127 resultados para Syphilis prenatal care
Craigavon & Banbridge Community HSS Trust's final report on Primary Care Mental Health Services Triage Pilot Scheme. Part of the Department's redesign of community nursing project.
Foyle HSS Trust's Evaluation of community nursing project. Part of the Department's redesign of community nursing project.
Interim report on the Southern Health and Social Services Board's Community Nursing Strategy Pilot Project
South & East Belfast H&SS Trust's final report on Primary Care Integrated Nursing Model. Part of the Department's redesign of community nursing project
Sperrin Lakeland Trust's final report on the establishment of a treatment room service bureau. Part of the Department's redesign of community nursing project
Sperrin Lakeland Trust inspection
Down Lisburn Health And Social Services Trust Eastern Health And Social Services Board Fieldwork Inspection: 31st May 2005 - 10th June 2005 (Final Report April 2006)
In 2003/2004 the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety commissioned a value for money follow-up audit of Anaesthetics, Pain Relief and Critical Care (APRCC) services at twelve Trusts and covering fourteen hospital sites. The original study had reported in 1999/2000. Detailed follow-up reports, together with action plans have been agreed locally with Trusts. The objectives of the follow-up review were to: • Ascertain the progress made in implementing recommendations from the original study; • Provide data to compare performance across Trusts in areas such as: - Pre-operative assessments; - Organisation of post-operative pain relief; - Organisation of chronic pain services; - Levels of admissions to critical care units; - Occupancy in critical care units; and åÊ • Assess the extent of progress made by Trusts in the implementation of the Chief Medical Officer’s (CMO) recommendations from ‘Facing the Future –Building on the Lessons of Winter 1999/2000’. To enable comparisons across Trusts, data was collected for the financial year 2002/2003. In addition, relevant findings from the Audit Commission’s Acute Hospitals Portfolio have also been included. The Acute Hospital Portfolio is a collection of reviews that are undertaken at acute and specialist Trusts. They focus on key service areas and are reported along the key performance criteria of patient experience, efficiency and capacity. åÊ
Your Step by step guide to Leaving Care
Racial Equality In Health and Social Care Good Practice Guide
Primary Dental Care Strategy Consultation Document December 2005
Response to the Office of Fair Trading on the Care Home Market