102 resultados para Cancer nursing
Regional Advisory Committee on Cancer (RACC) was established in 1997 to carry forward the recommendations of the Campbell Report of 1996 and to provide advice to the Department of Health and Social Services on the future development of cancer services. The Committee meets twice a year and its membership (Appendix I) is an indication of the wide range of interests involved in Cancer Care across the community. This report records some of the key developments in cancer services over the last 3 years. åÊ Significant progress has been made toward developing a high quality and integrated cancer care network. All five Cancer Units are now operational with chemotherapy and outpatient services for the most common forms of cancer are delivered from these locations. Agreement to the start of the new Cancer Centre, at the Belfast City Hospital, currently estimated to cost å£58m, is expected shortly. As a temporary expedient two additional therapy machines will be installed in Belvoir Park Hospital to increase capacity while the building of the new Cancer Centre proceeds. åÊ To deliver high quality cancer care the workforce needs to continue to expand. This requires increasing investment in the training of professional staff in the context of an already difficult HPSS labour market. The development of the five Cancer Units has increased staff mobility in the short-term, drawing skilled staff away from the centre who have been difficult to replace. At the same time increasing numbers of patients are being offered effective therapies at both the Cancer Units and the Centre. åÊ This report contains a review of selected developments in cancer care. The first section introduces the Memorandum of Understanding and the Tripartite Agreement between the National Cancer Institute of the USA and the Health Departments both North and South. This is a unique international partnership, which promises to bring very significant advantages to both the service and research communities across the Island. åÊ åÊ åÊ
This assessment tool is designed to assess the registered nursing needs of a person needing long-term care. The tool is designed to encapsulate a systematic approach to assessment whilst at the same time embracing professional decision-making that takes place in the relationship between a nurse and another person. For this reason, the tool takes the assessment through a staged approach, moving from a general ‘narrative’ based assessment of ‘domains’ of care need, to a focused assessment of risk and complexity. åÊ
All Ireland Statement on Public Health and Nursing
This study was designed to examine critically the impact of a government-led policy document upon community nursing, midwifery and health visiting practice in Northern Ireland (Strategy for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting in Northern Ireland. Action Plan for Community Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors, Working Together: A Focus on Health and Social Well-being, DHSS, 1996). The total number of participants was (n=409) and the eleven Health and Personal Social Services Trusts in NI were represented in the sample group which consisted of 93% females and 7% males. A questionnaire containing twenty items was designed and a pilot study was carried out with twenty-five community practitioners. Following the pilot study appropriate modifications were made to the questionnaire. åÊ
Report of a Working Group
A Contribution to the Future
The Regional Advisory Committee on Cancer Services (RACC) was established in 1997. Its purpose is to advise the Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) on the implementation of the recommendations contained in the Campbell Report Cancer Services: Investing for the Future and on the development and delivery of cancer services in Northern Ireland. The remit and functions of RACC are set out in Annex 1. The 28 members of RACC come from the Health and Social Services Councils (which represent the interests of the public), primary care, Trusts, Boards and the DHSS. The Chief Medical Officer attends as an observer. The full membership of the committee is listed in Annex 2. 1.3 RACC held its first meeting in June 1997 and has continued to meet twice a year since then. This is its first report. åÊ åÊ
A Position Paper for the Professions Allied to Medicine Patients with cancer are living longer due to early diagnosis and better treatment. In recent years there has been increasing attention to issues related to the quality of life of patients with cancer and a recognition of the potential for habilitation and rehabilitation. As a result, PAMs as members of the multi-disciplinary team are now more actively involved with patients diagnosed with cancer during all phases of their disease. Each person’s life possesses a unique blend of psychological, social, economic and physical factors and comprehensive care requires the needs of the whole person to be addressed. This requires patients and carers having timely access to the most appropriate range of professional skills that will allow individual patients and their carers to retain control of their lives and associated circumstances for as long as possible. It also requires professions, in all locations, to work in a collaborative patient centred manner that affords the best outcome for patients. The need has been highlighted for a multi-professional approach to the delivery of cancer services in “Investing for the Future” and “A Framework for the Multi-professional Contribution to Cancer Care in Northern Ireland”. This need has also been highlighted in the PAM Strategy document. åÊ
To address the rapidly rising burden of cancer, this second National Cancer Strategy A Strategy for Cancer Control in Ireland 2006 advocates a comprehensive cancer control policy programme. Cancer control is a whole population, integrated and cohesive approach to cancer that involves prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, and supportive and palliative care. It places a major emphasis on measurement of need and on addressing inequalities and implies that we must focus on ensuring that all elements of cancer policy and service are delivered to the maximum possible extent. This Strategy also focuses substantially on reform and reorganisation of the way we deliver cancer services, in order to ensure that future services are consistent and are associated with a high-quality experience for patients and their carers. There is evidence of considerable variation in cancer survival between regions and also significant fragmentation of services for cancer patients. These interrelated factors are of major concern to the National Cancer Forum.
 The Report of the Commission on Nursing recommended that the Nursing and Midwifery Policy Unit in the Department of Health and Children, in consultation with the appropriate bodies, should draw up a national strategy for nursing andmidwifery research. In response to the above the Chief Nurse at the Department of Health and Children convened a consultative committee, representative of those with a core interest in research to draft a research strategy for nursing and midwifery in Ireland Download the Report here
This statement represents one outcome of a series of workshops, in Newry, attended by senior nurses from the North and South of Ireland. Our nursing vision of public health emerged through lively debate and creative discussion until broad consensus has now been reached on the definition scope, principles and activities of public health for nurses in Ireland Download the Report here
The report provides information to assist the Department of Health and Children and the Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Units in each Health Board/Health Authority region, to prepare and develop strategic plans for nursing workforce requirements. Download the document here. Â
The Nursing and Midwifery Resource – Towards Workforce Planning The past five years have seen a dramatic change in the composition and organisation of the nursing and midwifery workforce in Ireland. For many years we had a constant supply of newly qualified nurses and midwives, with strong competition for every available post. Click here to download PDF 1.5mb
This is the second annual report of the Monitoring Committee established by the Minister for Health and Children to oversee progress in the implementation of the recommendations contained in the Report of the Commission on Nursing A Blueprint for the Future. It outlines the further progress made during 2001 in achieving targets set out in the Priority Action Plan for 2000 and 2001 agreed between the Department of Health and Children and the Nursing Alliance. Â Download report here