123 resultados para highlights


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The Sunbeds campaign communicates the long term health effects of sunbeds, including skin cancer and pre-mature ageing, to sunbed users and the wider public. Particularly those under the age of 35 who are at an increased risk of developing melanoma skin cancer from sunbed use. For moreinformation on this issuevisit www.careinthesun.orgThe sunbeds campaign poster highlights that using a sunbed before the age of 35 increases your risk of skin cancer by up to 75%.


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Investing for Health is the cross-departmental public health strategy, published in 2002. It focuses on tackling the wide range of complex and inter-related factors that can impact on the health of the population. The strategy is based upon the recognition that the inequalities, which exist in health between rich and poor are widening and argues that the wider determinants of health can be addressed by integrated interventions and a coordinated approach between all sectors.The Western Investing for Health Partnership was developed in 2004, and consists of 30 member organisations, in pursuit of the aims of improving health and reducing inequalities with seven main objectives.This report highlights the work of the Western Investing for Health Partnership bewteen 2010-2011.


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This paper examines the evidence linking obesity and disability in children and young people. It looks at a range of impairments or health conditions associated with disability and explores the main obesity-related chronic health conditions that can develop during childhood and adolescence. It also highlights: inequalities experienced by children and young people in relation to obesity and disability implications for policy, practice and research survey data on obesity and limiting long-term illness or disability


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The fifth Director of Public Health Annual Report for Northern Ireland, launched on 16 June 2014, celebrates diversity in our population. Diversity is about people and how we value and appreciate those who are not like us. People differ in all sorts of ways which may not always be obvious or visible. These differences might include race and ethnicity, culture and belief, gender and sexuality, age and social status, ability, and use of health and social care services The report recognises the opportunities and challenges posed by population diversity and highlights some of the key programmes introduced to meet these needs.


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This thesis is concerned with alcohol problems and marital relationships. It is particularly interested in these dynamics from a treatment perspective. The study addresses theory, research and clinical practice in the field of alcohol problems. It specifically considers these areas as they relate to enhancing understanding of the dynamics between alcohol problems and marriage. The study examines three theoretical paradigms, the disease concept of addiction, behavioural/cognitive behavioural and systems based approaches to understanding alcohol addiction. This provides a multiple theory base from which research in the field and the clinical data collected in the current research is analysed and interpreted. The study reviews research findings that have contributed to the recognition of marital treatment interventions as significant in the alcohol field. It highlights the discrepancies between such research findings and developments in actual clinical practice. In doing so, the study illustrates the gap between theory, research and clinical practice. The need for a more effective framework of information exchange across these areas of activity is identified and a model for better exchange is presented and discussed. This model highlights the importance of including clients' experiences to influence policy, practice, theory and research. In the research, specific attention is focused on the experiences of couples in alcohol treatment. Clinical data is collected from a series of alcohol treatment couples group therapy sessions. The research analysis of the clinical data identifies and extracts concerns as expressed by couples in treatment. Interpretation of these identified concerns or themes is conducted by employing the theoretical constructs of the three selected theoretical paradigms in conjunction with group work theory. On the basis of the findings in this thesis a model for a maritally sensitive assessment framework is developed. The model identifies a number of factors that should be considered in order to enhance appreciation of the interaction between alcohol problems and marital dynamics. This has particular significance for treatment interventions.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Recent research published by the Equality Authority highlights the ways in which a selection of teenagers believe they are negatively perceived and treated by adults across Irish society. The report is based on focus group discussions with 90 teenagers during May and June 2005 and includes the views of young asylum seekers, travellers, people with disabilities and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth. Contact with the young people was facilitated through the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI). The report also includes findings from a case study of stereotyping of young people in the Irish media.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Key points• The literature shows general agreement about a correlation between income inequality and health/social problems. • There is less agreement about whether income inequality causes health and social problems independently of other factors, but some rigorous studies have found evidence of this. • The independent effect of income inequality on health/social problems shown in some studies looks small in statistical terms. But these studies cover whole populations, and hence a significant number of lives. • Some research suggests that inequality is particularly harmful beyond a certain threshold. Britain was below this threshold in the 1960s, 1970s and early 1980s, but rose past it in 1986–7 and has settled well above it since 1998–9. If the threshold is significant it could provide a target for policy. • Anxiety about status might explain income inequality’s effect on health and social problems. If so, inequality is harmful because it places people in a hierarchy which increases competition for status, causing stress and leading to poor health and other negative outcomes. • Not all research shows an independent effect of income inequality on health/social problems. Some highlights the role of individual income (poverty/material circumstances), culture/history, ethnicity and welfare state institutions/social policies. • The author concludes that there is a strong case for further research on income inequality and discussion of the policy implications.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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SĹN 2007: Older People, Loneliness and Social Support to Mental HealthSĹN, the national Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition, shows that most Irish adults have a reasonably high level of positive mental health. It is the largest national survey on positive and negative mental health and social well-being in the Irish adult population.��One finding highlights the significance of loneliness and social support to mental health. Finding reveal that 14% of respondents reported being often lonely in the last four weeks, with women, older people and respondents in lower social class groups reporting high levels of loneliness. The SĹN report indicates that being widowed and not being in paid employment are the strongest overall predictors of loneliness. Respondents who are widowed are about five times more likely to feel lonely than those who are married or cohabiting, while 17% of respondents aged 65 and over report being often lonely.��SLAN 2007 highlights the significance of loneliness and social support to mental health. It proposes community-based interventions, including community development approaches and strategies to promote community involvement as a way to tackle such social and health inequities at local level. The report also highlights the importance of implementing the recommendations of the policy document A Vision for Change. It says that protection and promotion of the future health and well-being of the Irish population requires the implementation of effective cross-sectoral policies that will help create and maintain a mentally healthy society, with consequent health, economic and social benefits for all.����SLAN is commissioned by the Department of Health and Children and involved face-to-face interviews with 10,364 respondents aged 18 years and over.��


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End of life care standards for people with dementiaThis project, funded under Call 1 of CARDI’s Grants Programme and led by Dr Suzanne Cahill, School of Social Work and Social Policy, Trinity College Dublin, highlights the need for guaranteed standards of care for older people with dementia at the end of their lives.The research recommends the introduction of standards as a matter of urgency because of the huge increases in the number of people affected, and the number likely to be affected in the future. It is estimated that the number of people with dementia in the Republic of Ireland will rise from 44,000 to 104,000 by 2036 and in Northern Ireland from 16,000 to 47,000 in 2051.The research draws attention to the importance of agreeing new standards in Ireland, North and South, by proposing guidelines to develop policies and practices that can reflect the best available throughout the world.Research Team:•������ Dr Suzanne Cahill, School of Social Work and Social Policy, Trinity College Dublin•������ Ms Daphne Doran, Quality Initiatives, Belfast•������ Dr Max Watson, University of Ulster and Northern Ireland HospiceResearch briefingFull report��


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A report from the Dementia Elevator project��at Dublin City University��highlights��the gaps that exist in dementia skills and knowledge in Ireland. It considers��models of��best practice in dementia training and education, and hopes to��inform ��the development of appropriately tailored dementia-related training and education programmes in��Ireland.��Read the report here.


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The fifth Director of Public Health Annual Report for Northern Ireland, launched on 16 June 2014, celebrates diversity in the population.��The report recognises the opportunities and challenges posed by population diversity and highlights some of the key programmes introduced to meet these needs.The presentation slides from key speakers from the launch event on 16 June 2014 and all parallel sessions will be��appended below.��Please note:��The PHA cannot be held responsible for any breach of copyright that may exist within individual presentations.Read more here>>


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This report by Trent Cancer Registry and EMPHO provides important information on variations in the incidence, mortality and survival for the four most common cancers diagnosed in people living in the East Midlands (lung, colorectal, breast and prostate). In particular, it highlights large differences in incidence and mortality rates between different parts of the Region and identifies significant gaps in survival after diagnosis between the most affluent and most deprived areas.


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Injury mortality and morbidity among children aged 0-14 varies substantially depending on the child's age, gender, socio-economic group, cultural and/or ethnic group, and where they live. This report describes and seeks to understand these variations and explains why each factor is associated with injury risk. It then highlights how a range of intervention studies have attempted to address these inequalities.


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This delivery plan outlines the key steps that will be taken over the next three years to deliver the Governnment White Paper Choosing Health: making healthier choices easier. This delivery plan highlights how the DH and the NHS, within the framework of government policies, will help more people make more healthy choices and reduce health inequalities. It outlines clearly the priorities for delivery at national, regional and local levels and what will be done by whom and when. It brings into one place all of the actions on the White Paper commitments, alongside related Public Service Agreements and local targets to improve health. It lists 45 'big wins' - key interventions which the evidence and expert advice suggest will make the greatest impact on health in the shortest period of time It explains how new policies and programmes will be developed and implemented. It describes how Government will drive forward delivery through Government targets to improve health new partnerships


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This edition features an overview chapter that highlights some of the major changes in society since Social Trends was first published. The UK has an ageing population, and growth in the minority ethnic population has resulted in a more diverse society. Household income has risen over the past 35 years, although income inequality has widened. Life expectancy has also increased but so have the number of years that we can expect to live in poor health or with a disability. Technology has transformed many of our lives and our dependence on the car is greater than ever.