61 resultados para Local authorities


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Regular physical activity has substantial health benefits, yet only a minority (approximately 21%) of the population in England achieve the minimum levels as recommended by the four home countries’ Chief Medical Officers, in their Start Active, Stay Active report HIPI has been developed to estimate how many cases of certain diseases could be prevented in each local authority in England, if the population aged 40-79 were to engage in recommended amounts of physical activity. This first release (March 2013) includes the following health impacts: preventable cases of diabetes (only shown for Counties and Unitary Authorities) preventable emergency admissions to hospital with a coronary heart disease preventable new cases of breast and colon cancer total number of preventable deaths (all causes). Users can select geographical areas from a map or list. The data is also provided in a downloadable excel spreadsheet. HIPI uses estimates of local levels of physical activity from the Sport England Active People survey. It models the potential benefit from increased levels of physical activity for each local authority. This is pre-calculated to show the health impacts if 100%, 75%, 50% or 25% of the local population undertake the UK Chief Medical Officers’ recommended levels of physical activity. Other assumptions and sources of data are described in the technical document.


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The National Conversation on Health Inequalities is a programme by Public Health England to start a conversation with the public about health inequalities and solutions to reduce these inequalities. This toolkit shows you how to start a conversation in your community.


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All laboratories play a key role in protecting public health by analysing the microbiological and chemical content of food so that it is safe to eat. On the island of Ireland there are many laboratories & institutions involved in food safety monitoring, surveillance, analysis and research. Some operate directly or are under the aegis of government departments, local and health authorities. Others are privately owned or within third level institutes of higher education and campus companies, and other laboratory establishments are funded or run by various national agencies. These laboratories produce high quality scientific information that benefits public health through routine testing and research encompassing a broad range of foods.


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The EMCDDA’s cannabis monograph addresses one basic question. How can I find quality information on cannabis, amid all the bias and opinion? The monograph is divided into two volumes. The first volume centres on political, legislative, commercial and social developments relating to cannabis. Its core audience thus comprises policymakers, sociologists, historians, journalists and those involved in enforcement. The second volume is targeted at drugs professionals working in the fields of treatment, prevention and healthcare.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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This study was carried out by participants in a North Tipperary Community Services drug/alcohol awareness course. Its objectives were to: assess the level of drug and alcohol awareness among second-level students under the age of 18 years; to find out the extent of under-age drinking;to find out the extent of the use of illegal substances as well as stimulants such as glue and solvents in this age group; and to use this information to develop educational programmes for parents and students. Date was obtained through a survey of 1500 secondary school students in the North Tippeary area. The survey found that, although ilict drug use was very low, abuse of alcohol was quite common.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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In this report for the Medico Social Research Board the author provides an overview of the drug problem in Dublin's inner city. On 12-14 July 1982 the author visited the Sean Mac Dermott street area of the inner city, the Eastern Health Board, Coolmine Community, Jervis Street Drug Advisory and Treatment Centre and the Garda drug squad. From these interviews, the author concludes that Dublin's inner city has a serious problem with drug use, in particular the injecting of heroin. Heroin addicts steal on a regular basis to fund their habit, and frequently inject themselves in public spaces of local authority flat complexes. Despite the best efforts of the support services (Social workers, doctors, Gardai and clergy) there is a high prevalence of injecting heroin use. There has also been abuse of prescription services. Addicts frequently seek opiates from a small number of doctors who are willing to prescribe. Drug education is severely lacking or inappropriate, according to the author, and the Garda drug squad is severely over stretched. While cannabis use is said to be prevalent in Dublin's two universities, drug use has been most problematic in the deprived parts of the city. The author presents the drug epidemic, which has developed over the last two years, in moral terms, and wonders if Christian society, in particular the Catholic Church, and the health authorities can do anything to stop the crisis from worsening. Recommendations include; conducting epidemiological surveys to determine the true extent of the problem, cross disciplinary co-operation, greater drug awareness through education, and more rehabilitation units.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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This handbook has been developed within the context of the institutional structures recommended under the National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016 and within the overall framework of the National Social Inclusion Plan 2007-2016. It sets out the role of the Drugs Task Forces within the national and local framework required to address the existing and emerging problems associated with drug use for individuals, families and communities in the context of the long term development of the work of the Drugs Task Forces.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Pacesetters is a partnership between local communities who experience health inequalities, the NHS and the Department of Health (DH). The Equality and Human Rights Group (EHRG) of DH is working with six strategic health authorities (SHAs) on the programme.


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Presentation by Margaret Eames at the Regional meeting on measuring body mass index (BMI) in the child population.


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A working/ consultation document outlining the key drivers and steps for undertaking health equity audit as required in the Performance and Planning Framework (PPF) 2003-2006


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This briefing paper provides a summary of the policies, theory and practice of setting targets to reduce health inequalities. It offers some guidance for those responsible for setting local targets and sets this in the context of local experience drawn from documentary evidence from health improvement programmes (HImPs), community strategies and health action zones (HAZs).


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This briefing has been put together by Eastern Region PHO outlining how to measure and monitor health inequalities in a local area, such as a primary care trust (PCT) or a local authority. It has been designed to help support action to tackle health inequalities in new NHS organisations and for Local Area Agreements (LAAs). Click on the link to view the document.


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Part One explores the background factors relating to new school establishment, outlines the views received as a result of consultation with the public and the New Schools Advisory Committee (NSAC) and reviews international practice in relation to establishment of new schools. The population of the country experienced an unprecedented increase in the past ten years. Despite the current economic downturn, the effect of this recent population increase is that growth in demand for school places is set to increase over the short to medium term. The overriding objective is to ensure that a school place is available to every child. Part Two explores issues around planning for new schools in the future. It discusses patron selection, the mechanism for identifying the need for a new school and proposals for cost effectiveness, including campus arrangements. A school is of central importance to a local community and therefore the establishment of a new school must be carried out with reference to the overall plan of the local authority for any given area. Guidelines published under Section 28 of the Planning Act entitled “The Provision of Schools and the Planning System” (July 2008) establish a 7 framework for co-operation between the Department and planning authorities to ensure the timely and cost-effective provision of school facilities.


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This Code of Practice sets out best practice approaches that should be followed by planning authorities in ensuring that the planning system plays its full part in facilitating the timely and cost-effective roll-out of school facilities by the Department of Education and Science and in line with the principles of proper planning and sustainable development. Complementing and expanding on previous planning guidelines issued by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government (DEHLG) in 2007 on the preparation of development plans (2007), these guidelines also include details of how: the Department of Education and Science will support the work of planning authorities in their planning functions, and planning authorities can complement and build on such interaction through site identification and acquisition


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CMACE provides information on perinatal deaths at local, regional and national level for health careproviders, commissioners and policy makers. This UK report complements the perinatal mortality reports which CMACE produces for the UK nations separately, Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) in England and maternity providers.