39 resultados para family business succession
The PHA Corporate Business Plan 2011-2012 is based on the four core goals and the common themes from the Corporate Strategy 2011-2015 and sets out a corporate picture of how the goals will be taken forward in year one (2011-2012) in line with existing AMT and board direction.�All Directorates were involved in developing the Corporate Business Plan and it reflects the content of each of the Directorate business plans.�It identifies a number of measurable indicators taken from the DHSSPS Commissioning Directions 2011-2012, as well as from each of the Directorate business plans.The Corporate Business Plan was approved by AMT on 1 November and by the PHA board on 17 November. Quarterly monitoring reports on progress against the indicators will be brought to the PHA board.
This aide memoire leaflet and poster is designed for health professionals working with parents who have mental health issues, including substance misuse, to help them think beyond the individual and consider their children or family members. Involving the family is likely to lead to improved recovery rates.
This Business Plan sets out the key priorities and actions that will be progressed by the Public Health Agency (PHA) in 2012/13. The PHA believes that these actions will have the biggest impact on improving levels of health and social wellbeing, protecting the health of the community, and ensuring patients continue to receive high quality and safe treatment and care services.The business plan is available to download below.
This Business Plan sets out the key priorities and actions that will be progressed by the Public Health Agency (PHA) in 2013/14. The PHA believes that these actions will have the biggest impact on improving levels of health and social wellbeing, protecting the health of the community, and ensuring patients continue to receive high quality and safe treatment and care services.The business plan is available to download below.
This Business Plan sets out the key priorities and actions that will be progressed by the Public Health Agency (PHA) in 2014/15. The PHA believes that these actions will have the biggest impact on improving levels of health and social wellbeing, protecting the health of the community, and ensuring patients continue to receive high quality and safe treatment and care services.The business plan is available to download below.
This second corporate business plan explains the purpose of the PHA and focuses on health improvement, health protection and addressing health inequalities. The business plan is available to download below.
This booklet explains how the 'Breastfeeding welcome here' scheme works and includes the membership agreement for businesses to sign.
As a parent you want the best start for your baby. What your child eats and drinks is important for his/her health now and in the future. The information in this leaflet may be quite different from what you have read before, or what your friends or family may tell you they did. New research is constantly being carried out into infant nutrition and the information and advice in this leaflet is based on up-to-date scientific evidence. It will help you make sure that your child is getting a good start. (Note: translations are of the 2007 version)
This Business Plan sets out the key priorities and actions that will be progressed by the Public Health Agency (PHA) in 2015/16. The PHA believes that these actions will have the biggest impact on improving levels of health and social wellbeing, protecting the health of the community, and ensuring patients continue to receive high quality and safe treatment and care services.The business plan is available to download below.