58 resultados para Nursing practice
A component of the Nursing Needs Assessment Tool. This document is the format for the Free Nursing Assessment Review. First review should be carried out within 3 months and annually thereafter.
This assessment tool is designed to assess the registered nursing needs of an older person needing long-term care.
The user guide describes how to undertake an assessment using the nursing needs assessment tool.
Project evaluation report on the development of public health nursing within children's services in areas of Down Lisburn Trust. Part of the Department's redesign of community nursing project
Foyle HSS Trust's Evaluation of community nursing project. Part of the Department's redesign of community nursing project.
Homefirst Community Trust's final report on the Glenfield Project. Part of the Department's redesign of community nursing project
South & East Belfast H&SS Trust's final report on Primary Care Integrated Nursing Model. Part of the Department's redesign of community nursing project
Sperrin Lakeland Trust's final report on the establishment of a treatment room service bureau. Part of the Department's redesign of community nursing project
Report describing the regional redesign of community nursing project commissioned by DHSSPS Nursing and Advisory Group in 2004
Report on the regional redesign of community nursing project by Deloitte
Evaluation of the nursing needs assessment tool and associated systems and processes.
District Nursing Services in Northern Ireland Regional Summary Health Services Audit
December 2005 - main findings in relation to referrals, quality of nursing, caseload management, deployment and twilight services
Racial Equality In Health and Social Care Good Practice Guide
Direct Payments are cash payments made in lieu of social service provisions, to individuals who have been assessed as needing services. Direct Payments increase choice and promote independence. They provide for a more flexible response than may otherwise be possible for the service user and carer. They allow individuals to decide when and in what form services are provided and who provides them, who comes into their home and who becomes involved in very personal aspects of their lives. Direct Payments put real power into the hands of service users and carers, and allow them to take control over their lives. Access to Direct Payments as a means of delivering social services in Northern Ireland has been available since 1996 under the Personal Social Services (Direct Payments) (Northern Ireland) Order 1996. Since then take up of Direct Payments has been limited in number with the majority being accessed in the physical disability programme. åÊ