50 resultados para Rangel, Emídio, 1948-2014


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In January 2012, in a direct response to specific skills shortages for people with high-level ICT skills, the Department of Education and Skills published a joint Government–industry ICT Action Plan aimed at building the supply of high-level ICT graduates. One of the key measures in the Plan was the roll-out, from March 2012, of more than 800 places on intensive NFQ level 8 higher diploma ICT skills conversion programmes by higher education providers in partnership with industry. In recognition of the ICT and software development skills shortages that continue to exist, a second phase of the ICT Skills Programme was rolled-out in late 2012, with the Higher Education Authority requesting proposals from higher education providers for a further round of specialist programmes aimed at addressing identified ICT and software development skills gaps. From spring 2013, a number of higher education providers are again offering a number of Level 8 Conversion Programmes, in collaboration with industry partners, which will provide graduates from other skills areas with the opportunity to up-skill or re-skill through a 1 year full-time HDip Conversion Programme in core computing/programming, software and data analysis.


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This National Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) has been developed by the Department of Education and Skills (DES), in consultation with key stakeholders. It provides a framework to support the contribution that the education sector is making and will continue to make towards a more sustainable future at a number of levels: individual, community, local, national and international. This strategy is primarily influenced by the national strategy on sustainable development, Our Sustainable Future - A Framework for Sustainable Development in Ireland (hereafter referred to as Our Sustainable Future), which was published by the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government in 2012. It is also framed within the current context of limited financial resources. The result is an ESD strategy that seeks to challenge individuals, organisations and society as a whole, but particularly in educational contexts, through recommendations that are pragmatic rather than aspirational in nature.


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This Business Plan sets out the key priorities and actions that will be progressed by the Public Health Agency (PHA) in 2013/14. The PHA believes that these actions will have the biggest impact on improving levels of health and social wellbeing, protecting the health of the community, and ensuring patients continue to receive high quality and safe treatment and care services.The business plan is available to download below.


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This Business Plan sets out the key priorities and actions that will be progressed by the Public Health Agency (PHA) in 2014/15. The PHA believes that these actions will have the biggest impact on improving levels of health and social wellbeing, protecting the health of the community, and ensuring patients continue to receive high quality and safe treatment and care services.The business plan is available to download below.


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The Public Health Agency Annual report 2013-2014 provides background information about the PHA, highlights the achievements during the�2013-2014 financial year and provides an overview of work undertaken in priority areas�within each directorate�of�the organisation.The�full financial accounts are included in this report as is�information on members of the PHA board.Click here for the PDF: PHA Annual report and accounts for year ended 31 March 2014


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Two new vaccine brands – Infanrix IPV Hiband Boostrix-IPV – are being introduced into the national routine immunisation schedule in 2014, alongside Infanrix IPV and Repevax. This chart shows who they are for and aims to avoid the possibility of confusion between the brands. �


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�The 2013/14 influenza season started later than in 2012/13, it did not last as long and was noted at generally lower levels throughout than the previous season. Clinical indices began to increase in early January and peaked in mid-March, with community syndromic indicators not exceeding the baseline threshold at any time during the season. GP influenza-like illness consultation rates in 2013/14 were lower than those in the 2012/13 season for the majority of the season and remained low overall.Overall no one age group appeared predominantly affected with rates fluctuating throughout the season. The highest rate overall however was noted among the youngest age group during the peak period.


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This is the sixth Director of Public Health Annual Report, detailing the main public health challenges in Northern Ireland. It also provides information on the wide variety of work undertaken by the PHA and its partners during 2014 to improve the health and social wellbeing of the population. Each year, the report focuses on an overarching area, which this year is ‘Adults aged 18–64 years’. The report structure reflects the main areas of public health action: improving health and reducing inequalities; improving health through early detection; improving health through high quality services; improving health through research; protecting health. For ease of reference, the sections are colour coded. On page 94, the report also lists core tables for 2013 relating to key statistical data on, among others, population, birth and death rates, mortality by cause, life expectancy, immunisation and screening. The PDF document of the Core tables is available below. In addition to the core tables, a specific set of tables relating to various aspects of adults aged 18–64 years are published alongside this report.


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This bulletin summarises information on individuals referred to the Northern Ireland Substitute Prescribing Scheme (SPS). It relates to those referred up to and including the 31 March 2014 and focuses on those patients in contact with Substitute Prescribing treatment services during 2013/14.


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Infanrix IPV Boostrix-IPV Repevax Babies at 2, 3 and 4 months Children at 3 years 4 months (pre-school booster) Pregnant women New vaccines 2014 Two new vaccine brands – Infanrix IPV Hib and Boostrix-IPV – are being introduced into the national routine immunisation schedule in 2014, alongside Infanrix IPV and Repevax. This chart shows who they are for and aims to avoid the possibility of confusion between the brands. from 1 July 2014 from 1 June 2014 until 30 June 2014 Infanrix IPV Infanrix IPV Infanrix IPV Hib Infanrix IPV Hib Boostrix-IPV Repevax


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Summary points In Northern Ireland Genito-Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics in 2013 • New diagnoses of uncomplicated chlamydia increased by 1% ; 1,699 diagnoses in 2013 compared with 1,676 in 2012. • New diagnoses of uncomplicated gonorrhoea increased by 19%; 537 in 2013 compared with 451in 2012. • New diagnoses of genital herpes simplex (first episode) increased by 8%; 385 in 2013 compared with 357 in 2012. • New diagnoses of genital warts (first episode) decreased by 9%; 1, 989 in 2013 compared with 2190 in 2012. • New diagnoses of infectious syphilis increased by 3%; 72 in 2013 compared with �70 in 2012. �


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This report summarises data that is collected on the operation of the Northern Ireland Needle and Syringe Exchange Scheme (NSES). It relates to the twelve-month period between 1st April 2013 and 31st March 2014. The anonymised data is collected by the 14 pharmacies and 1 Trust-based service that participate in the Northern Ireland Needle and Syringe Exchange Scheme (NSES) which was introduced in April 2001.


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Annual quality reports are a recommendation of the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety's (DHSSPS) Quality 2020: a 10 year strategy to protect and improve quality in Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland.


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The Belfast Strategic Partnership, which is led by the Public Health Agency, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust and Belfast City Council, is launching the�Belfast Active Travel Action Plan 2014-2020 which aims to build a healthier city by encouraging people to incorporate walking and/or cycling into their daily travel.The travel plan aims to try to make Belfast a more vibrant city where people are healthy, fit, well-connected with one another, and use physical activity as part of their everyday lives.


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This report aims to provide an overview of HIV epidemiology in Northern Ireland by collating and analysing information from a number of sources. Although it reflects epidemiological trends over time, its main focus will be on data collected in 2013.