61 resultados para training tool
Regular physical activity has substantial health benefits, yet only a minority (approximately 21%) of the population in England achieve the minimum levels as recommended by the four home countries’ Chief Medical Officers, in their Start Active, Stay Active report HIPI has been developed to estimate how many cases of certain diseases could be prevented in each local authority in England, if the population aged 40-79 were to engage in recommended amounts of physical activity. This first release (March 2013) includes the following health impacts: preventable cases of diabetes (only shown for Counties and Unitary Authorities) preventable emergency admissions to hospital with a coronary heart disease preventable new cases of breast and colon cancer total number of preventable deaths (all causes). Users can select geographical areas from a map or list. The data is also provided in a downloadable excel spreadsheet. HIPI uses estimates of local levels of physical activity from the Sport England Active People survey. It models the potential benefit from increased levels of physical activity for each local authority. This is pre-calculated to show the health impacts if 100%, 75%, 50% or 25% of the local population undertake the UK Chief Medical Officers’ recommended levels of physical activity. Other assumptions and sources of data are described in the technical document.
Evidence Review 3 - Reducing the number of young people not in employment, education or training (NEET) Briefing 3 - Reducing the number of young people not in employment, education or training (NEET) This pair of documents, commissioned by Public Health England, and written by the UCL Institute of Health Equity, examine how to help young people into employment, education or training. They describe the relationship between being NEET and health; inequalities in prevalence of being NEET; and the scale of the problem. The papers show that being NEET, particularly for prolonged periods, is associated with negative effects on health and a range of other outcomes. Furthermore, the chances of becoming NEET are not equally or randomly distributed throughout society – those who are relatively disadvantaged, from poor backgrounds, or who have had negative experiences at school are more likely to spend some time being NEET. The papers also propose actions that can be taken at a local level in order to reduce the proportion of young people who are NEET. There is good evidence on what works in order to enable and support young people to enter employment, education and training. Taking action to reduce NEET levels is both possible and necessary – both to ensure young people have opportunities, and also as an important way to improve public health and reduce inequalities. The full evidence review and a shorter summary briefing are available to download above. This document is part of a series. An overview document which provides an introduction to this and other documents in the series, and links to the other topic areas, is available on the ‘Local Action on health inequalities’ project page. A video of Michael Marmot introducing the work is also available on our videos page.
This tool is designed to assess the health risks of housing and the residential environment at the scale of a neighbourhood, housing stock or administrative area. For each health risk, the tool enables a judgement to be recorded about the level of health risk attributable to unhealthy or unsafe housing conditions, and for this to be compared with the adequacy of local practice in mitigating the risk.
The Health Inequalities Intervention Tool, developed by APHO, highlights the key issues that Spearhead local authorities (with their PCTs) need to address to meet the Government۪s life expectancy targets. It can be used by any Spearhead Primary Care Trust or local council to find out what the underlying causes of the life expectancy gap are for that area. This Tool is designedto allow "Spearhead" Local Authorities/PCTs tounderstand better how they might reduce the inequalties between them and the national picture. (Please note that there are no "Spearhead" PCTs in the East of England. However, plans are being drawn up to address this and allow the developmentof this tool that is of use to all PCTs.)
Pilot approaches that will be used in the Phase 2 of National Health Inequalities Intervention Tool, due to be launched early 2008.
This tool contains the data for the LHO briefing "The London Health Inequalities Forecast: A briefing on inequalities in life expectancy and deaths from cancers, heart disease and stroke in London". The tool enables local areas to monitor their progress towards the national health inequalities targets for life expectancy, mortality from heart disease and stroke, and mortality from cancers.
This document answers some common questions about the use of the Spearhead Health Inequalities Intervention Tool.
This document describes the technical detail behind the Spearhead Health Inequalities Intervention Tool.
This tool is designed to support Primary Care Trusts with their Local Delivery Planning and commissioning
The APHO Health Inequalities Tool provides health and local authorities with the information they need to reduce health inequalities in their local community. For the first time they will have hard-edged evidence at their fingertips that tells them the causes of their life expectancy gap and quantifies the impact of local actions
Instructions on how to use the Health inequalities intervention tool and how to interpret the results.
This document answers some common questions about the use of the Health inequalities intervention tool.
This note sets out the cost effectiveness performance of the interventions currently presented in the Health inequalities intervention tool . These interventions have been chosen for their cost effectiveness performance as health interventions as well as for their impact on the life expectancy gap.
This paper describes the data and methods used in the Health inequalities intervention tool to calculate the effect of four interventions on life expectancy.
The Spearhead Intervention Tool has been commissioned by the Department of Health through the Association of Public Health Observatories (APHO). This version of the tool has been updated with latest data for 2005-07. The tool is designed to assist commissioners in Spearhead Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) with their Local Delivery Planning (LDP) and commissioning and to assist Spearhead Local Authorities (LAs) with the delivery of Local Area Agreements (LAAs). It highlights key issues for Spearhead PCTs and LAs to consider in order to achieve the life expectancy element of the Government۪s Public Service Agreement (PSA) on health inequalities by 2010.