all sectors.The Western Investing for Health Partnership was developed in 2004, and consists of 30 member organisations, in pursuit of the aims of improving health and reducing inequalities with seven main objectives.This report highlights the work of the Western Investing for Health Partnership bewteen 2010-2011.


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The Public Health England Obesity website provides a single point of contact for wide-ranging authoritative information on data, evaluation, evidence and research related to weight status and its determinants. They work closely with a wide range of organisations and provide support to policy makers and practitioners involved in obesity and related issues.


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These standards will apply to all organisations providing mental & emotional wellbeing and suicide prevention services which are funded by the PHA.


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A shared goal of safefood and the Health Service Executive (HSE) is to improve the health of the Irish population. One of the greatest public health threats facing all developed countries today, including the island of Ireland, is obesity. It is crucial that the various sectors and disciplines in the country work together to successfully deal with this growing issue. The Department of Health and Children (DoHC) published a strategy for obesity in 2005 which identified children and young people as a vulnerable, at-risk group. Both safefood and the HSE recognise the growing trend towards obesity, physical inactivity and unhealthy dietary habits in Ireland. Both organisations have been actively engaged in addressing the obesity epidemic. A number of initiatives targeted at school-aged children have already been established. These include the ‘Little Steps’ mass media campaign (www.littlesteps.eu) – a campaign aimed at supporting parents/guardians of children, as well as various school-based initiatives and relevant training programmes for health professionals.


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In ‘Sugar Reduction: Responding to the Challenge’, PHE is calling on charities, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), academics, businesses, retailers and consumers to work together to reduce the amount of sugar we eat as a nation. By analysing dietary data and discussing food habits with stakeholders, we have identified a range of areas that need exploring further. PHE already runs successful marketing campaigns designed to promote healthy living. To build on this, we also want to look at the way foods are being advertised to children, financial measures that relate to sugar sweetened drinks, food procurement across the public sector and education and training. Today, PHE received a draft report from the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN): ‘Carbohydrates and Health’. PHE is particularly interested in SACN’s research because it is clear that the nation is consuming more sugar than the UK’s current recommendations. Diets high in sugar can contribute to excess calorie intake, which can lead to weight gain and obesity.


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Evidence Review 8 - Improving access to green spaces Briefing 8 - Improving access to green spaces This pair of documents, commissioned by Public Health England, and written by the UCL Institute of Health Equity, address the role of green space in improving health locally. The first part of the evidence review defines ‘accessible’ green space and provides an overview of the evidence linking access to green spaces with health benefits, setting out the potential for reducing health inequalities. The second part provides an overview of interventions implemented at the local level to increase equitable access and use of good quality green spaces. Local authorities and local organisations have taken action on these issues through the implementation of interventions to: 1. Create new areas of green space and improve the quality of existing green spaces 2. Increase accessibility, engagement and use of green spaces The full evidence review and a shorter summary briefing are available to download above. This document is part of a series. An overview document which provides an introduction to this and other documents in the series, and links to the other topic areas, is available on the ‘Local Action on health inequalities’ project page. A video of Michael Marmot introducing the work is also available on our videos page.


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Evidence Review 6 - Health inequalities and the living wage Briefing 6 - Health inequalities and the living wage This pair of documents, commissioned by Public Health England, and written by the UCL Institute of Health Equity, address the role of a minimum income in improving health. These papers provide a summary of evidence on the health impacts of living on a low income. They assess the evidence around how the living wage addresses low incomes, health and health inequalities. The living wage is an hourly minimum wage, optional for employers, calculated according to the basic cost of living. Local authorities and other organisations that have implemented the living wage for their staff are presented as case study interventions to show how it is possible, the challenges faced and how they were overcome and any reported income, health and business benefits. The full evidence review and a shorter summary briefing are available to download above. This document is part of a series. An overview document which provides an introduction to this and other documents in the series, and links to the other topic areas, is available on the ‘Local Action on health inequalities’ project page. A video of Michael Marmot introducing the work is also available on our videos page.


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In March 2015, over 80 people, representing food banks, churches, advice services, community organisations, statutory agencies and universities attended the ‘Enough is Enough’  launch event in City Church, Belfast to examine the rising demand for emergency food across the city.The ‘Enough is Enough’ project aims to harness the expertise of health and social care professionals, city councillors, advice workers, food banks, community and faith based organisations and strategic bodies across Belfast to collectively address the issue of food poverty. This scoping study lays the foundation for developing an action plan to tackle food poverty in Belfast in collaboration with the community, voluntary and statutory sectors.The Belfast Food Network (BFN) commissioned the project with funding from the Public Health Agency. The research was carried out by Jenny McCurry, who also wrote the report, on behalf of Advice NI.  The project was initiated and developed by Dr Elizabeth Mitchell, Institute of Public Health in Ireland, in her role as convener of the BFN Food Poverty Working Group (BFN/FPWG). Thanks are due to Kevin Higgins, Head of Policy, Advice NI, and Kerry Melville, Co-ordinator, BFN, for their involvement in the project.The BFN is a founding member of the pioneering Sustainable Food Cities Network (SFC). Therapidly growing BFN was established in March 2014 to work with partners to establish a successful Sustainable Food City in Belfast.ACCESS AUDIO AND VIDEO FROM THE EVENT


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"In the nineties, dialogue in the Irish education system has been frenetic and painful at times. But it has gradually led to an extraordinary cohesion and partnership in the system. The book tracks the major consultations - and confrontations - of the nineties and it explores the personalities and policies of the protagonists - ministers, officials, leaders of Church bodies and third-level institutions, representatives of teachers' unions and parents' organisations." "All of the important consultation documents of the decade are here, the various drafts of the Green and White Papers - some benign, some infamous - the Bills, the Acts. The big issues are expertly set forth - intermediate structures and regionalisation, school governance and boards of management, the role of the Churches, higher education and the abolition of tuition fees."-This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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This series of Good Practice Guides is designed to share important information about health inequalities and some of the evidence-based measures that can be taken to reduce the stark differences in health and wellbeing within populations. The conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age can lead to health inequalities the unfair and avoidable differences in health status. Actions to tackle health inequalities demand the efforts of government, statutory organisations, and community, voluntary and private sectors. This Good Practice Guide to reducing young people's drinking is one of a series designed to capture information about health inequalities and highlight evidence-based interventions and key actions for improvement across sectors.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Actions to tackle health inequalities demand the efforts of government, statutory organisations, and community, voluntary and private sectors. This Good Practice Guide to reducing young people's drinking is one of a series designed to capture information about health inequalities and highlight evidence-based interventions and key actions for improvement across sectors.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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This guidance is aimed at those responsible for helping people to change their behaviour to improve their health. This includes policy makers and those working in local authorities and the community and voluntary sectors. It gives advice on how to plan and run relevant initiatives. The recommendations include the following advice: base interventions on a proper assessment of the target group, where they are located and the behaviour which is to be changed: careful planning is the cornerstone of success  work with other organisations and the community itself to decide on and develop initiatives build on the skills and knowledge that already exists in the community, for example, by encouraging networks of people who can support each other take account of and resolve problems that prevent people changing their behaviour (for example, the costs involved in taking part in exercise programmes or buying fresh fruit and vegetables, or lack of knowledge about how to make changes) base all interventions on evidence of what works train staff to help people change their behaviour evaluate all interventions.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.