101 resultados para advisory group
Over thirty years ago, Prof. John Hinton voiced his criticisms of the standard of medical care offered to patients with advanced and life-threatening conditions. In the decades that followed, we have witnessed a remarkable renaissance in terms of our understanding of the needs of patients in the final stages of life. Developments in therapeutics and in our knowledge of pain and symptom management have spearheaded a quiet but very effective revolution. In parallel with developments in medical science, we have developed a much deeper understanding of the complex psychosocial and spiritual needs of patients and their families, as they seek to cope with the pain and suffering associated with progressive and inevitable loss Download the Report here
Report of the National Advisory Committee on Palliative Care It is anticipated that the need for palliative care services will increase in coming years. Population projections indicate that between 1996 and 2031 the population aged 65 years and over is expected to more than double. Currently, over 95% of all patients availing of palliative care services suffer from cancer. The number of people dying from cancer is expected to rise in future years, due to the ageing population. Click here to download the document (PDF, 1mb)
The introduction of a maximum 48 hour working week for Non Consultant Hospital Doctors by 2010 will have significant implications for both Doctors in training and service delivery in our hospitals. This report focuses on how this reduction in working hours can be achieved and the many directly related issues that need to be addressed Download the Report here
The Working Group on Elder Abuse is pleased to present this Report. It provides a foundation for the development of policy and procedures to respond to actual or alleged cases of elder abuse. Aim of policy and proceduresThe aim of the policy and procedures presented here is to create a context in which older people and those concerned about the abuse of older people can disclose their concerns and receive an appropriate response. The basis of the policy (and the procedures flowing from it) is the recognition of the right of older people to live independent lives with dignity. Download document here
Second Report of the Working Group on Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Services The Minister for Health and Children established a Working Group on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in June 2000 with the following terms of reference:· To examine the current state of child and adolescent psychiatric services in the country; · To carry out a needs analysis of the population aged 0-18 years for such services and to identify shortcomings in meeting such needs; · To make recommendations on how child and adolescent psychiatric services should be developed in the short, medium and long term to meet identified needs. Click here to download PDF 58kb
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Pharmacy Review Group Report (PDF, 420KB) Indecon Assessment of the 1996 Pharmacy Regulations (PDF, 430KB) Indecon Review of Proposed Regulatory Models for the Pharmacy Sector (PDF, 400KB) Â
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The Irish service was last reviewed in 1980. Much of the valuable recommendations made at that time have been given effect. The present Review Group examined that report and, to the extend that recommendations then made have not been acted upon, incorporated them in this report. The views and rights of mothers were of course paramount in the consideration of the members of the Group and issues of choice, privacy, consent and information were considered and appropriate recommendations made. Download the Report here
In November 1997, the Department of Health and Children established an expert group to examine and make recommendations on an appropriate system and criteria for the assessment of hearing disability arising from hearing loss, with particular reference to noise induced hearing loss. The group was to prepare a report for the Minister for Health and Children. Download the Report here
Meningococcal disease is a serious condition with high morbidity and significant mortality. The Department of Health and Children’s Working Group on Bacterial Meningitis and Related Conditions has monitored the epidemiology of Meningococcal disease and in 1997, in its first report, proposed strategies to prevent this infection and its complications. This report has been reviewed and updated and a second report issued in July 1999. This Report describes the epidemiology of Meningococcal disease and includes practical guidance in relation to the management of clusters and chemoprophylaxis. The Report also includes guidelines in relation to the hospital based management of suspected Meningococcal Sepsis/Meningitis and which can be adapted depending on local circumstances Download the Report here
This introduction to "Building Healthier Hearts" will give readers an overview of the report of the Cardiovascular Health Strategy Group. Firstly, it sets out the background to the strategy and its policy context. A brief description of mortality and morbidity trends from cardiovascular disease in Ireland follows. Next an overview is given of current health service provision and of the changes considered necessary by the Group Download the Report here
10.12.2000 The Department of Health and Children is implementing the recommendations of the Commission on Nursing (1998). It agreed with the Nursing Alliance in early 2000 to set up working groups to inform the implementation of specific recommendations in relation to nurse education. One of these working groups was to address paediatric nurse education. In March 2000, a Steering Group to oversee a review of paediatric nurse education was convened and the following terms of reference agreed. To consider the future of paediatric nurse education in the light of the recommendations of the Report of the Commission on Nursing, Labour Court recommendation LCR 16330, and current practice and development in child health services. To make recommendations within the context of current developments in nursing, nurse education and service delivery. Download the Report here