609 resultados para Student government--Ireland.


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Social Variations


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Social Services expenditure and provision in NI


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1999/2000 to 2003/2004 - Key Facts


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This good practice guide has been produced by the Equity Commission for Northern Ireland in partnership with the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPSNI).


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This Government came to power committed to reforming and modernising the health and personal social services (HPSS) and returning them to their founding principles and core values. The momentous political change which has taken pl ace in Northern Ireland over the last year means that the new Assembly will now be taking up that challenge. This paper is not a blueprint. It signals the direction in which the Government wishes to move, but it will quite properly be for the Assembly to take final decisions on the way forward. There are many difficult issues to be addressed and change cannot happen overnight. That is the challenge which faces the Assembly and the HPSS. I wish them every success in meeting it. åÊ åÊ


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This study was designed to examine critically the impact of a government-led policy document upon community nursing, midwifery and health visiting practice in Northern Ireland (Strategy for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting in Northern Ireland. Action Plan for Community Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors, Working Together: A Focus on Health and Social Well-being, DHSS, 1996). The total number of participants was (n=409) and the eleven Health and Personal Social Services Trusts in NI were represented in the sample group which consisted of 93% females and 7% males. A questionnaire containing twenty items was designed and a pilot study was carried out with twenty-five community practitioners. Following the pilot study appropriate modifications were made to the questionnaire. åÊ


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Northern Ireland has one of the lowest breastfeeding rates in the world. Low breastfeeding rates are associated with considerable morbidity, some mortality and increased health service costs for women and children. In Northern Ireland, several factors make the initiation and maintenance of breastfeeding particularly difficult; these include cultural attitudes, commercial promotion of artificial milks and obstacles for the working mother. The aim of the Strategy is to promote and support breastfeeding. Medium-term objectives: - province-wide co-ordination of breastfeeding promotional activities - commissioning of breastfeeding support within the health service - detailed and uniform collection of infant feeding statistics - research into effective means of breastfeeding promotion - improved training in lactation management for health professionals - supporting breast milk feeding for special needs infants - raising of public awareness of the importance of breastfeeding - cessation of artificial milk promotion within the health service åÊ Long-term objectives: - adopt the recommendations following review of the milk token scheme in England - bringing the marketing of infant foods and feeding products into line with the International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes åÊ Progress will be monitored by the Northern Ireland Breastfeeding Strategy Group. åÊ åÊ


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This document sets out the new Strategy for addressing drug misuse problems in Northern Ireland. With a vision for all who work towards addressing this problem, four main aims are identified along with a set of outcomes. The Strategy has a minimum lifespan of five years with a first major review after three years. Since its publication the NIO is no longer responsible for the drug strategy - this work has been taken over by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety.